Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A New Blog About a Most Important Topic... Your 'I-MIND' !


  There are a great many things in life that we human beings are not aware of... and yet, we could not function without these "things"!  The MIND of Man is one of these things.

And in this blog, we will refer to the MIND as 'I-MIND' because it is entirely Invisible to our physical senses.  So the "I" will remind us that to assume a person can use one's intellect to "learn" what the  'I-MIND' is,  or how it operates by use of one's brain... is a silly thing to attempt to do... although many [including the field of psychology] will continue to do this! cutting the brain into smaller and smaller pieces as it searches for an I-MIND that isn't there.

Let us not be shy, nor coy, nor naive about the 'I-MIND' of Man.  The 'I-MIND' that is assigned to your Soul has been with your Soul since your Soul first entered the Creation.  And take a moment or two to adjust to what I just wrote... because I just wrote that several things are True... even though they are ignored and denied in the West!  In the West we are taught to worship the brain and thinking.  This practice is called "Intellectualism," and it is a subtle form of mental illness.  And we will be discussing this quite a bit in subsequent blogs.

Man has not found the Soul within Man because the Soul is composed of an Energy that is entirely Invisible to all parts of Man... except for an otherwise Invisible bit of Energy  Known as the faculty of "Intuition".   And we will discuss "Intuition" in this blog.  It is fitting that this first blog about the 'I-MIND' be focused on one's faculty of Intuition because your faculty of Intuition is the most valuable faculty you possess!  It is also the only way to Know the unknown parts of yourself.

The meaning of intuition is a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence : a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why. See more meanings of intuition

Some years ago, I coined the term "ExperTuit" which combines the two terms experience and Intuition.  And specifically,  "ExperTuit" refers to the unique ability Man has to tap into [or perhaps more precisely] open oneself to awakening to bits of Truth via one's faculty of Intuition... in which one suddenly seems to KNOW something that one never knew before, and having awakened to this new bit of Truth, one's thoughts and beliefs are suddenly altered.  And strangely, one finds that one is unable to tell anyone what one has suddenly awakened to?
And the reason one is unable to tell another what one now KNOWS... is that what KNOWS is a new bit of Truth that neither one's brain (nor one's I-MIND) is aware of.  Because what one now KNOWS... is a new bit of Truth.  And what one experienced in obtaining this new bit of Truth requires what I refer to as ExperTuit... in which one's faculty of Intuition has just awakened to a bit of Truth that has been transferred to one's "Conscious Awareness"... which is another aspect of one's Soul that one's faculty of Intuition can access.  I refer to this special faculty of Man as one's Conscious Awareness, or "C-Awar," which might also be what we refer to as "Conscience," or what philosophy has searched for as the "Self"?
What makes me "think" that I Know what I am talking about?  I don't "think" what I Know, because the brain will never KNOW the bits of Truth that I am referring to.  I have Intuited what I Know just like others have Intuited what they Know.  One either Intuits a bit of Truth, or one does not possess that bit of Truth!  And the reason for this is simply that Truth does not exist on this physical plane of existence. So, if you ExperTuit a bit of Truth... what happens is that your "Attention" [an aspect of your Consciousness] subtly shifts out of your brain (where your Attention usually stays) and into your Consciousness (via your faculty of Intuition), and your Intuition is presented with a new bit of Truth!
And this is not uncommon for people who are Enlightened to some degree!  And "Enlightened" simply means that one's Soul has acquired a greater level of Consciousness that includes more bits of Truth than most people possess.  And we will also discuss this phenomenon, but not in this blog.
And, of course in speaking about a person who is Enlightened... I am speaking about a Soul that has acquired more bits of Truth.  And is this possible for a Soul  to do if one's Soul only has "one life to live"?  And the answer is no, of course not! 
Both the term Reincarnation and that of Transmigration are valid terms and each refers to "normal" aspects of Life... that are just denied in the West.  So to end this first blog, let me say that there are a great many terms we in the West have not been taught, nor properly introduced to.  Such as Reincarnation, Transmigration, and the Purpose of Life?
Peace, 1 Brother James 

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