Showing posts with label Soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soul. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


  1. FACT NUMBER 1.    The Spiritual Dimension of energy is invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man.
  2. FACT NUMBER 2.  The MIND is invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man.
  3. Question?  Given these two facts, how can any sane person conclude that God does not exist?

  4. This sketch illustrates the Whole Human Being, and the fact that only one dimension of Man is physical, which includes the brain. 
    This means that three dimensions of Man are invisible to the brain.  So what is the Atheist telling us?  That his or her level of Consciousness is confined to the brain.  = Unenlightened.
  5. Isn't this interesting?

  6. This definition above is all about the brain and fear.
  7. brain:  
  8.   The physical  brain is Located in the Skull,   But  the MIND is not physical.  It  is #2 & #3.
  9. The MIND is composed of two Invisible bodies of energy...and it is the MIND that allows the Soul to explore, experience, and feed the brain thoughts that the brain thinks are its own thoughts. I refer to such thinking as "D-Think," which stands for Delusional Thinking.  Which is most thinking.
  1. Does this definition define  the MIND in any meaningful way? The brain "thinks" what the MIND feeds it.
  2. The MIND is composed of two invisible energy realms within Man, neither of which can be known by use of the brain.  One is the energy of the Astral region [Lower MIND], and the other is the energy of the Causal Region [Higher MIND].
  1. So, in what way does knowing  the term MIND intellectually  enable you to differentiate between your thinking and your Intuition?  Intuition is a subtle accessing of your own Consciousness... which your brain "thinks" [if it is even aware of your Intuition] that you  are just engaged in clever thinking.  Do you follow what I just wrote?  Your MIND fools the brain much of the time.fferentiate between Intuition and the delusional thinking fed to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain, which  causes us to "think" that we "know" what  we have not experienced. 
  2.  In other words, your brain cannot experience the energy of your MIND directly, and mistakes the word MIND  as the same as "brain"... which modern psychology encourages.  Many in psychology today use the terms "brain" and "MIND" interchangeably.   This is delusional thinking.
So, what is an Atheist?  It is the label of a person whose ego fears not knowing the Truth, and out of fear... just says that God is an Illusion.  Know what's really funny?  What is the Illusion is the Creation in which everything we can see and think about is subject to change, which means  it is not REAL!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, March 28, 2024


 A simple sketch to illustrate how much Man cannot know regarding Reality by use of the brain and thinking. The entire set of four boxes represents the whole human being.  What we can perceive by use of our brain is #4, and that means that 1, 2, and 3 are all invisible to the brain and our thinking.

Number 1, 2, and 3 are all in visible to the brain.  Number 4 is the physical realm, and it is easily known by simply using one's physical senses.  Doing so is called "Intellectualism"...which is a subtle form of denial practiced by one's MIND.

Isn't this interesting ?

Check me on this, and just ask people if they were aware of this... or not?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



 The Law of Karma is the universal Law of Creation, impacting every living thing in Creation, and in Man it is represented by one's MIND...  which is in charge of making sure that one's Fate Karma for this lifetime is fulfilled completely.  Thus, what you "think" is fed to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain as thoughts, words, and ideas directly from your MIND via a subtle form of communication that eludes discovery by one's brain.

The primary concept of the Law of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  This simply means that every action you take is recorded by your MIND, and the universal MIND [each of us has his or her own MIND - located in the Astral Realm, inside of one's physical body], and it is one's own MIND that arranges for each such action you have taken against another to be taken against you [in some lifetime] so that you eventually come to "realize" that it is unwise to do certain things.  Learning these "lessons" is always painful, but Man tends to be a difficult student to each.

A symbol for the Law of Karma is this symbol "

  The Yin-Yang symbol stands for opposites, good vs bad, male vs female, etc.  By the way, your brain is physical, and your MIND is entirely invisible to your brain and your physical senses.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, March 23, 2024

regarding God, or the term Spirituality... But first...

 The term "Reality"...

  1. Like most definitions, the definition of "Reality" above is intended for people who are confined to the brain and thinking to appraise their existence, and this is a trait of people who are given to "Intellectualism".   The more one is dedicated to Intellectualism [use of the brain to view and understand existence].  The peculiar fact is... both the term Reality and that of Truth refer to phenomena that cannot be acquired by the physical brain or thinking. A definition of Intellectualism is posted below:

The term God is an English term that stands for what people think of as the Source of Creation, and the entity that exists as the center of Spirituality.  And to close our exercise in Intellectualism... let us try and imagine a Reality that is beyond the brain and thinking.  A reality that is invisible to one's brain and physical senses.  And that takes us to the Reality of God and Truth.  Both of which reside "Within" Man, and yet neither of which is visible to one's brain or one's physical senses.

So, if we cannot physically perceive God, or the Energy of God, or Truth... how do we search for God or Spiritual  Energy ?  The term "Soul" refers to a resident of the Reality of Spirituality that exists "Within" Man.  A Soul also exists in every living thing in the Creation [which is an Illusion that we are convinced is real].  And this last sentence is one that most people will have difficulty believing.  It is very difficult to "imagine" that everything one is attached to in the Creation is part of a grand Illusion.  But the fact is, everything you see and care about is part of the Illusion of Creation... regardless  how unlikely that may seem to us.

So, where are we going with this particular blog, you would be justified in asking?  What I am doing in this  series of blogs is simply speaking to one  element of Reality, which is that of Spiritual Energy, or "Neutral Spiritual Energy," which I refer to as "NSgy".  Note emphases upon the term "Neutral".  I believe that God is neither good, nor bad, but is Neutral.  And Neutral means Absolute, Constant, and Unchanging.  It also means Permanent, Loving, and a form of Oneness that can only be Known by being part of that Oneness.  To be other than these attributes is to be alien to Reality, and caught up in an Illusion... or Imagination. It likely strikes one as strange that the material Creation is an Illusion, while Reality is other than material?  But perhaps it is attachment to labels that is confusing us?

God sends special Souls into the Creation to draw to themselves those Souls that are "ready" to begin a most difficult, involved, and unimaginable journey back Home to God.  A small portion of the Earth's population believes what I just said to be true.

So, this blog is about the mostly unknown phenomenon of discovering God, one's own Soul, and how one learns to tell the difference between Reality and Illusion.  It's about what I have learned, and  what I am continuing to learn about Reality as opposed to the Illusion.

Peace, 1 Brother James