Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Where is the Home of the Soul?

And, let me begin by saying that the Home of the Soul is not "Heaven," which is where many religions "think" it is.  And perhaps the reason people "think" this is that the Bible speaks in Genesis 1:7 of dividing the "waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament..."  And whomever wrote the scriptures was a human being, who, like all human beings... believed that what he was writing was from God  [and not his own MIND].   The person who wrote the Bible was a human being whose thinking was [like that of mankind generally] quite "linear".  That is, based on use of the brain, which is physical,  and whose function is to think in a "linear" fashion.   And 'linear" simply means... first this physical thing, then that physical thing, and so forth.  A linear progression of physical phenomena, or words placed one after another, so that they make sense to oneself... if one does not question the logic of one's thinking...

The physical brain is simply not capable of thinking of two things at the same time. Which is what actually took place when the Creation was formed. That is, Creating the Creation consisted of a great many elements simultaneously occurring and many of these elements  taking place were then, and remain so today... quite invisible to the physical brain and its thinking. That is, the actual Creation [of which most people today believe is what they can see and think about] is a great deal more than what the brain can comprehend.   Which is the "REASON" the Soul of Man has not been found!  Nor God, nor Truth... etc.

 Then in Genesis, verse 8, the Bible says:  "And God called the firmament Heaven" and so forth.  My point is simply this... The Creation is not  a simple concept that can  be explained in a way the physical brain can comprehend,  nor is the Creation composed of just one dimension.  It is, in fact, composed of four entirely separate energy dimensions... and three of these are Invisible to Man.  And all exist simultaneously.

In this sketch, circle #1 represents the physical dimension, which includes all that one can see and think about.  #2, #3 and #4 are all Invisible to the brain and physical senses.  And yet #2, and #3 are part of Creation.  #4 is Reality, and it never changes.

 The Mystics tell us that #2 and #3 are two parts of the MIND [the Astral Region, and the Causal Region], which is attached to one's Soul, and the MIND is what enables us to "think" that our Souls are "part" of the Creation.  And the MIND also insures we live by the Law of Karma [the principle law of Creation].

The home of the Soul?  The Home of the Soul is the Pure Spiritual Dimension, or #4,  which is also part of the primordial Existence, which we refer to as God.  And the only part of Man that can perceive #4, is one's Soul, or an aspect of one's Soul we refer to as "Intuition".

When the physical form that a Soul is giving life to dies, the Soul returns to the Astral Region [which is called "Heaven"], and spends some time in the Astral Region, before it is incarnated into another life-form to enable it to continue its exploration of the Creation.  This is well-known in the East, but in the West... it is almost entirely ignored.  How come?  I suspect it is due to what I wrote in  the first paragraph.

 ... But I am quite willing to be wrong... if someone can tell me the reason that what the term "truth" stands for, or refers to...  cannot known by the brain of Man?  As proven to us by generations of philosophers  who have intellectually searched for Truth, but have yet to find it... The term Truth "stands for"  Invisible phenomena  that only exist in the Pure Spiritual Dimension.

Peace, 1 Brother James 

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