Showing posts with label Karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karma. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2024



Who knows the answer to this question?  And why is the answer not taught to us in school?

The reason the answer is not taught to every child is that precious few people in history have ever known the answer to this question.  How about you.... do you know the answer?

What do we know, about Man?  What we know is based on what the brain can know, and that is confined to physical phenomena... or abstract terms that stand for elements our physical senses cannot perceive... such as Soul, God, Truth, Reality, Spirituality, and so forth.  Have considered the fact that what your brain can know represents one quarter of who and what Man is?

What do I mean by that?  Well, this little sketch illustrates what I am talking about:

In this sketch I have illustrated the four parts of the Whole Human Being (WHB), and #1 is the entire physical dimension of Man. #2 is the Lower MIND (or the Astral region of Man], and #3 is the Higher MIND (or the Causal region of Man), and  #1, #2, and #3 are all Invisible to the brain and our physical senses. #4 is the Soul and Spiritual Dimension of Man.

 The fact that the MIND of Man is invisible to the brain and our physical senses is the reason modern psychology has abandoned the MIND, and has decided to just deal with the physical brain and thinking about "Mental Illness".  This was encouraged by a Behavioral Scientist named B.F. Skinner, who [unknown (or unrecognized by) himself]... intellectually believed that the MIND was... well, let us let Skinner tell us what he thought:

 In this quote, Evans quotes Skinner as saying that he (Skinner) believed that anyone who believed in the MIND was suffering  a form of "animism"... or imagination.   And this belief by Skinner, oddly enough, was fed to the Left-Hemisphere of his brain by his own MIND as it's way  of keeping him stuck in his belief that everything could be understood by the use of Intellectualism... or his intellectual idea that if he could not find the MIND by use of his brain... then the MIND just didn't exist.

And the field of psychology and mental health at the time had not fully adopted the beliefs of Freud, or that of Fritz Perls,  and the field was dominated by scientist-type individuals whose approach to everything was by use of "Intellectualism," which simply means thinking about things by use of the brain...  which means using the Left-Hemisphere of the brain [which is confined to the physical realm of existence].

The part of Man that is capable of perceiving elements of the MIND is [I believe] a faculty of one's Soul which is labeled "Intuition".  And Intuition is not much valued [or even talked about in the West], so it is understandable that Skinner, and others who were stuck in Intellectualism would not "think" of the faculty of Intuition.

In my own study and work relative to the Esoteric dimensions of Man, I realized how valuable the faculty of Intuition is, and I have focused on trying to develop my own faculty of Intuition since it is absolutely required if one hopes to properly  engage in Gestalt Psychotherapy. 

What is the "Purpose of Life"?   The answer  is this:  The Purpose of Life is for we Souls to literally "explore and experience the Creation".  By the way... [we Souls are Pure Spiritual Energy (which I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" for short) ... and our Souls are immortal ! We are here to  "learn all about the Creation by actually existing in the Creation".  That is, by living in physical bodies in a physical Creation we get to experience everything the Creation provides.  But... how many people [especially in the West] realize that their  Souls are immortal, and they do not die?

The entire Creation is operated under the Law of Karma, which is described like this:   "As you sow, so shall you reap."  And this Law is an absolute Law.

Instead of the death of the person, the only part of the person that dies is the physical body.  At the time of death, the Soul and MIND of a person simply shifts into the Astral body, and then either spends time in a hell [for remedial education], or in some Heaven [for rest and relaxation].  This entire process is called Reincarnation.

 And "Reincarnation" just means being born into a life-form, and then living in that life-form until it dies, and then reincarnation again.  This concept is taught in the East, and they refer to the many life-forms into which we Souls can incarnate as the "Wheel of Eighty-Four".  That is, 8,400,000 different life-forms into which we Souls can incarnate.  And if you are a typical person living in the West, then the concept of Reincarnation  is most likely unknown to you.  Isn't this interesting?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, March 29, 2024

the CREATION and that of DUALITY...


 Would "life" in the Creation be possible if the Creation was not composed  of opposite and opposing Energies?  Such as indicated by the Yin-Yang symbol?

And the answer to the question of duality just might help explain the reason absolutes such as God, Truth, and Reality have not been found in our exploration of the Earth and Creation thus far?  Are "absolutes" simply not present in the Creation?  And if they do not exist in the Creation, where then do they exist, if they exist at all?  Is it possible that the "Creation" exists... but it exists separate from a hidden Reality that Man cannot discover by making use of the tools that Man is aware of possessing?  And these "tools" are invisible to Man... and "only exist" in a Spiritual Realm that is entirely separate from the Creation?

What if duality was actually an Illusion, like William Shakespeare said... when he likened life to a "stage, upon which we people were all actors"?  The idea that the Creation could be an Illusion is, of course, too far fetched to be given much credence.  And yet, what he suggested is True... at least it is the Truth that many great Mystics have taught for a very long time.

The realm of Pure Spirituality, according to these great Mystics, does exist.  And they were teaching  this little known Truth long before the birth of Christ.  

For anyone interested in this particular area of study, I highly recommend a book written by Julian Johnson, entitled "The Path of the Masters," and this book is available in many libraries.

Imagine that... we are born, we live, and we die... and how few people pause living life long enough to even think about death... and what might happen after one dies?   And my suggestion that what we know of as "life" is actually a most involved and amazing Illusion... is dismissed as nonsense.

A Pure Spiritual Reality does exist, but it is entirely invisible to the brain and our physical senses.  It is invisible because it exists as a Realm of absolute Energy that  exists simultaneously with, and even supports the "Creation" we think is the only reality there is.  The Illusion we know as the Creation exists as a duality of opposite energies operated by the Law of Karma, which was designed by God. And one's Soul is immortal, and it is born into what is known in the East as "the wheel of eighty-four".  That is, according to Mystics, there are 8,400,000 different life-forms that we Souls can be born into, and the process of re-birth is called "Reincarnation".  And the entire process is controlled by the MIND, and each Soul has a MIND attached to it that operates according to the Law of Karma.

And all the above is taking place continuously... and the only people who know this are Souls that are ready to begin their journey back Home to God... and they are reluctant to say anything because what they KNOW is not something others want to hear.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, March 28, 2024


 I coined the symbol "NSgy" around the year 2000, and it came from the phrase "Neutral Spiritual Energy".  "NSgy" came from this phrase like this:   Neutral Spiritual Energy. That is... NSgy. And I believe that the Energy of God is Pure NSgy, and that there are degrees of NSgy which are not Pure NSgy. That is,  stepped-down levels of NSgy that are invisible, but less than Pure NSgy.  We speak of these stepped-down levels by the names Causal Realm,  Astral Realm,  and the Physical Realm [ or Creation].

A listing of these Realms would be, from highest to lowest... The Spiritual Realm, the Higher MIND realm [the Causal Realm], the Lower MIND realm [the Astral Realm], and the Physical realm... which of course refers to the Physical Universe.

Other commonly known names for the stepped-down levels of NSgy are Consciousness, Soul, Heaven, Hell, Knowledge, Intuition,  MIND [the Causal plane and the Astral plane], truth and intelligence. And all realms or degrees of NSgy other than the Physical Realm are invisible to the brain and physical senses of the various forms in which NSgy can manifest.  In other words, a tree has a Soul, but the Soul of a tree is not very advanced in its development, understanding, or experience.

In the East, students fortunate enough to attend school... are taught the above concepts as part of their basic education.  This general belief in God, and in the various realms and elements of Creation that are normally invisible to Man are part of most Eastern religion and education.  In the West, various forms of Christianity, reflecting many kinds of interpretations of the Bible [written long after the time of Christ], present equal amounts of speculation as to what Christ meant to convey, and the belief systems of those who present us with their beliefs of what Christ meant to convey.

NSgy exists in all living things in existence as a "Soul".  And the level of NSgy possessed by a Soul determines the Life-form inhabited by that Soul... and this idea is based on the term Reincarnation, which is the term for the fact that the Soul is immortal, and does not die, but is re-born into another life-form at the end of each lifetime.  And this entire process is the responsibility of the Law of Karma.  And it is one's own Fate Karma that is being directed by one's MIND, as it directs the thoughts and actions of one's brain.

So, when it is said that "God is "Within" you," what is being referred to is that the Soul that exists "within" every living thing in existence is an aspect of God.  Now, when you couple the term "Reincarnation" with the term "Soul" and the phrase "the Purpose of life"... you get the process of Life: Which is for each Soul to continue to be born into one of 8,400,000 forms of life on Earth in a continuing process until a Soul acquires a sufficient amount of Consciousness... that enables that Soul to begin to realize it is lonely... [not for a mate, but to rejoin its Father God]. And this "inner" loneliness of one's Soul drives a person to actively search for God.  And God then lovingly leads each Soul to begin to search for a representative of God on Earth [known in the East as a Perfect Living Master].

Thus, be kind to others who are unknowingly searching for the Master they have yet to realize they are searching for.  God is always aware and on time relative to we Souls.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



 The Law of Karma is the universal Law of Creation, impacting every living thing in Creation, and in Man it is represented by one's MIND...  which is in charge of making sure that one's Fate Karma for this lifetime is fulfilled completely.  Thus, what you "think" is fed to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain as thoughts, words, and ideas directly from your MIND via a subtle form of communication that eludes discovery by one's brain.

The primary concept of the Law of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  This simply means that every action you take is recorded by your MIND, and the universal MIND [each of us has his or her own MIND - located in the Astral Realm, inside of one's physical body], and it is one's own MIND that arranges for each such action you have taken against another to be taken against you [in some lifetime] so that you eventually come to "realize" that it is unwise to do certain things.  Learning these "lessons" is always painful, but Man tends to be a difficult student to each.

A symbol for the Law of Karma is this symbol "

  The Yin-Yang symbol stands for opposites, good vs bad, male vs female, etc.  By the way, your brain is physical, and your MIND is entirely invisible to your brain and your physical senses.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, March 23, 2024

regarding God, or the term Spirituality... But first...

 The term "Reality"...

  1. Like most definitions, the definition of "Reality" above is intended for people who are confined to the brain and thinking to appraise their existence, and this is a trait of people who are given to "Intellectualism".   The more one is dedicated to Intellectualism [use of the brain to view and understand existence].  The peculiar fact is... both the term Reality and that of Truth refer to phenomena that cannot be acquired by the physical brain or thinking. A definition of Intellectualism is posted below:

The term God is an English term that stands for what people think of as the Source of Creation, and the entity that exists as the center of Spirituality.  And to close our exercise in Intellectualism... let us try and imagine a Reality that is beyond the brain and thinking.  A reality that is invisible to one's brain and physical senses.  And that takes us to the Reality of God and Truth.  Both of which reside "Within" Man, and yet neither of which is visible to one's brain or one's physical senses.

So, if we cannot physically perceive God, or the Energy of God, or Truth... how do we search for God or Spiritual  Energy ?  The term "Soul" refers to a resident of the Reality of Spirituality that exists "Within" Man.  A Soul also exists in every living thing in the Creation [which is an Illusion that we are convinced is real].  And this last sentence is one that most people will have difficulty believing.  It is very difficult to "imagine" that everything one is attached to in the Creation is part of a grand Illusion.  But the fact is, everything you see and care about is part of the Illusion of Creation... regardless  how unlikely that may seem to us.

So, where are we going with this particular blog, you would be justified in asking?  What I am doing in this  series of blogs is simply speaking to one  element of Reality, which is that of Spiritual Energy, or "Neutral Spiritual Energy," which I refer to as "NSgy".  Note emphases upon the term "Neutral".  I believe that God is neither good, nor bad, but is Neutral.  And Neutral means Absolute, Constant, and Unchanging.  It also means Permanent, Loving, and a form of Oneness that can only be Known by being part of that Oneness.  To be other than these attributes is to be alien to Reality, and caught up in an Illusion... or Imagination. It likely strikes one as strange that the material Creation is an Illusion, while Reality is other than material?  But perhaps it is attachment to labels that is confusing us?

God sends special Souls into the Creation to draw to themselves those Souls that are "ready" to begin a most difficult, involved, and unimaginable journey back Home to God.  A small portion of the Earth's population believes what I just said to be true.

So, this blog is about the mostly unknown phenomenon of discovering God, one's own Soul, and how one learns to tell the difference between Reality and Illusion.  It's about what I have learned, and  what I am continuing to learn about Reality as opposed to the Illusion.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, March 22, 2024

The Most Common Source of Anger... Is Your MIND Protecting You from What It Holds Hidden Within Itself...

 And once again, we have the question of what is the MIND?

At this point, let me simply say that the MIND is what enables us to identify with the Illusion of Creation. And by "us" I mean the Soul of every living thing in the Creation.  Because every living thing has a Soul. And what differentiates one Soul from another is the level of Consciousness a particular Soul has acquired while existing in the Creation.   I wonder if I can visually illustrate this point?

The Creation is an illustration. The yellow represents the Spiritual Realm, which is the only realm that is Real in an absolute sense. This Reality is composed of Pure Spiritual Energy [I refer to as "NSgy"] Neutral Spiritual Energy.  The Illusion of Creation includes the MIND realms [the Causal Realm and the Astral realm], plus the Physical Realm that the MIND convinces the brain is real.  Truth cannot be found in the physical realm because Truth is an absolute, and all absolutes are part of Reality, which is permanent and does not change.

So, unless you happen to be a "Saint" [A Soul that is God-Realized], you most likely believe that the Creation is real and that "heaven" is hidden somewhere in space.  This is what most religions teach.

Back to the MIND.  The MIND is not Real in an absolute sense, although it is more real that one's physical body and brain.  And the role of your MIND is to make you believe that the Creation is real, and that your life is real, and that  you die at the end of your life.  And most people, especially in the West, do believe that when a life-form dies on Earth, it's Soul goes to either Hell, or Heaven.  And this belief is only partly true.  The thing is... your Soul is immortal and it does not die.  When you die, you awaken in your Astral body [a part of your MIND], and you are escorted to a form of judgement where you review your just completed life, and a determination is made as to where your Soul needs to go in order to "learn" from what you experienced in your just completed life?  The whole purpose of life on Earth is to allow you to fully and completely experience all there is to discover about the Creation?

Life on Earth is about experiencing the Creation... beginning as a one-celled organism, and then progressing up the scale of life-forms until you are ultimately born as a human being, which is as high as life gets in the Creation].  And all of this is done under the rule of the Law of Karma.  The short definition of which is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  And the Mystics speak of the "Wheel of Eighty-Four", which refers to the fact that there are 8, 400,000 different life-forms on Earth that we Souls can explore.  And each "human being" has progressed to the highest life-form that can be experienced in the Creation.  And the name for this is Reincarnation, wherein a Soul progresses up the scale of life-forms as that Soul "earns" the ultimate right to be born as a Human Being.

And those Souls who are aware of what I have written here are fairly advanced Souls that are most likely searching for a Perfect Living Master, or Saint, to whom that Soul will be drawn for what is called "Initiation".  Or, that special time in the life of a Soul when the Lord God arranges for that Soul to "find" a Saint who will Initiate that Soul in a special Spiritual Path that leads that Soul back Home to God.  And... about the MIND?

When a person gets angry, what is causing that anger is a person's MIND diverting that person's Attention from his or her MIND [within which some deeply repressed emotional trauma is being stimulated] .  Thus, the anger is a  psychologically "safe" course of action  because it is artificial and generated as a good way to divert that person's Attention from the deeply repressed trauma hidden within that person's MIND, and is projected outward to some person, or event outside that person.   And once this "habit" is created by that person's MIND, it is quickly habituated so that anytime that repressed trauma is stimulated, that same bit of anger will arise.

This process is simply your  MIND protecting you from discovering that deeply repressed trauma, the exposure of which is greatly feared by you... because your MIND believes you are "guilty" of what you, as a tiny baby,  "took-on" as a "misperception"  of who and what your Soul must be!  And this happens to virtually everyone who is born.  Deeply repressed and very frightening misperceptions that we take-on as part of the structure of our Self-view for this lifetime.  It is just the way we are set-up by our own Karma to form a certain personality...that helps us emotionally explore and experience life on Earth.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, March 18, 2024


Awareness is a unique term because it quite often (includes) a reference to both one's physical senses and another element of Man that  usually goes unnoticed by [and is normally invisible to] one's intellectual consciousness.

And what is that other element, you might ask?

The other element is an aspect of one's MIND, and its energy, which is that of emotion.  And that emotional element would be a form of emotional energy such as anger, fear, grief, impending doom, anxiety, impatience and other subtle states of being we "experience"... but only [kind-of], since our MIND does a masterful job in hiding these "states of emotion" from our intellectual consciousness... and for the most part we remain unaware of being in these "states". 

We tend to deny and ignore these brief states of experience because there is nothing in our physical environment to warrant or justify such an emotional state of being.

So, what "causes" these seemingly inappropriate states of emotion in us?  Well, it's one's own MIND reacting to some subtle [and entirely repressed bit of emotional traumata hidden deep within one's own MIND]... that has been triggered by some subtle emotional message one's MIND has just "picked up" from the subtle, and otherwise invisible MIND-level message from  the MIND of someone in our present environment.  And none of this is taking place on a level capable of being perceived by one's brain or one's physical senses.

You see, your MIND operates quite independently from your brain and its thinking.  Indeed, it is your MIND that feeds the "thoughts" your brain "thinks" it has generated...[I refer to this as "D-Think," which is to say... "Delusional Thinking," , and it is delusional because it is directly tied to a "script" that is known in the East as one's "Fate Karma" (which is the "Plan for this life that each of us has and is following).  So, in contrast to what we in the West think... we do not really have "free-will," but rather a plan for our life that we have designed by what we have done in our previous lifetimes.

But back to the term of "Awareness".  When your MIND picks up some subtle emotional message from the MIND of someone in your environment, what is happening is that the "message" is intended to stimulate some emotional response in your MIND [which it does].  But this is all taking place at a level of  Awareness that is not perceived by your brain or your intellectual level of awareness.  It is taking place at a "Mental" [invisible] level of your MIND, which then feeds thoughts to your brain, and your subsequent words or actions  may appear to on-lookers as an inappropriate expression by you to what another has said or done?   And neither you nor the person whose MIND message has stimulated your response are aware as to the "reason" for your reaction?

And the above scenario is taking place everywhere on Earth continually... and very few people are aware of what is taking place.

And now you have a part of the story that is virtually unknown, but it is an important element in how life is going on in an Illusion that most people mistake as the only Reality there is.  The Law of Karma never rests, and it is always spot-on in how it operates... in spite of how we "think" it should be.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, March 2, 2024

WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? Or, what should it be?

 Put as clearly as I can state it... Psychology "should be" a study of what causes a person to be who and what he or she is, and whether or not that person can change or alter his or her personality via a special process of Psychotherapy? 

Do you know the difference between thinking that something might be true, and the actual experience of that something from "within" yourself via your faculty of "Intuition"... which provides you the actual "Conscious Knowledge" of that something?  But, what have I just said, precisely?

What I have just alluded to is what the Gestalt Psychotherapy [initiated by Fritz Perls, many years ago] could have become... if it had not been altered by the destructive force of the natural tendency of the Left-Hemisphere (L-H) of the brain of Man [and promoted by many intellectuals, including B.F. Skinner... note quote of Skinner below].  And that brings us to what this blog is primarily about.  That is, the natural nature of the two Hemispheres of the brain and how this  duality  prevents a majority of people from discovering that there is a MIND that rules the Left-Hemisphere of the brain, but this connection between the MIND and the brain is essentially "invisible"... and therefore, a great many people believe that what they "think"... is true... when what they "think" is quite far from the Truth.

By the way, Truth does exist.  But it ONLY exists in a realm of Pure Spiritual Energy.  And I have labeled this realm "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" for short.  And the only thing I have found that makes a [Conscious] connection with this realm of NSgy is one's faculty of "Intuition," which I believe is an aspect of one's Soul.

In a book by Evans, Richard I., Entitled B.F. Skinner: The Man and His Ideas. Published by E.P. Dutton & Co. 1968, Skinner is quoted as saying the following:

"A child is influenced and changed as a biological entity by things that happen to him, but the notion that somehow or other the child of our past is still contained within us is a form of animism which serves no useful purpose in explaining present behavior."

In this quote, Skinner is quite clear as to his belief that there is no MIND in Man that can determine a person's "present behavior". And Skinner was not alone in  thinking this.  It is unfortunately believed by many intellectuals today who, like Skinner, are essentially ruled by their thinking and the Left-Hemisphere of the brain.  They think that if something cannot be proven to exist physically, then it does not exist.  What causes this?  The cause of such thinking is simply a lack of "Conscious Awareness".  That is, they possess a level of Consciousness that is not sufficiently developed to enable them to make use of the faculty of "Intuition" from "Within Themselves".

You see... a great many elements that are widely known in the East are not known in the West.  Reincarnation is one such element.  The fact that one's Soul is immortal is another element.  And there are other elements to Life in the Illusion we face here on Earth that are simply not taught to us in the West.  No wonder the East seems so foreign to us in the West.

 There are about 331.9 million people in America, and yet, we don't teach young people the reason they are on Earth?  Do you know the reason for your being on Earth?  If not, have you at least thought about what the reason might be?  There is a reason for our being here.  And we will get to it in this blog eventually... but at the moment, let us consider the term "mental"... as in mental health.

You do realize that the term "mental" refers to the human MIND, right?  And your MIND is not your brain. Your brain is a most complex muscle located in your skull... while your MIND is composed of two different energy realms, each of which is quite invisible to your brain, or your physical senses.

No wonder so many young people today have so little respect for their parents, or for adults in general.  Imagine getting old, and preparing to die, and you have no idea what awaits you after death? All because no one taught you what the Purpose of Life is... so you might prepare yourself for your own death!

Well, let me share with you what I have learned in the last 50 years.

No doubt the most difficult thing I have learned in my life is this:

            "Truth cannot be described in mortal language."

And I read this statement in a book entitled  "Light on Saint John," written by Maharaj Charan Singh ( The previous Spiritual Master at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, located in Beas, India), in 1967.

Your Soul is immortal, which means it does not die.  Your physical body dies, but that is not who or what you are.  And when you die, you find yourself in your Astral body [a subtle energy body that resembles your physical body], and you also find yourself in the Astral Region, which is another entire region of existence, existing  simultaneously with [but invisible to] the physical Earth.

And, before a person who has just died leaves the realm just beyond this physical dimension... [a realm existing between the physical and Astral realms] he or she can see people who are part of this physical dimension.  Until the person who has died is escorted further into the Astral Region, where various Heavens and Hells reside [and yes, there is more than one Hell].  And while on this point, the reader might be surprised to learn that the Purpose of Life is for we Souls to explore and experience the Creation.  But "why" is the question?

The answer to the question of why are we here... is not  something one's brain can answer adequately... since one's brain will never experience what the answer requires by way of Knowledge.

The brain is well-versed in words one's brain knows of the tangible and material Earth.  But, the Earth and the entire Creation is... in actuality, a most amazing Illusion.  And who among the possible readers of this blog believes that the life we know is an  Illusion?

 To actually experience the Illusion of this Creation, one must be open to accepting that oneself is part of the Illusion itself.  And operating behind an invisible curtain of this physical Creation are several invisible realms, the last of which is the Pure Spiritual Realm that is Home to one's Soul.

One's Soul is part of that Spiritual Reality, and is thus invisible. And finally, one's Soul is composed of the same Energy as the Creator, which we refer to as God. No wonder then that we human beings [who are part of the Illusion of Creation] are unable to find the Soul, Truth, Reality, or God... since they all operate in dimensions other than that of the physical plane of an Illusion we believe is real.

And we acquire Knowledge by Completing Karma... slowly over many, many lifetimes.   Truth is fourth dimensional Knowledge, or Absolute Knowledge, [which is Truth, and it does not change], but information changes constantly. Truth is synonymous with full Consciousness.

The Bible is  quite correct in what it says, but it is simply a segment of the Whole History of Man.  It just can't convey Truth, or Absolute Knowledge, because there is no written language for Absolute Knowledge, Truth, or Spiritual Reality. We simply cannot perceive Reality by physical means.  So, what do we use to discover the Truth?  We must use "direct perception"... But "direct perception" requires use of one's Soul.  The closest thing we have is the term "intuition," which is an aspect of one's Soul.

Aside from the book "Light on Saint John," another book that speaks to all of this is The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson, and it is available in many libraries.

My point being... we Souls  are immortal, and we have as many lifetimes as we desire in which to explore and experience what the Creation has to teach us... which is both good and bad.  And the process that is designed to take care of all of this is called the Law of Karma. And this Law was designed by God, and it applies to every living thing in the Creation.  And now you know more than most people educated in the West.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, March 24, 2022


The principle reason is... each of us has lived a great many different lifetimes that naturally condition how we impact and respond to this lifetime.  However... unless you are raised in the East, you may not be aware of the concept of Reincarnation?  Or the concept that the Soul is immortal, and that we Souls have as many lifetimes as we require to fulfill the "Purpose of Life"... which is to play let's pretend in the garden of Life until one's Soul becomes completely satiated with what the Creation has to offer!

And it is not at all surprising if the reader is not familiar with what I have just written.  In the West, we are raised to believe that the Soul only has one life to live.

Whereas, in Reality, we have as many lifetimes as we want or need to experience in order to fulfill whatever desires we can imagine exploring.   We have an unlimited time frame in which to explore and experience what the Creation has to offer us.   But  the design of the Creation is such that the Reality of Life is really well hidden.

In addition, there is the Law of Karma, which was designed by God, and whose definition is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  So, everyone of us alive today has been in the Creation since it began... some say 43 million years ago. Are you tired of playing in the Creation yet?  If not, there's a great many things left to explore. And  the cycle of four more Ages  [which will begin at the close of Armageddon],  beginning with the Golden Age, then the Silver Age, then the Copper Age, and finally another Iron Age.

For me, and speaking personally, of course... I am quite ready to leave the Creation.

There is a point, for every Soul, I believe... in which the wonder of life... begins to change, and instead of one focusing on the many wonderful things one has not as yet experienced, one begins to notice poverty, crime, violence, hatred, and other seemingly natural aspects and miseries of life.  That which allows one to "see" [and to feel] the pain and suffering of others is called empathy.  And empathy is the natural result of having experienced pain and suffering oneself.. in who knows how many lifetimes?

So, on that  note, let me close with the popular saying:  Have a nice day!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, March 21, 2022

Let's define "INTUITION"... Unless you Know what it is??

 Intuition is a faculty of one's Soul, associated in some way with what we refer to as "Attention," which is the ability that one's Soul affords one to apply understanding to what one's brain and physical senses can perceive of what one experiences. Then there is that part of Attention that also perceives phenomena whose vibrations are beyond the purview of the brain and our physical senses.  This range of existence is normally invisible to most people. Unless a person has an active use of "Intuition" available to him or herself.  Intuition is therefore dependent upon one's level of Consciousness, or one's level of Enlightenment of one's Soul.  In other words, at what level can one perceive elements of Truth that exists just beyond the perception of most people?



  1. The extent or range of activity, function, power, or competence; scope. synonym: range.
  2. Range of vision.
  3. Range of understanding or experience.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.


So, what is "Intuition"?  The term "Intuition" is the ability to perceive normally invisible phenomena by one's faculty of Intuition, which is an aspect of one's Soul, which is also a part of one's ability to perceive a level of phenomena that is normally invisible to most people.  We tend to refer to such people as "Enlightened".

 A question might be:  ... is it possible for a person whose Attention remains in the Left-Hemisphere of the brain much of the time [a thinker type person], to experience "Intuition"?  And if not, why not"?

Or put another way... can a person use the Left-Hemisphere of the brain to perceive phenomena that is normally invisible to the brain?  The answer is no, it is not possible.

The brain has two hemispheres.  The left-hemisphere is the thinking part, and the right-hemisphere is the emotional, aesthetic, and avenue to the Spiritual hemisphere part... the more important hemisphere.

I believe that what we refer to as "Intuition" is a faculty of one's Soul, and that it is only active in people whose Soul has acquired a substantial amount of Consciousness.  And what is Consciousness?

Consciousness can be defined as the level of Spiritual Energy a person's Soul has acquired as a consequence of Completing Karma, and thus converting that experience of Karma into experiential Knowledge, which is confined to the Spiritual Realm or Dimension of that person.  And such Knowledge provides that person bits of Knowledge, or bits of Truth, which are stored 'within" what I refer to as Conscious Awareness, or C-Awar for short.  I believe that which I refer to as C-Awar is what philosophy searches for under the name "Self".

In order to 'create' Karma, one's Soul & MIND must use the Soul's Spiritual Energy to 'create' the Karma. And every bit of Karma one's Soul has explored requires a "bit of Spiritual Energy to create". This in turn creates a draw-down of the Soul's Spiritual Energy (which I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy").  This draw-down subtly reduces the Soul's  own Spirituality... which is the reason so many Souls have forgotten who and what they are?

I hope this has been helpful in explaining what Intuition is, and a bit of how it works.  Too bad we don't explore the breadth and Reality of Spirituality in the West.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, March 19, 2022


Believe it or not... the reason is strictly self-serving!

The fact is, in the West, we are largely uneducated in the principle Law of Life, which is the Law of Karma.  The Law of Karma was designed by God [so it is an absolute Law], and it applies to everything in the Creation... which means we Souls. 

The basic definition of the Law of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap!"  In other words, for every action you take, that same action will be taken against you!   ... if not in this life, then in some future life... and yes, your Soul is immortal, and Reincarnation is a fact, not a theory. 

Every living thing in the Creation has a Soul.  It is the Soul within every living thing that sustains the life of whatever physical form a Soul is in presently.  And not only is Reincarnation a fact, but Transmigration is also a fact, and Transmigration is the name for when a Soul acts like an animal... rather than a human being... and that Soul must spend time  as an animal to insure that it no longer needs to act like an animal! 

What makes the Law of Karma so unusual is that it is based on an absolute sense of fairness and justice!  And no Soul eludes this Law.

So, when Christ said to give your coat to someone who asks you for your coat, but in addition... give that person another coat [just in case you might owe that person two coats]!  Christ was speaking of the Law of Karma, in other words.

That is one aspect of this blog.  The other aspect is that the Law of Karma is administered by one's I-MIND, and all the Karma you owe is known by your I-MIND.  And each of us comes into this lifetime with a "Fate Karma" that is based on trying to clear a portion of the Karma that we owe. The problem with this arrangement is... we tend to create more Karma in a lifetime than we can work through. The result, of course, is that at the end of each lifetime, we wind up with increasing our burden of Karma rather than reducing it! 

What does that have to do with being more "forgiving"?  Well, what causes Karma is emotional energy being turned into physical action of some kind... including "anger," or "resentment," or "holding a grudge". 

And forgiveness is literally forgiving a person's actions against oneself, or a person's words spoken against oneself.  And to forgive... again we are told by Christ to "forgive"... because Christ knew that the result of not forgiving means creating a Karmic debt that one then has to pay in some way.  And "pay" means receive the same energy as we refuse to release from "Within" oneself!  Christ was simply trying to tell us that we are much better off by letting go of our anger or resentment than holding on to it, which automatically draws the same energy back to ourselves!

Over the last couple decades I have practiced this basic principle, and it really does work.  So, I share this with whomever is wise enough to "see" the wisdom of what Christ taught?  Remember, nothing happens to us that we do not have coming to us!  This is true, whether one believes it is true or not!

Peace, 1 Brother James 

Thursday, March 17, 2022


 The "strange" part of this discussion revolves around two elements that modern psychology ignores entirely.  1.  The fact that the Soul is knotted together with one's I-MIND, and as long as one's I-MIND remains attached to one's Soul, both are immortal, and thus reincarnate into new physical bodies after death.   And 2,   the MIND [or I-MIND]  is an invisible operation that takes place "Within" Man, by influencing the brain and physical body via subtle electrical impulses in the brain, and by impacting one's nervous system... in ways too complex for me to comprehend. However, I can and will attempt to explain how these elements impact the I-MIND [and thus personality] of a newborn child.

To begin with, we must consider the operation of the Law of Karma.  This law was designed by God, and it applies to every living thing in the Creation. And the basic premise of the Law of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  And your record of Karma is maintained in the "Book of Life," mentioned in the Bible, and your I-MIND also keeps a full record of all the Karma you have or will be involved in... lifetime after lifetime.

And it is one's "Fate Karma" that -- each Soul brings into its new lifetime [largely reflecting aspects of your last lifetime plus bits and pieces of Karma that can be worked into your new lifetime] that is the primary blueprint of the Karma you must face and deal with in this lifetime.  And it is this collection of Karma that determines the blueprint for  your personality in this lifetime.

But this is just the blueprint...  The personality structure itself is formed by your I-MIND [shortly after birth] reaching out to the I-MIND of each parent - to gather certain data.    And your I-MIND is looking for personality elements [fears, trauma, and what I refer to as "misperceptions"...  A "misperception" is a negative belief one's I-MIND holds regarding who and what one's Soul is...  And this is most certainly a "misperception" [because one's Soul is never not Perfect, and an aspect of God].  But this is in REALITY... and the I-MIND deals in an Illusion that we "think" is real... which is the result of our having been on this Earth for a great many lifetimes:  Each one of which subtly shifts our Attention  from  being a Spiritual aspect of God, to being dependent upon the I-MIND.

This is the super subtle trap every Soul is caught within... that virtually no Soul realizes... until a Soul eventually finds itself being attracted to a Mystic, who [like Christ said to those who were attracted to him:  I have come for my marked sheep, or words to that effect].

But back to the formation of Personality.   The I-MIND of a child reaches out to the I-MIND  of each parent [if both are present],  and the I-MIND of the child is looking for elements that will "fit" the Fate Karma the I-MIND of the child has come in to address in this life. 

In other words, the I-MIND of the newborn is searching for repressed elements "within" the I-MIND of the parent, or parents, and the I-MIND of the child will take-on those negative elements with which the I-MIND of the child can be caused to involve itself in... so as to confront the bits of Karma contained in the Fate Karma of that child for this lifetime.

How the I-MIND of the child does this is what Psychology should be about... however, modern psychology simply ignores the I-MIND of Man, following the mistaken notions of B.F. Skinner in the early  1900s. And both psychology and mental health today are in the dark regarding the role Psychology should play in our life.

Three things are needed to develop a competent Psychotherapist: 1. Someone who is naturally Intuitive. 2. Someone who's level of Consciousness causes that person to be Enlightened.  And 3. A person who is extremely curious about the I-MIND and how it works?

Alas, today the field of "psychology" seeks people who are involved in Intellectualism, which means use of the brain while in denial of one's emotions. The energy of the I-MIND is emotional energy.

As I said... to properly study the I-MIND and its operations is a very strange field, indeed.  We should all be much kinder to each other than we are.  We are all suffering from our ignorance regarding the Reality  of Life, and how we Souls can find our way back Home?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, March 13, 2022


 Let us begin with the basic structure of how we operate.

We have a physical brain...

Which is located in one's skull:  And the brain has two hemispheres. One is left-hemisphere [L-H], and the other is the right-hemisphere, or [R-H].

Your brain and your skull are part of one's physical body:  Which is part of the physical Creation... [as opposed to other parts of existence that are not physical], but are Invisible to us...which is important to realize. And to emphasize this point I did this sketch:

Which illustrates the Whole Human Being, or WHB. However, #1 is the only part of oneself that one's brain can experience!  This means that three of the four dimensions of Man are INVISIBLE to one's brain and one's thinking.

And, being invisible does not mean these invisible parts of oneself are not important; nor does it mean they are not continually active "Within" oneself!  For instance, #3 of the sketch feeds Delusional Thinking [or "D-Think"] to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain, and your brain is unable to distinguish between your regular thinking and D-Think!

And this means that if your I-MIND [Invisible MIND] wants you to think something is true, then your I-MIND feeds D-Think to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain, and you believe what you think.

How does one counter this automatic situation?  Only by "learning," over time, how embarrassing it is to think something is true, only to have  what one thinks be proven wrong.  Each such "lesson" is "taken to heart" so to speak... if the emotional pain [of which we are aware only if our "Attention" is located in the Right-Hemisphere of our brain] takes place.  Otherwise the emotional pain is repressed from our conscious 'awareness.  Although it does occur, even if we are not aware of it.

As long as one's Attention [a faculty of one's Soul] is fixed in the [L-H] of the brain, one cannot be aware of one's emotional energy, which is the energy of one's I-MIND.  This is the reason those people who seem to be missing their emotion are missing their emotion. That is, they spend a great deal of time locked into the L-H of the brain.

In my own case, I spent from age 3 to 43 unaware of my emotions because at age 3, I ordered my I-MIND to keep me unaware of my emotions... due to an intense traumatic event that took place when I was 3 years of age.  This realization was re-experienced by me during a Gestalt Psychotherapy session when I was 43, facilitated by an excellent Gestalt Psychotherapist.  This means that from age 3 to 43, I was cut off from my own emotions.  Sadly, this is not that unusual.

And my point is... the I-MIND "Within" ["Within" means that one is not aware of whatever the term "Within" is referring to], and although it is taking place...  whatever "it" is, is invisible to us.  And one's I-MIND normally operates "Within" us and we are quite unaware of it taking place... until we "think" certain thoughts. And who do you know who questions where his/her thoughts come from? At least successfully does so?

The operation of one's I-MIND is supervised by the Law of Karma, which is the primary Law of Creation, and the Law of Karma was designed by God, and it applies to every living thing in Creation. And the operation of this Law is an absolute, and thus... all we see of it are the results of it's operations which manifest in our experiences on this physical plane.  The definition of the Law of Karma should tell us what we need to know about this Law:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".

And no Soul [regardless what physical form it is in, in this lifetime, is  exempt from this Law.  So this means that everything that occurs to one in this lifetime... is what one did in some previous lifetime.  And this is true, regardless whether one wants to believe it, or not?

So, every thought or action you take becomes a part of what your I-MIND holds "Within" itself.  And it is the Law of Karma that determines what happens to us in each lifetime we live... and yes, this flies in the face of what most people think in the West.  So, can we really trust our thinking?  Does one have an alternative?  Yes, one does, but to exercise that alternative, one must deal with a great deal of repressed material hidden "Within" one's I-MIND... and virtually everyone is most reluctant to do this!  Because it is scary to look "Within" the unknown hidden "Within" oneself... plus, what is locked "Within" one's I-MIND is not meant to be known... until it is.

A well-trained, and naturally Intuitive individual can be trained to facilitate another person in the discovery of deeply repressed material from "Within" him or herself if... it is time for that material to become known to that person?  Otherwise, repressed phenomena remains repressed, and it is what one's I-MIND uses to insure that one adheres to one's "Fate Karma" for this lifetime!  It is simply the way Life works.

Now, we can finally address how people operate on a day to day basis.

The reason a wise person forgives others is that the wise person realizes that others are just as locked into being who they must be in this lifetime as oneself is... but then, not everyone is as forgiving as he or she might be... because in the West, we are not encouraged to seek the Truth. Because in the West, we are taught to distrust our Intuition, and to instead trust our thinking... which means trust what one's I-MIND feeds one as Delusional Thinking.  And  D-Think is [at best] relatively true.  Truth does exist, but only "Within" one's own faculty of Intuition.

And one's faculty of Intuition is confined to Truth, which means limited to Knowledge, which is only obtained as a result of Completing bits of Karma. And this needs some explanation... that may be difficult for some people to accept or embrace?  The Reality of Life is difficult for some to accept because it initially seems contrary to the teachings of Christianity.  But if one can accept the fact that "teachings" are produced by people... then we can forgive people for being people... since three-quarters of each person is invisible to that person.

The Soul of Man, and God, are (I believe) composed of a special kind of Energy I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" as a symbol. And NSgy is only visible to one's Soul, or to one's faculty of Intuition [when one's faculty of Intuition is located "Within" one's Spiritual Dimension].  This is the reason the Soul is invisible to Man.  It is also the reason God cannot directly manifest to Man.  The physical Man simply cannot experience the super-subtle Energy of NSgy.  Only one's faculty of Intuition can perceive NSgy, and ONLY when one's faculty of Intuition is located in the Purely Spiritual Dimension itself.

Again... four separate dimensions, each with its own range of vibrations, and three of these are INVISIBLE to Man.  So, the faculty of Intuition seems to be quite important.  Strange then that Intuition is so actively avoided in our American education?   At opposite poles are the brain and one's faculty of Intuition.  One can think about life, or one can experience it via one's faculty of Intuition... if... one is Enlightened enough to do so?

The term Consciousness refers to the level of awakened Spirituality that a person's Soul has acquired [by Completing Karma over many, many lifetimes]!  But with Christianity insisting that Man only has one life to live... it is difficult for most people to accept that the Soul is immortal, and that we Souls have as many lifetimes as we require to reach a point where we begin to be open to the Reality of Life.

So, where is each Soul on the ladder of life?  And how does one even begin to imagine such a thing when we are told that we only have one life to live?  In the West, we have a huge intellectual barrier to break through in order to imagine the existence of a Truth so different than what we have been encouraged to believe.

I highly recommend the following book:

The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson.   And this book is available in many libraries.

Peace, 1 Brother James