Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Talk about things that are too strange to believe... and you have your I-MIND and the primary law of Creation, designed by God, which is known in the East as the "Law of Karma".  In the West, there are people who believe that because the Law of Karma is not mentioned [as the Law of Karma] in the Bible, then there must not be a Law of Karma.  Such people are gravely mistaken, but then, they will eventually discover this for themselves.

The most surprising aspect of the Law of Karma that I have discovered over the last fifty years is that no one experiences any negative energy [negative action directed against oneself] that isn't "DUE" oneself... in response to  some negative action you took against another person in some past lifetime.  In other words, the Law states:  "As you sow, so shall you reap"!  So, first you engage in some negative action against another person, and only then will that same action be taken against yourself. 

The Law of Karma is a Perfect Law.  It is Perfect in that an action is taken against oneself only  in response to you having taken the exact same action against another person.... in some lifetime.  And yes, we Souls have numerous lifetimes, and not all of them as human beings, by the way.  If,  in some lifetime  you act more like an animal than a human being, then you may be born in your next lifetime as an animal, and such a birth is referred to as "Transmigration" of one's Soul.  That is, being born in a lower life-form in order to "satisfy" some animalistic characteristics that you obviously had not completed before being born as a human being.

Again, the Law of Karma is a Perfect Law.  And it was designed specifically so that each of us receives only what we deserve... because we have earned it!  If you are mean to one or more people in some lifetime, then expect to be mistreated in this or some other lifetime... in precise response to what you did to one or more people!

And too, if you are kind to people in a lifetime, expect that people will be kind to you in this lifetime.  Again, as we Sow, so shall we Reap!  It's the Law.  If for example you were generous in your last lifetime, expect that you will be treated generously in this  lifetime.   In all respects what we receive in this lifetime is what we have "earned" in one or more previous lifetimes.   What could be more FAIR than that?

Now, how does your I-MIND set you up for the receipt of your Fate Karma for this lifetime?  One's  I-MIND makes sure that one attends to the Fate Karma one came into this lifetime to experience.  And this is true for every single person.  It does this by feeding what I refer to as Delusional Thinking [or D-Think] to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain.  And your brain "thinks" it is the source of your thoughts, so of course your brain automatically engages in what your thoughts encourage you to do;  or act; or desire, etc. ... at the same time, someone with whom you have Karma will receive from his or her own I-MIND Delusional Thinking that makes sure that he or she is where the two of you will play-out the Karma the two of you are supposed to engage in.  And you will call it an "accident," or whatever term "fits"  the situation.  

And... regarding this event... if it is negative, and you are angered by what happens, and you are unable to "Forgive" the person [with whom you had the Karma], then that event is not cleared... but will come around again, and again... until you finally Forgive the person that bit of Karma.  This is a part of the Law of Karma.  And it is an important part of the Law.  And in the Bible, Christ mentioned it by telling people that they should "Forgive  others"!

Each of us has an invisible load of Karma that we are obligated to Completing! We carry this load from lifetime to lifetime... until it is removed by oneself Accepting responsibility for  the Karma, and by Forgiving entirely the person who is returning one's own Karma back to oneself!  Remember... your Soul is composed of NSgy, and every bit of Karma that one has not taken care of...  is a bit of one's own Spiritual Energy that is held by the Law of Karma and the Creation, until one finds  a way to force one's I-MIND to assume responsibility for causing the bit of Karma in the first place, and one's I-MIND must also Forgive the person returning one's own Karma.

What did Christ say about forgiveness?  In the Bible, Christ answered a person regarding the number of times a person should forgive another like this:  "Seven times seven".    There is no end of Forgiveness of another, in other words.

Your Soul is an aspect of the same Energy as that of God, which is NSgy.  And we Souls support the I-MIND that is attached to our Souls when it uses our Spiritual Energy to "Create" a bit of Karma for us to experience.  The problem is, your I-MIND enjoys you acting out the Karma it creates for you to experience.  So, your I-MIND has no actual reason for Completing a bit of Karma.  This then makes the role of your Soul Completing a bit of Karma even more difficult. 

I hope this explanation of how the Law of Karma operates and how we are involved  in the Karma, and how it must be Completed somehow helpful for the reader.  That is, hopefully, the reason we need to Forgive, and Accept responsibility for the Karma is better understood.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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