Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2024


 I coined the symbol "NSgy" around the year 2000, and it came from the phrase "Neutral Spiritual Energy".  "NSgy" came from this phrase like this:   Neutral Spiritual Energy. That is... NSgy. And I believe that the Energy of God is Pure NSgy, and that there are degrees of NSgy which are not Pure NSgy. That is,  stepped-down levels of NSgy that are invisible, but less than Pure NSgy.  We speak of these stepped-down levels by the names Causal Realm,  Astral Realm,  and the Physical Realm [ or Creation].

A listing of these Realms would be, from highest to lowest... The Spiritual Realm, the Higher MIND realm [the Causal Realm], the Lower MIND realm [the Astral Realm], and the Physical realm... which of course refers to the Physical Universe.

Other commonly known names for the stepped-down levels of NSgy are Consciousness, Soul, Heaven, Hell, Knowledge, Intuition,  MIND [the Causal plane and the Astral plane], truth and intelligence. And all realms or degrees of NSgy other than the Physical Realm are invisible to the brain and physical senses of the various forms in which NSgy can manifest.  In other words, a tree has a Soul, but the Soul of a tree is not very advanced in its development, understanding, or experience.

In the East, students fortunate enough to attend school... are taught the above concepts as part of their basic education.  This general belief in God, and in the various realms and elements of Creation that are normally invisible to Man are part of most Eastern religion and education.  In the West, various forms of Christianity, reflecting many kinds of interpretations of the Bible [written long after the time of Christ], present equal amounts of speculation as to what Christ meant to convey, and the belief systems of those who present us with their beliefs of what Christ meant to convey.

NSgy exists in all living things in existence as a "Soul".  And the level of NSgy possessed by a Soul determines the Life-form inhabited by that Soul... and this idea is based on the term Reincarnation, which is the term for the fact that the Soul is immortal, and does not die, but is re-born into another life-form at the end of each lifetime.  And this entire process is the responsibility of the Law of Karma.  And it is one's own Fate Karma that is being directed by one's MIND, as it directs the thoughts and actions of one's brain.

So, when it is said that "God is "Within" you," what is being referred to is that the Soul that exists "within" every living thing in existence is an aspect of God.  Now, when you couple the term "Reincarnation" with the term "Soul" and the phrase "the Purpose of life"... you get the process of Life: Which is for each Soul to continue to be born into one of 8,400,000 forms of life on Earth in a continuing process until a Soul acquires a sufficient amount of Consciousness... that enables that Soul to begin to realize it is lonely... [not for a mate, but to rejoin its Father God]. And this "inner" loneliness of one's Soul drives a person to actively search for God.  And God then lovingly leads each Soul to begin to search for a representative of God on Earth [known in the East as a Perfect Living Master].

Thus, be kind to others who are unknowingly searching for the Master they have yet to realize they are searching for.  God is always aware and on time relative to we Souls.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



 The Law of Karma is the universal Law of Creation, impacting every living thing in Creation, and in Man it is represented by one's MIND...  which is in charge of making sure that one's Fate Karma for this lifetime is fulfilled completely.  Thus, what you "think" is fed to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain as thoughts, words, and ideas directly from your MIND via a subtle form of communication that eludes discovery by one's brain.

The primary concept of the Law of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  This simply means that every action you take is recorded by your MIND, and the universal MIND [each of us has his or her own MIND - located in the Astral Realm, inside of one's physical body], and it is one's own MIND that arranges for each such action you have taken against another to be taken against you [in some lifetime] so that you eventually come to "realize" that it is unwise to do certain things.  Learning these "lessons" is always painful, but Man tends to be a difficult student to each.

A symbol for the Law of Karma is this symbol "

  The Yin-Yang symbol stands for opposites, good vs bad, male vs female, etc.  By the way, your brain is physical, and your MIND is entirely invisible to your brain and your physical senses.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, March 23, 2024

regarding God, or the term Spirituality... But first...

 The term "Reality"...

  1. Like most definitions, the definition of "Reality" above is intended for people who are confined to the brain and thinking to appraise their existence, and this is a trait of people who are given to "Intellectualism".   The more one is dedicated to Intellectualism [use of the brain to view and understand existence].  The peculiar fact is... both the term Reality and that of Truth refer to phenomena that cannot be acquired by the physical brain or thinking. A definition of Intellectualism is posted below:

The term God is an English term that stands for what people think of as the Source of Creation, and the entity that exists as the center of Spirituality.  And to close our exercise in Intellectualism... let us try and imagine a Reality that is beyond the brain and thinking.  A reality that is invisible to one's brain and physical senses.  And that takes us to the Reality of God and Truth.  Both of which reside "Within" Man, and yet neither of which is visible to one's brain or one's physical senses.

So, if we cannot physically perceive God, or the Energy of God, or Truth... how do we search for God or Spiritual  Energy ?  The term "Soul" refers to a resident of the Reality of Spirituality that exists "Within" Man.  A Soul also exists in every living thing in the Creation [which is an Illusion that we are convinced is real].  And this last sentence is one that most people will have difficulty believing.  It is very difficult to "imagine" that everything one is attached to in the Creation is part of a grand Illusion.  But the fact is, everything you see and care about is part of the Illusion of Creation... regardless  how unlikely that may seem to us.

So, where are we going with this particular blog, you would be justified in asking?  What I am doing in this  series of blogs is simply speaking to one  element of Reality, which is that of Spiritual Energy, or "Neutral Spiritual Energy," which I refer to as "NSgy".  Note emphases upon the term "Neutral".  I believe that God is neither good, nor bad, but is Neutral.  And Neutral means Absolute, Constant, and Unchanging.  It also means Permanent, Loving, and a form of Oneness that can only be Known by being part of that Oneness.  To be other than these attributes is to be alien to Reality, and caught up in an Illusion... or Imagination. It likely strikes one as strange that the material Creation is an Illusion, while Reality is other than material?  But perhaps it is attachment to labels that is confusing us?

God sends special Souls into the Creation to draw to themselves those Souls that are "ready" to begin a most difficult, involved, and unimaginable journey back Home to God.  A small portion of the Earth's population believes what I just said to be true.

So, this blog is about the mostly unknown phenomenon of discovering God, one's own Soul, and how one learns to tell the difference between Reality and Illusion.  It's about what I have learned, and  what I am continuing to learn about Reality as opposed to the Illusion.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, March 22, 2024

The Most Common Source of Anger... Is Your MIND Protecting You from What It Holds Hidden Within Itself...

 And once again, we have the question of what is the MIND?

At this point, let me simply say that the MIND is what enables us to identify with the Illusion of Creation. And by "us" I mean the Soul of every living thing in the Creation.  Because every living thing has a Soul. And what differentiates one Soul from another is the level of Consciousness a particular Soul has acquired while existing in the Creation.   I wonder if I can visually illustrate this point?

The Creation is an illustration. The yellow represents the Spiritual Realm, which is the only realm that is Real in an absolute sense. This Reality is composed of Pure Spiritual Energy [I refer to as "NSgy"] Neutral Spiritual Energy.  The Illusion of Creation includes the MIND realms [the Causal Realm and the Astral realm], plus the Physical Realm that the MIND convinces the brain is real.  Truth cannot be found in the physical realm because Truth is an absolute, and all absolutes are part of Reality, which is permanent and does not change.

So, unless you happen to be a "Saint" [A Soul that is God-Realized], you most likely believe that the Creation is real and that "heaven" is hidden somewhere in space.  This is what most religions teach.

Back to the MIND.  The MIND is not Real in an absolute sense, although it is more real that one's physical body and brain.  And the role of your MIND is to make you believe that the Creation is real, and that your life is real, and that  you die at the end of your life.  And most people, especially in the West, do believe that when a life-form dies on Earth, it's Soul goes to either Hell, or Heaven.  And this belief is only partly true.  The thing is... your Soul is immortal and it does not die.  When you die, you awaken in your Astral body [a part of your MIND], and you are escorted to a form of judgement where you review your just completed life, and a determination is made as to where your Soul needs to go in order to "learn" from what you experienced in your just completed life?  The whole purpose of life on Earth is to allow you to fully and completely experience all there is to discover about the Creation?

Life on Earth is about experiencing the Creation... beginning as a one-celled organism, and then progressing up the scale of life-forms until you are ultimately born as a human being, which is as high as life gets in the Creation].  And all of this is done under the rule of the Law of Karma.  The short definition of which is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  And the Mystics speak of the "Wheel of Eighty-Four", which refers to the fact that there are 8, 400,000 different life-forms on Earth that we Souls can explore.  And each "human being" has progressed to the highest life-form that can be experienced in the Creation.  And the name for this is Reincarnation, wherein a Soul progresses up the scale of life-forms as that Soul "earns" the ultimate right to be born as a Human Being.

And those Souls who are aware of what I have written here are fairly advanced Souls that are most likely searching for a Perfect Living Master, or Saint, to whom that Soul will be drawn for what is called "Initiation".  Or, that special time in the life of a Soul when the Lord God arranges for that Soul to "find" a Saint who will Initiate that Soul in a special Spiritual Path that leads that Soul back Home to God.  And... about the MIND?

When a person gets angry, what is causing that anger is a person's MIND diverting that person's Attention from his or her MIND [within which some deeply repressed emotional trauma is being stimulated] .  Thus, the anger is a  psychologically "safe" course of action  because it is artificial and generated as a good way to divert that person's Attention from the deeply repressed trauma hidden within that person's MIND, and is projected outward to some person, or event outside that person.   And once this "habit" is created by that person's MIND, it is quickly habituated so that anytime that repressed trauma is stimulated, that same bit of anger will arise.

This process is simply your  MIND protecting you from discovering that deeply repressed trauma, the exposure of which is greatly feared by you... because your MIND believes you are "guilty" of what you, as a tiny baby,  "took-on" as a "misperception"  of who and what your Soul must be!  And this happens to virtually everyone who is born.  Deeply repressed and very frightening misperceptions that we take-on as part of the structure of our Self-view for this lifetime.  It is just the way we are set-up by our own Karma to form a certain personality...that helps us emotionally explore and experience life on Earth.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, March 18, 2024


Awareness is a unique term because it quite often (includes) a reference to both one's physical senses and another element of Man that  usually goes unnoticed by [and is normally invisible to] one's intellectual consciousness.

And what is that other element, you might ask?

The other element is an aspect of one's MIND, and its energy, which is that of emotion.  And that emotional element would be a form of emotional energy such as anger, fear, grief, impending doom, anxiety, impatience and other subtle states of being we "experience"... but only [kind-of], since our MIND does a masterful job in hiding these "states of emotion" from our intellectual consciousness... and for the most part we remain unaware of being in these "states". 

We tend to deny and ignore these brief states of experience because there is nothing in our physical environment to warrant or justify such an emotional state of being.

So, what "causes" these seemingly inappropriate states of emotion in us?  Well, it's one's own MIND reacting to some subtle [and entirely repressed bit of emotional traumata hidden deep within one's own MIND]... that has been triggered by some subtle emotional message one's MIND has just "picked up" from the subtle, and otherwise invisible MIND-level message from  the MIND of someone in our present environment.  And none of this is taking place on a level capable of being perceived by one's brain or one's physical senses.

You see, your MIND operates quite independently from your brain and its thinking.  Indeed, it is your MIND that feeds the "thoughts" your brain "thinks" it has generated...[I refer to this as "D-Think," which is to say... "Delusional Thinking," , and it is delusional because it is directly tied to a "script" that is known in the East as one's "Fate Karma" (which is the "Plan for this life that each of us has and is following).  So, in contrast to what we in the West think... we do not really have "free-will," but rather a plan for our life that we have designed by what we have done in our previous lifetimes.

But back to the term of "Awareness".  When your MIND picks up some subtle emotional message from the MIND of someone in your environment, what is happening is that the "message" is intended to stimulate some emotional response in your MIND [which it does].  But this is all taking place at a level of  Awareness that is not perceived by your brain or your intellectual level of awareness.  It is taking place at a "Mental" [invisible] level of your MIND, which then feeds thoughts to your brain, and your subsequent words or actions  may appear to on-lookers as an inappropriate expression by you to what another has said or done?   And neither you nor the person whose MIND message has stimulated your response are aware as to the "reason" for your reaction?

And the above scenario is taking place everywhere on Earth continually... and very few people are aware of what is taking place.

And now you have a part of the story that is virtually unknown, but it is an important element in how life is going on in an Illusion that most people mistake as the only Reality there is.  The Law of Karma never rests, and it is always spot-on in how it operates... in spite of how we "think" it should be.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What Was B.F. Skinner's Greatest Contribution to the field of Psychology?

 Quite likely it would be the thousands of Veterans and young people who commit suicide every year, due to the failure of Psychology to help them... because psychology no longer deals with the Whole Human Being.

In the early 1900s, Skinner, as the head of a group of scientists who were confined to the malady of Intellectualism, somehow convinced the field of Psychology to allow Skinner and his group to call their abuse of animals by the label "behavioral psychology".  And from that time to the present, the field of "psychology" has been systematically eliminating and removing from the field of "psychology" everything the ancient Greeks gave the world as Psychology, or the study of the Psyche of Man.

The Greek term "Psyche" is defined as referring to "Self, Soul, and MIND," which are all Esoteric terms.  That is, terms created to stand for elements of Man that are invisible to the brain and physical senses.  That is, elements such as one's MIND [which I refer to as the I-MIND, to emphasize the fact that the MIND of Man is Invisible to the brain]. A key to the term Esoteric is the fact that the entire Spiritual Dimension of Man is invisible to the physical dimension of Man.  The only element of Man that can perceive the Esoteric aspects of Man is one's faculty of "Intuition," which is an aspect of one's Soul.



  1. Intended for or understood by only a small group, especially one with specialized knowledge or interests: synonym: mysterious.
  2. Relating to or being a small group with specialized knowledge or interests.
  3. Not known by or suitable for the public; private.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

The Spiritual Dimension of Man is invisible to Man because the Spiritual Dimension is not part of the Creation...?  Explained shortly as "NSgy".

In opposition to the term Esoteric, we have the phrase "common intellect".  And "common intellect" refers to what the brain thinks it "knows"... simply because the brain has been introduced to a name, date, or a way to identify something. This to the brain is taken for "knowing" something.  I refer to this as "Delusional Thinking" or "D-Think" for short.

 Delusional Thinking  means the brain "thinks" it knows something simply because it has been exposed to the name of something.  Again, the brain does not differentiate between knowing about something, and actually KNOWING [possessing actual experience of something].

I believe Spiritual Energy is actually "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or what I refer to as "NSgy".  And NSgy can ONLY be Known by that which is itself NSgy. Which we refer to as  God, which I believe is the primordial Energy of Existence.  But this takes us in another direction entirely.

How many people think they know what the Soul is... and yet none of them have ever seen a Soul?  How do we explain this?

The answer is that the brain is not bothered by Reality or Truth.  The brain simply accepts what it thinks is true. Look at this quote of Skinner by Richard Evans:

In this quote of Skinner, Skinner mocks those in Psychology at the time by suggesting they are Delusional in their belief that Man has a MIND.   Did he threaten those in Psychology at the time to either produce evidence of the MIND, or yield to his demand? The damage of denying the MIND are the suicides we are witnessing daily in America.

There is perhaps nothing so sure of something as a person whose I-MIND intensely fears the Truth his belief masks.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, March 17, 2022


 The "strange" part of this discussion revolves around two elements that modern psychology ignores entirely.  1.  The fact that the Soul is knotted together with one's I-MIND, and as long as one's I-MIND remains attached to one's Soul, both are immortal, and thus reincarnate into new physical bodies after death.   And 2,   the MIND [or I-MIND]  is an invisible operation that takes place "Within" Man, by influencing the brain and physical body via subtle electrical impulses in the brain, and by impacting one's nervous system... in ways too complex for me to comprehend. However, I can and will attempt to explain how these elements impact the I-MIND [and thus personality] of a newborn child.

To begin with, we must consider the operation of the Law of Karma.  This law was designed by God, and it applies to every living thing in the Creation. And the basic premise of the Law of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  And your record of Karma is maintained in the "Book of Life," mentioned in the Bible, and your I-MIND also keeps a full record of all the Karma you have or will be involved in... lifetime after lifetime.

And it is one's "Fate Karma" that -- each Soul brings into its new lifetime [largely reflecting aspects of your last lifetime plus bits and pieces of Karma that can be worked into your new lifetime] that is the primary blueprint of the Karma you must face and deal with in this lifetime.  And it is this collection of Karma that determines the blueprint for  your personality in this lifetime.

But this is just the blueprint...  The personality structure itself is formed by your I-MIND [shortly after birth] reaching out to the I-MIND of each parent - to gather certain data.    And your I-MIND is looking for personality elements [fears, trauma, and what I refer to as "misperceptions"...  A "misperception" is a negative belief one's I-MIND holds regarding who and what one's Soul is...  And this is most certainly a "misperception" [because one's Soul is never not Perfect, and an aspect of God].  But this is in REALITY... and the I-MIND deals in an Illusion that we "think" is real... which is the result of our having been on this Earth for a great many lifetimes:  Each one of which subtly shifts our Attention  from  being a Spiritual aspect of God, to being dependent upon the I-MIND.

This is the super subtle trap every Soul is caught within... that virtually no Soul realizes... until a Soul eventually finds itself being attracted to a Mystic, who [like Christ said to those who were attracted to him:  I have come for my marked sheep, or words to that effect].

But back to the formation of Personality.   The I-MIND of a child reaches out to the I-MIND  of each parent [if both are present],  and the I-MIND of the child is looking for elements that will "fit" the Fate Karma the I-MIND of the child has come in to address in this life. 

In other words, the I-MIND of the newborn is searching for repressed elements "within" the I-MIND of the parent, or parents, and the I-MIND of the child will take-on those negative elements with which the I-MIND of the child can be caused to involve itself in... so as to confront the bits of Karma contained in the Fate Karma of that child for this lifetime.

How the I-MIND of the child does this is what Psychology should be about... however, modern psychology simply ignores the I-MIND of Man, following the mistaken notions of B.F. Skinner in the early  1900s. And both psychology and mental health today are in the dark regarding the role Psychology should play in our life.

Three things are needed to develop a competent Psychotherapist: 1. Someone who is naturally Intuitive. 2. Someone who's level of Consciousness causes that person to be Enlightened.  And 3. A person who is extremely curious about the I-MIND and how it works?

Alas, today the field of "psychology" seeks people who are involved in Intellectualism, which means use of the brain while in denial of one's emotions. The energy of the I-MIND is emotional energy.

As I said... to properly study the I-MIND and its operations is a very strange field, indeed.  We should all be much kinder to each other than we are.  We are all suffering from our ignorance regarding the Reality  of Life, and how we Souls can find our way back Home?

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 While reading "Spiritual Gems" this morning, a book written by Maharaj Sawan Singh, published in 1965, I was apparently ready to awaken to a new bit of Truth from "Within" myself.

The "whole" of how a person's MIND works, or operates, is a most difficult thing to explain.  And it is difficult because there are so many levels or dimensions in which it operates [most of which are quite invisible to one's ordinary awareness].  Therefore, it simply takes a very long time for anyone to comprehend [or put cognitive words to] these subtle operations taking place at normally invisible levels.  Which is the reason I refer to the MIND as the I-MIND, with the "I" referring to the fact that the MIND and its operations are invisible to us.

I quote the passage that triggered a bit of awareness "Within" me this morning:  

Man and the world are so constituted that there is always one thing or the other cropping up and demanding our attention.  Such things should be attended to,, but one should find time daily for the spiritual work. It should not be ignored.  If full time cannot be given, give as much as you can. Even five minutes would do. The spiritual work alone goes with us o our credit after death.  All other will be left behind.  The day that is gone will not come back again.  So with love and faith and perseverance, go ahead.

Where does "one thing or the other" come from?  These seemingly random thoughts are fed to one's brain by one's I-MIND.  I refer to such thoughts as "Delusional Thinking," or "D-Think".   And quite often one's I-MIND feeds a thought to one's brain that is entirely specious, or a thought that is entirely false.  And surprisingly... the only justification for the thought is based on some fear [hidden "Within" one's MIND], or a desire of one's I-MIND to cause one to experience confusion and conflict. The I-MIND strangely seems to enjoy causing a person pain.

Does this seem implausible to you?  I know it seems too bizarre to be true, but the Reality of Life is quite often very strange.  And the author of this book also said this:  "It is characteristic of the mind that it does not take the blame on itself but throws it on someone else and, if need be, on the Master, as well."  By "Master" the author is speaking of a person's Spiritual Master, or teacher.

The point of this blog is to try and explain a part of the I-MIND that most people do not know.  Including some subtle aspects of the I-MIND and how it works... that were stimulated "Within" me this morning by what I read.  The fact is, the I-MIND [although it is entirely invisible to us] is a major contributor to what one thinks, believes, and how one relates to life [both what we know of life, and what we do not know of life].

My primary career in this life has been that of a Gestalt Psychotherapist. As a consequence of this, and my own need to study the Esoteric elements in life,  I have closely studied the operations of the I-MIND, and how it plays a major role in the operations of the Law of Karma. But that is not what this blog is about.  The author of the book I was reading said this:  "Under all circumstances, the fight against the mind should be continued. Mind is our enemy. It tries to throw us off by all sorts of things, on one pretense or another."

But... most people correctly ask... how does one fight something that is invisible to oneself?

And the only reasonable answer can only attempt to do so.

Let us take a short trip into the I-MIND... despite the fact it is invisible.

One's I-MIND is not tangible, physical, nor even a part of one's physical body.  And yet it exists and it is attached to one's Soul, which is also quite invisible to oneself. One's I-MIND stores everything one experiences.  The good things and the bad things... and especially the bad things.  How come?  Bad involves punishment and requires the I-MIND to develop creative ways to punish us within the confines of the Law of Karma.  Returning good is boring... in comparison.

At the very core of Reality, we find this:  Every bit of Karma one's Soul can force the I-MIND to take responsibility for, and to forgive all involved in that bit of Karma... is converted back into Spiritual Energy that the Soul loaned the I-MIND to create the action in the first place.

This means that a good deed is simply returned to oneself as a bit of good.  But the return of some negative action involves the I-MIND and the I-MIND seeks to involve one's Soul in some negative action while preventing one's Soul from Acceptance or Forgiveness... by preventing one from realizing that the present negative action is simply some past action being "returned" to oneself.  That is, a past negative action taken by one's I-MIND at some time in the past.  This part of the Karma is withheld by one's I-MIND.  Not very helpful to one's Soul, is it?

In this way, one's I-MIND keeps adding negative actions, and responses to one's store of Karma.  The net result is... in each life we live, we create more negative Karma than we can convert in that lifetime.  And what is responsible for this?  Why, it's one's I-MIND.  Why would one's I-MIND do this?

What keeps every Soul trapped in the Illusion of Life is... the Karmic debt one's Soul owes.  And the I-MIND is responsible for preventing one from "seeing" that each bit of Karma one faces, is simply the Yin and Yang of the Law of Karma... which one's I-MIND prevents one from realizing that every bit of Yang Karma [the action part] is... being returned to oneself as Yin Karma  [the reaction part].

The net result is... our pile of Karma continues to increase... as we are encouraged by our I-MIND to resist our Karmic debts, and to blame others for what is taking place.

Each of us can accept the above, or deny it, along with the Law of Karma.  My role is simply to try and point out the fact that this is taking place.

Peace, 1 Brother James


Sunday, February 27, 2022


 What makes Mysticism so mysterious and difficult to comprehend?

Well, for me, the  mystery of Mysticism was resolved almost two decades ago.  Although at the time, I was unaware that what I Intuited one evening would turn out to be the solution of  the mystery of Mysticism.   And this began by my writing down three terms:  "Neutral," "Spiritual," and "Energy".

Between 15 and 20 years ago, I happened upon the terms "Neutral, Spiritual, and Energy," while doodling on a piece of paper one evening.  That is, I was doodling, or just drawing random images on a piece of paper, while my MIND was running through a number of elements I had been working on for quite some time.

At that point in time, I was attempting to complete a more precise understanding of the Mystical elements that comprise the invisible aspects of Psychology, since these elements  seemed to be "invisible" to Man.   I had been working on the problem of a Psychology for the Whole Human Being,  for a very long time.  By "Whole," I mean both the physical part of Man and  the Invisible parts of Man.  This sketch illustrates what I was searching for at that time:

#1 is the physical body of Man, including the physical brain. #2, and #3 represent the "I-MIND" of Man (the "I" reminds us that the MIND is invisible to #1.  And #4 is the Spiritual Dimension of Man, and #4 also includes the Soul.  And my view of Psychology includes all of these dimensions.  One part physical, and thee parts Invisible.

I believe what we know as "Intuition" is a faculty of the Soul, and I also believe "Intuition" is unique in Man, because  it is the only part of Man that can experience all four dimensions of Man.  But what makes this particular bit of Intuition special... was that it identified the Energy of the Soul as "Neutral"!  What do you know that is "Neutral"?

I began a casual search for something that was "Neutral".  Guess what?  I have never found any part of the physical dimension that is Neutral! So, what makes the Spiritual in Man so difficult to deal with is that it is entirely Invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  And this goes for the I-MIND as well.  I refer to this Invisible Energy of the Soul as "NSgy".

No wonder the oxymoron "behavioral psychology" [presented  by B.F. Skinner], has been trying to get rid of all reference to the MIND of Man since the early 1900s.  That's what's wrong with modern psychology.

Well, Skinner was entirely wrong, but he had a great many people who, like himself, were given to Intellectualism... (denial of the MIND while confined to the brain and thinking],  and thus unaware of how frightened they were of what was hidden "Within" the "I-MIND" of each person.  

In the West, we are not taught about the three-quarters of the Whole of Man that are Invisible to the brain of Man. But denial does not make that three-quarters of oneself go away.

So, the mystery of Mysticism is simply a natural denial of that which is Invisible to oneself.  In other words, to discover the Mystical parts of oneself, one must learn how to do so.  And that is not an easy thing to accomplish.  It is also a bit scary.  But it is ultimately necessary if one wants to deal with Reality!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Saturday, February 19, 2022

TODAY... WE DISCUSS A NEW EPIPHANY... regarding the mystery of Mysticism and Creation

 But first, what is an Epiphany?

 A general definition of the word epiphany, and how it is most commonly used today, is "a sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something, or an intuitive grasp of reality through a simple or striking event; an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure or a revealing scene or moment." The root word "reveal" is still apparent in this definition. God often uses such moments of illumination to bring people to the knowledge of Himself. This illumination, or epiphany, is one of the central aspects of Christianity, for without God's intervention, none of us would see the truth. This is clearly stated in Ephesians 2:8-9, which says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

After meditation this morning, I was sitting in my favorite recliner chair in the living room "resting my eyes"... when I suddenly awakened to [Intuited] these words:  Good cannot go to evil but must leave goodness... [ in order to ] experience the Creation.  In other words... The Energy of the Soul can ONLY be NSgy, or Neutral Spiritual Energy (which can never be other than what it is)!  So, when you look into a mirror, what you are looking at is not who and what you are in Reality... but rather, you are looking at the physical body in which your Soul is existing in the Creation in this lifetime!  And what you see reflected in the mirror is, in actuality, a physical illusion sustained by the energy of your Soul being USED BY YOUR I-MIND as it is projecting an image of who you "think" yourself to be in a most elaborate Illusion we call life.  Again, the term Invisible is grossly misunderstood in the Creation!  "Invisible" simply means that hidden from our physical senses in the Creation... is a Reality that does not [actually CANNOT] be perceived in the Creation, because the vibration of NSgy is so very different from the vibrations of the Creation.  This is the reason we need the I-MIND as that which helps sustain the Illusion for us.

And no, there is no rational [intellectual] explanation for this, other than the words I have just shared with the reader... due to the vibrational differences between the Illusion [with its variations], and the Spiritual Energy of your Soul, which is NSgy, which is entirely and absolutely INVISIBLE TO ANY PART OF THE ILLUSION.

 Goodness, or what we call Goodness is NSgy.  And NSgy is my symbol for the Energy of God, and the Energy of we Souls, which is Neutral Spiritual Energy.  And NSgy is the ENERGY of  Spirituality, which is the Energy of God... and NSgy is the ONLY Reality there is!  Believe it nor not... what we "think" is real in the Creation is or are elements of a fantastic Illusion which is not REAL!  Although to us, this illusion of Creation is the only reality we know... and the ONLY reality the brain will ever know, or has ever known.

The physical body in which your Soul exists [is empowered by] ...sustained by... your Soul, and operated by the I-MIND that is attached to your Soul.  And both your Soul and your I-MIND are invisible to your physical body and your physical senses.  Let us once again consider this little sketch:

 #1 is what you can see and think about.  And the other three dimensions of yourself are invisible to your brain and its physical senses.  And we don't know this because...we are confined to use of the brain to "think" about all of this!

I created the following symbol some time ago... 

And this symbol indicates what I have written thus far.  The Reality of existence is hidden "Within" us... as NSgy.  And the only part of NSgy we can awaken to is a low-level portion of Reality of the Soul we refer to as "Intuition".  Our faculty of Intuition is a part of one's Soul, and to be able to make use of one's Intuition, one's Soul must have acquired a substantial amount of "Consciousness"... which is what we have labeled 'Knowledge' ...which is Reality, or NSgy.  And once again, NSgy or Truth, or Reality, or God... cannot operate in the Illusion... as NSgy... because the only part of the Illusion that is capable of perceiving NSgy...  is a part of Reality that is specifically dedicated to relating to one's Soul and the  Illusion... under certain circumstances!  And that part is called "Intuition".

 In the West, we do not teach children about Intuition, primarily because most teachers are Left-Hemisphere oriented individuals, and as such, they are confined to use of the brain and thinking about life [rather than experiencing the emotionality of life].  Emotion is the energy of the I-MIND.  And if one's Soul is relatively early in the experience of being a human being... then one's Soul has not had the time to acquire a great deal of Consciousness... which is the natural result of a Soul Completing Karma over lifetimes.  And for a Soul to possess a substantial amount of Intuition, that Soul will have to have acquired a substantial amount of Completed Karma [which we refer to as Knowledge or Enlightenment]!

So, the more Intuitive one is, the more Consciousness [Enlightenment] one's Soul has acquired.  And this is usually unknown to oneself... until one has been active in meditation over a relatively long time.  And how does one know this?  By things that one experiences that one has no answer for, except that one just seems to KNOW certain things!  Ultimately, the only way to acquire Truth [Reality] is by shifting the Attention aspect of one's Soul from being lost in the Illusion back to Reality.  And Mystics tell us the best way to do this is via a special meditation as given to a Soul by a Mystic or a Saint.

Two things everyone in the West should be interested in are Truth, and the concept that the Soul is immortal... If this is the case, then what is the purpose of that immortality?  Could it possibly be so that a Soul has as much time in the Illusion as it desires to acquire the Knowledge it is curious about... and only then does the Soul seek to KNOW what the Purpose of Life is?  Who would believe that he or she is unknowingly engaged in the Purpose of Life right now?

Peace, 1 Brother James


Friday, February 18, 2022


 Much of the following is prompted by what Dr. Johnson is saying in his book, The Path of the Masters, which can be found in many libraries.  Dr. Johnson is writing about the MIND, and a person reading what Dr. Johnson is saying... might casually conclude that Dr. Johnson is writing about a diseased MIND.  Or a MIND that is ill. But let us look closely at what Dr. Johnson is saying, and hopefully differentiate his speaking of the actions of the MIND... separate from the idea that the MIND is "ill". He specifically uses the word "Perversions" of MIND" at the beginning of his section on the "Five Perversions" of MIND.

"Any outline of the psychology of the Masters would not be complete without particular mention of the five modes of destructive mental action called the passions. We have said that these are perversions of the normal faculties.  They are so."

He says "there are five different modes of destructive mental activity.  They are modes of obsession. They are deadly diseases..."  But he then quickly adds:

"But we must insist that Nature, or the Negative Power, shall not be blamed for these mental carcinomata.  These evil passions cannot take root in man unless they are invited.  This fact must not be forgotten."

He is, in other words, making an important, and subtle point that "the five modes of destructive action" are perversions of the MIND.  Not an illness, but "an obsession" ...   

And this is an important point because one's I-MIND is not physical, but is a subtle entity that is composed of two different energy bodies, neither of which can be seen by the physical brain of Man.   In other words, the I-MIND of Man is invisible to the brain.  The physical brain can become diseased, and can thus become "ill".  But the I-MIND is not physical, and thus, not subject to "illness".  So the phrase "mental illness" is, in actuality, an oxymoron.

The point being... the term "illness" applies to the physical body, and not to a habit pattern developed by a person's I-MIND that is based entirely on a habit pattern of action... that the I-MIND directs the brain to engage in... because you [your brain] wanted to engage in that action to experience the results of that action.  The I-MIND is very quick to develop an action into a habitual activity that your brain and physical body find enjoyable, or one that provides something you [knowingly or unknowingly] desire. When one is unable to intellectually cease or eliminate that habitual behavior... then it is considered a "mental illness," but the I--MIND is not ill... any more than your computer is ill when you hit a remove key.

Because we do not realize how the I-MIND works, or that the I-MIND is quite separate from the brain and thinking.

 The computer is a perfect example.  The computer offers you the option of removing something the computer  has done by hitting a certain key.  If you do not want that something removed, then do not hit the removal key.  The problem is...     quite often that part of you that "desires" a certain habitual behavior is not part of your Conscious Awareness (current thinking), but is a non-conscious desire to "punish" yourself.  And again, your I-MIND listens to negative desires just as often as it listens to desires that are not harmful to you.  And such "negative" desires are subtle (non-conscious) emotions that trigger your I-MIND to engage in some habitual behavior, even if consciously you do not want to do so.

This is not an "illness" of your I-MIND.  It is a pattern of behavior that your I-MIND has "learned" satisfies some repressed desire of your I-MIND  that is active "Within" you that you are not aware of as being present at all.

In other words, it is you that is responsible for your I-MIND creating a strong anxiety "Within" you until you engage in a certain behavior, that always makes you feel bad.  And this then is you [unknowingly punishing yourself]... without even knowing you are doing so!  And you go to a doctor, or a modern mental health "expert" for help... and the expert writes a prescription for a drug that impacts your physical brain, causing it to shut-down.  Problem is, this shutting down is often worse than the negative behavior you are seeking to get rid of!

 What is the solution?  Well, unfortunately, there are precious few "natural" psychotherapists who realize that what passes today for therapy is intellectual clap-trap, and mainly psychology today is a major drug industry... leading to a terrible drug dependence, and a growing conflict between your need for drugs, and your I-MIND doing its best to help you fulfill some deeply repressed habit patterns your I-MIND cannot eliminate by use of drugs.

What is missing is the TRUTH regarding the I-MIND and how it works, in other words.  Oh, and the fact that the field of psychology today is entirely unaware of what people are dying for.  Want to end tens of thousands of young people and Veterans committing suicide?  Then demand that the field of psychology admit to its failure, and cease licensing mentally ill people as drug dealers.

Oh... what are the five perversions?  They are:  Lust, Anger, Greed, Vanity, Egotism. And each of these uses the I-MIND as an agent to punish oneself.

Peace, 1 Brother James


How Many Realize the term "Mental" refers to the MIND... which is invisible to the brain?

Well, this is true.   So, when you hear the words "mental illness"... do you imagine the MIND (which is invisible to the brain) can suffer an "illness" ?

Well, the MIND can never be "ill'.  And the  principal reason for this is simply because the I-MIND... or the Invisible MIND is not physical.  That is,  the I-MIND is entirely Invisible to the brain and to the physical senses of  Man because it consists of two different dimensions of the Creation:  The Lower MIND represents the Astral Region of Creation, and the Higher MIND represents the Causal Region of Creation and both exist as "part of Man," however neither  is visible to the brain or one's physical senses.

And that is quite strange, is it not?  That is, parts of oneself that operate and conduct one's life, and yet neither of these can be seen by Man?

Therefore,  I prefer to refer to the MIND as the "I-MIND"... because using the "I" before the MIND helps  to remind us that the MIND is entirely Invisible to the brain,  and one's physical senses.   The I-MIND is composed of two subtle energy bodies existing "Within" the Whole of oneself... even though neither of these are actually part of the physical structure of Man.  Read this last part a couple times to set this idea firmly in your brain.  See sketch:

In this sketch, #1 is your physical body, with its physical brain. #2, and #3 comprise the I-MIND, and these two parts, along with your Soul, or Spiritual Dimension, are all invisible to one's brain and physical senses.

Were you aware that there are people who are routinely identified as having died [there is no pulse and the heart has stopped], and yet a number of these people awaken after having been pronounced dead... and those who speak of their experiences  tell us of having experiences that are very similar. 

And in no case was death due to the illness of the I-MIND "Within" a person.

Why do I mention all of this?  To try and provide the correct information to people who may have been mislead by modern mental health that routinely mistakes the brain for the I-MIND of Man.

Your brain is physical, and your I-MIND is neither physical, nor is it ever ill.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, February 14, 2022

IS ANGER an aspect OF REALITY...? Or, is anger possible, and yet... not Real?


ANGER seems quite real to us, and it is a real part of the emotional energy of one's I-MIND... however, Anger is an emotional "reaction" of one's I-MIND, and one's I-MIND is operated entirely by a script that is based on one's Fate Karma for this lifetime.   And note please that I am differentiating between lower case "real," and another kind of Reality that is the same as Truth [capital "T" Truth].

In other words... who one "thinks" one is in this lifetime... [one's sense of self in this lifetime] is a belief fed to the Left-Hemisphere of one's brain by one's I-MIND... based on a psychological structure designed by one's I-MIND to "fit" the role one is playing in this lifetime only... and this is reinforced by both Christianity and what people in the West have been taught regarding a number of Spiritual elements.   √   

That is, in the West, we [many people] avoid taking Eastern Mysticism seriously because it is substantially different than how the Bible has been interpreted in the West... beginning in the Fifth Century A.D.  The primary difference between East and West in this regard can be boiled down to a number of words... and a clear understanding of the term "immortal," and the Purpose of Life? 

The words Christianity  ignores [or avoids] are Karma, Reincarnation, Transmigration, and the difference between the Soul of a person, and the physical body of a person?  In terms of the Soul, death, and the Purpose of Life, the West has missed the Reality of Life substantially.

One's Soul has as many lifetimes as it requires to complete its curiosity and need to "learn" about the Creation?  The Roles we play in life are all dedicated to fulfilling our desires for experiencing  the roles we play;  as Shakespeare noted in saying that we are all actors playing roles we have scripted for ourselves by our own interaction with the Law of Karma.

Therefore, what is stimulated in us that results in our getting angry is what we refer to as Ego, or one's false sense of self [which is a sense created by the I-MIND that is attached to one's Soul when we Souls initially entered the Creation.  Who and what we are, in Reality, is a Soul, which is composed of what I believe is Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.  And NSgy is the Energy of God, which is a state of Pure Neutral Energy.  That is, Truth, Reality, and never other than Neutral.  

The concepts of good and evil are merely impulses that deviate from NSgy, and thus fall into an Illusion of existence comprised of a duality... which falls under the rule of the Law of Karma, or Yang and Yin.  Yang being male action energy  taken by one's I-MIND (which was attached to one's Soul upon its entering the Creation) and Yin being that same energy being returned to oneself so as to Complete the Yang and Yin of that particular bit of Karma.

Any bit of Karma that has not been neutralized is a bit of one's NSgy that is missing from one's Whole Soul, thus one is an incomplete Soul.  And thus, one is "unfit" to return HOME to God.

The Law of Karma is the primary Law of Creation, and it applies to all actions in the Creation.  But all such actions are not Real in an absolute sense because they only apply to the Illusion of the Creation.  Therefore, the operation of the Law of Karma is the duality required to sustain the Illusion of Creation.  And to leave the Creation, a Soul must be absolutely certain that it is "finished" with its exploration of the Creation.  And this is the primary role of the Law of Karma.

So, can one "be" angry?  No, because it is one's I-MIND that is experiencing the anger, and one's I-MIND is part of the Creation.  One's Soul is never not NSgy.  But, when the I-MIND that is attached to one's Soul believes itself to be angry, then one's Soul is still "controlled" by the I-MIND that is attached to one's Soul.

And the Purpose of Life is for a Soul to fully satiate its curiosity and its various attachments to the Illusion... before it can be considered "ready" to return Home to God.  Unfortunately, most Souls are so attached to the I-MIND that they do not realize who or what they are any more?  This then is the Real challenge in life.  And each Soul is, as mentioned yesterday with the Ladder of Life, unknowingly engaged in working through its various bits of Karma, as it tries to complete its Karmic obligations.

But not to worry... every Soul is being cared for completely.  That is the one thing every Soul can count on... even if one's Soul is unaware of this fact?

The Energy of your Soul is NSgy, which means the same Energy as that of God, and thus your Soul is immortal, Real, and ultimately intended to return Home to its Source. 

I-MIND?  The "I" stands for Invisible, which means one's I-MIND is entirely invisible to one's brain and physical senses.

Peace, 1 Brother James


 something that "exposes" one's Ego, or one's mistaken belief that one is on Earth playing a part, and what triggers one's anger is a mistaken belief that one is not