Wednesday, December 30, 2009


In this continuation of the definition of MIND, let me again use my Bean writing program and its definition of MIND.
2 a person's intellect : his keen mind. • the state of normal mental functioning in a person : the strain has affected his mind. • a person's memory : the company's name slips my mind. • a person identified with their intellectual faculties : he was one of the greatest minds of his time. The problem with this definition is it mixes the brain and the I-MIND.

Let us clearly consider the words "intellect", "intellectual", and "intellectualism". All these words refer to the exercise of ones brain, and "thinking". When ones MIND, using its faculty of "DM=SI" [Defense Mechanism equals Subtle Insanity] feeds Delusional Thinking, or D-Think to the Left-Hemisphere of ones brain, this D-Think is converted from MIND-level energy into brain-level energy by ones Apapsyche. Without such conversion, ones brain would not be capable of perceiving this D-Think. As it is, ones brain is unable to differentiate the converted D-Think from its own normal processing of "thinking" ["thinking" is a process of choosing from and combining the data bits stored within ones brain]. What are "data bits"? Words, images, ideas, concepts, and memories that have been taken into ones brain by exercise of ones physical senses. This includes "abstract words", such as God, Soul, and MIND. None of these abstract words contain any "experience" other than experiencing the letters that make up the words, and the words themselves without any sense of what these words "stand for". To get a sense of the phenomenon I am speaking to, please pick up any book written by someone trained in BS&bp [Behavioral Science and the oxymoron "behavioral psychology"] and note how the author uses the terms brain and "mind" interchangeably. They do this because they do not know what the MIND is, or that they cannot "think" about the Esoteric vibrational energy of the MIND using ones brain or physical senses. In other words, it is not possible for ones brain to perceive the subtle energy of ones MIND realm. And yet.... almost every "psychologist" "thinks" that he/she "knows" what the MIND is. But if pressed to describe the MIND, the individual will describe the physical brain [and its operations... just like dictionary definitions of the MIND do]. And this individual will not at all realize that it is his/her MIND that is subtly feeding the Left-Hemisphere of his/her brain D-Think that convinces him/her that he/she does "know" what the MIND is. There is no way to dissuade such a person from what he/she believes. Because it is normal and natural for people to "believe" what they "think" is true. And it is the natural and normal "job" of the DM=SI of the MIND to make sure that such people do not "hear" or "see" anything that would cause such people to question what they "believe". Note that I am saying that it is perfectly "normal" and "natural" for people to believe they "know" what the MIND is, even though they do not Know what the MIND is. The Purpose of Life is automatically operating within every single person all the time. And the process of awakening to higher relative truths is a gradual and exceedingly long process. It takes many, many lifetimes in fact. And in the West, with our buying into the Christian insistence that we have but one life to live notion.... we are grossly misinformed regarding the Reality of Life. Every Soul has as many lifetimes as it requires to discover what it needs to discover. This is a basic Reality of Life. Much of the East, and mystics Know this to be true. But, in the West, we largely deny and ignore two-thirds of Life just like we are encouraged by BS&bp to deny and ignore the Esoteric two-thirds of Man. It is OK to live ones life in ignorance of ones MIND and Spiritual dimensions, but it is better to live life with Knowledge of these crucial dimensions of oneself. And when people seek understanding of the Esoteric nature of the MIND by searching for clues in a dictionary, the misleading definitions found in the dictionary do nothing positive for such people. When BS&bp adds to this deception and misinformation, the average person in America is in deep trouble. But perhaps you "think" that what people do not know, and cannot discover using the normal means of information gathering will not "hurt" them? In this you would align yourself with the vast majority of intellectuals. Hail thinking they cry. And persecute and imprison anyone who would claim to know something we do not. There is a subtle fear of the "Unknown" [the Esoteric dimensions within Man] within every single person. It is normal and natural for people to have this fear, and to have this fear cause them to resist any idea that is "foreign" to them. But occasionally a persons MIND will become "stuck" on repressing some misperception whose time has come to be released to that persons conscious awareness. This is explained in a paper I wrote regarding the term "Esotransmutation". This refusal [out of habit] of ones MIND to release some bit of dissociated Apapsyche [this is part of how ones personality is structured at the time of ones birth], causes what I refer to as a "conflict" within that person. This conflict is between ones Apapsyche demanding release, and ones MIND refusing to release it out of habit. It is this conflict that usually causes people to seek "professional" by BS&bp.... which often labels this experience of the person as some "mental illness". Again, BS&bp is convinced that there is nothing within a person that would cause the person to experience what the person is experiencing. Those in BS&bp "think" this because it is their own MINDs that are "protecting" them from being exposed to their own fear of the "Unknown". What they "think" is what their MINDs are causing them to "think" so that they remain ignorant of the Esoteric dimensions hidden within themselves. The people who write the definitions of words in dictionaries consult with those who are "experts" in mental health... presumably, so the D-Think of those in BS&bp will be reflected in the definitions one reads in dictionaries. In this way the entire nation can be kept in the dark. And those in BS&bp do not have their fear of the "Unknown" threatened, and they can continue to delude themselves into thinking that they know what they do not. The only people who suffer greatly by all of this are those individuals whose time has come to awaken to misperceptions from within themselves... only to be told by BS&bp that they are just mentally ill.