Saturday, November 6, 2021

A Few Words About Prostrate Cancer...

About a year ago, I went to the VA facility in Vancouver, WA.  I was having difficulty urinating, and... But why the V.A.?   In 2015, I believe it was, both  my  daughter's had urged me sign up with the V.A.  So, I  signed up to take advantage of my Veteran benefits with the VA.  Then in 2019, I was having difficulty with my eyesight, and I went to the V.A.  It turned out that I needed  cataract surgery.  I underwent the surgery with the VA, and the experience was hugely successful. That was two years ago.

More recently, I experienced a problem with urination, which turned out to be a problem with my Prostrate... and that experience is what prompts me to write this blog.

I am 86 years of age, and I have lived a life pretty much free of medical services.  Except for my tonsils at age nine, and my appendix at age eleven.  But then, I volunteered for the  Army in 1954.  I was eighteen at the time.  I was ordered to report for  basic training at Fort Ord, California.   It was also called "Fort Pneumonia by the Sea".  The reason for this was that  a large number of recruits  contracted Pneumonia during their training there.  During my 18 weeks of training, I came down with Pneumonia twice... causing me to miss my scheduled "graduation".  When I did finally finish my training, half of my class went to Korea, and half went to Germany.  I went to Germany, and that was in 1954, the last year of U.S. "Occupation".

But back to the present...   And the subject of Cancer.  I went to the V.A. facility in Vancouver, WA., in  2020.  And I underwent a number of appointments with a number of people over the next several months... and they stuck things into my penis, into my rectum, and I also underwent several blood tests.  Then I was scheduled for a Cat Scan.  Then I underwent a biopsy, which proved I did indeed have Cancer. But, I never had an appointment with someone who "personally" dealt with treating Cancer?  Although a medicine was prescribed for me to take.  It was Bicalutamide.  And in about week, or perhaps two weeks,  I felt a large lump growing in each breast.  And these grew quite rapidly, and they were quite painful.

Then my equilibrium was effected. Then I experienced pain in my back, and in an area between my hip bones.  And my sinus began to drain profusely, so that I was having to blow my nose continually. At the same time I was very tired, and weak, and I lost my appetite.  And I then read the "side-effects" of the medicine I had been given...  all of my symptoms were listed as "side-effects" of Bicalutamide!

Then the VA arranged for me to have a "Pet Scan" with a machine owned by Oregon Health Science University, or OHSU.  What that scan proved is that my Cancer was not just confined to my prostrate. And suddenly I was quite alone ... as though no one wanted to tell me that over the many months I was being "examined"... my Cancer had been spreading.

So, here I am.  And an express package just arrived, containing another prescription of Bicalutamide.  As though I would actually want to destroy my body in an attempt to deal with a Cancer that no one wants to admit not knowing what to do, except "remove my testicles". 

At some time in the "future"... I expect I may get an appointment with someone who will tell me that my Cancer is now beyond hope of dealing with...  But I can of course continue destroying myself with Bicalutamide.

Why do I mention all of this ?   Primarily to tell others that if they suspect having a Cancer, then do some research to find people who are having success in dealing with Cancer.  And unless you need to punish yourself, avoid the "medicine" called Bicalutamide!

And... it is never too late to get straight with God, regarding your life, and your attachment to it!  Your Soul is immortal, and it makes no difference how your body dies... your Soul is immortal, and you will be born again, into a new life.  And the more you are attached to God, the more likely it is that you will  not have to return to this physical plane again.

Peace, 1 Brother James 

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