Thursday, December 23, 2021


 Until you have been a sexual deviant, how would you know what being a sexual deviant is like?   

The correct answer is... you can't possibly know what it is like to be a sexual deviant, until you have been a sexual deviant... even though you may have been one and not known it!   A second question is this... how many people know whether or not they are sexual deviants... since it is entirely possible to be a sexual deviant and not even know one is a "closet" deviant.  A "closet deviant" is someone who engages in sexual activities, but entirely alone, in fantasy, while using various objects as part of one's fantasies... so that no one even suspects he or she is a sexual deviant.

My final question is perhaps the more important question... and that question this:  What causes a person to be a sexual deviant... regardless what kind of sexual deviant one happens to be, or whether one recognizes one is a sexual deviant or not?  And this is what this little blog is about.  That is, what causes a person to be a sexual deviant in private, and risk being discovered at any time... and yet, one is "driven" to engage in one's private program of sexual deviancy?

And, by the way, human beings are not alone in sexual deviancy.  Have you ever seen a dog mount a person's leg, and attempt to engage in sexual conduct with that leg? This blog suggests that the matter of sexual deviancy is due to a mental illness, and this illness [the actual CAUSAL for the deviancy] is entirely non-conscious to oneself.

And this blog is not so much about the act of deviancy, but is more about the "reason" one engages in deviant sexuality?   The "reason" is to be found hidden "Within" one's MIND, or I-MIND -- and this means the reason behind one's being driven to engage in sexual deviancy is entirely repressed from that person's conscious awareness.  Unfortunately, today modern mental health  denies the MIND, or I-MIND,  and thus, this illness tends to be fairly wide-spread.   [I prefer the term "I-MIND"]... to remind us that the "cause" behind  this illness is entirely  Invisible to oneself... without proper help, which is very hard to find today.

Every instance of confused, obsessive, or deviant sexuality is due to deeply repressed "misperceptions" by one's I-MIND taken-on at the time of one's birth.  I use the term "misperception" to specifically refer to something one's I-MIND takes on as a part of one's personality.  This belief is mistaken, and it is a natural tendency of the I-MIND of every child to "take-on" beliefs about who and what the personality of a child is in this lifetime.  The principal source of these misperceptions  are the repressed misperceptions stored "Within" the I-MIND of one or both parents.  And let us stress the fact that these are "misperceptions" held "Within" the I-MIND of either parent... or solely part of the Fate Karma of the child "Within" whom these misperceptions are held!  The Law of Karma is the term for a process, designed by God, and whose job it is to insure that every Soul acquire Knowledge... naturally obtained by experiencing (and ultimately Completing) Karma:  As you sow, so shall you reap!

The phrase "Fate Karma" is the psychological programing every Soul brings into this lifetime as the blueprint for this lifetime.  This of course requires one to believe in both Reincarnation and the Law of Karma.  The Soul is immortal, and it shifts from one life-form to another, depending upon how it deals with the Fate Karma it comes into life to face and deal with.

And let us slip into our discussion at this point the fact that "LIFE" has a purpose, other than simply playing the role of various life-forms.  The Purpose of life is for a Soul to explore and experience the Creation, for as long as that Soul requires to reach a point of satiation.  And that is another story for another time.

My point in this blog is to simply inform readers that to engage in sexual deviancy is due to one or more deeply repressed "misperceptions" taken-on at the time of a child's birth.  And the exercise of one's deviancy is an attempt by the "Conscience" of one's Soul to address some "misperception" taken-on by the I-MIND as a child.

Sadly, the nature of a misperception has nothing necessarily to do with reality, but is based on a misperception of one's I-MIND.  And too, it also causes one to engage in behaviors that attempt to deal with a non-conscious psychological need... while concealing what one is doing at the same time.  Needless to say, this  creates a deep-seated sense of anxiety for the person who is caught-up in this activity.

The stuck place this creates is made worse by the ignorance of modern mental health and its denial of the I-MIND of Man, which results in a wide-spread fear of any sexual behavior that is unusual.

The only means of dealing with a misperception is to uncover the origin of one's misperception... which requires a special Gestalt process whereby one's Attention is facilitated in traveling from one's brain into one's I-MIIND, and there re-visiting the trauma of that misperception from "Within" one's I-IMIND.  Needless to say, there are not many Psychotherapists  who deal with actual Psychology of the I-MIND today.

A viable alternative would be to engage in a dialogue with God, by simply requesting help with dealing with the unwanted patterns of your I-MIND.  If you are brave enough to acknowledge being driven to engage in some pattern that you would prefer to not engage in...  then be humble enough to admit to yourself that you need help!  But one must be "sincere" in one's desire to change.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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