Sunday, November 14, 2021


 The Whole of Man consists of four simultaneously existing energy dimensions, three of which are Invisible to oneself.  And the reason for this is that who and what one is [in Reality] is (I believe) Neutral Spiritual Energy, or "NSgy" for short.  And NSgy is the Energy of God, we Souls, and it is also the primordial Energy of Existence.  We call this part of Man the Spiritual Dimension, and it includes one's Soul, and an aspect of one's Soul that I believe is one's faculty of "Intuition" [a special faculty that enables one to perceive all four dimensions which make-up the Whole of oneself... if one's faculty of Intuition is active?  To be active, one's Soul must have acquired a sufficient amount of "Consciousness".

Another term for Consciousness  is "Enlightenment".  That is, each human being has a Soul that is [or needs to be] slowly acquiring Consciousness... which is acquired by naturally Completing Karma.  And Karma is a Hindu term that refers to "action and  re-action".  The symbol for Karma is this: 

This symbol illustrates the Yin [female energy] and Yang [male energy], or the duality of Man, and the duality of Creation. it represents actions taken, and the return of those exact same actions taken against oneself.  And this symbol is a symbol for the Law of Karma, which God designed as the Primary Law of Creation.  This Law, put simply is this:  As you sow, so shall you reap.  And, as I said,  it is the Law of Creation that every living thing must answer to. We have no choice in the matter.

But, I was addressing the term "Invisible"...

In the Bible, in Genesis, verses 1 and 2, we read this: 

1. "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth.

2. "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep..."

The terms "without form" and "void" is a reference to what existed prior to the Creation.  Was God missing prior to Creation, or did the writers of the early scriptures assume God was "without form" or "void"?

I believe the Energy of God is "Invisible" to everything of the Creation, because the vibrations of the Creation are different than the vibrations of Existence [within which God formed the Creation by introducing "stepped-down"  Spiritual energies.  ]! A sketch to convey what I mean:   

The dark rectangle is the whole of Existence [which is also God], and the blue oval is Creation, which was Created "Within" a portion of Existence:  And Mystics tell us that God used stepped-down Spiritual energies to form the various elements of the Creation.

Another sketch illustrates this in a slightly different way:

#1 is the physical realm, #2 is the Astral realm, and #3 is the Causal realm. #4 is the Spiritual Dimension, and #4 is the Home of the Soul... which is also the dark rectangle in the previous sketch.


My point is that these four realms are composed of four different energy vibrations , or ranges of energy, and they form four different dimensions. And the only one our physical senses can perceive is #1, the physical realm.  #2 and #3 are the energies of the MIND [Invisible to us], and #4 is the Spiritual Dimension, also Invisible to us.

  So, when modern mental health  ignores #2, #3, and #4, it ignores the most important parts of Man.  And those people who are confined to the malady of Intellectualism [or dependent upon the brain while in denial of one's emotions], are not open to the faculty of Intuition "Within" themselves... which is the only way to communicate with these invisible dimensions from "Within" oneself.  And that is where we find ourselves today.

Peace, 1 Brother James



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