Showing posts with label Whole of Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whole of Man. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2024


 A simple sketch to illustrate how much Man cannot know regarding Reality by use of the brain and thinking. The entire set of four boxes represents the whole human being.  What we can perceive by use of our brain is #4, and that means that 1, 2, and 3 are all invisible to the brain and our thinking.

Number 1, 2, and 3 are all in visible to the brain.  Number 4 is the physical realm, and it is easily known by simply using one's physical senses.  Doing so is called "Intellectualism"...which is a subtle form of denial practiced by one's MIND.

Isn't this interesting ?

Check me on this, and just ask people if they were aware of this... or not?

Peace, 1 Brother James


 I coined the symbol "NSgy" around the year 2000, and it came from the phrase "Neutral Spiritual Energy".  "NSgy" came from this phrase like this:   Neutral Spiritual Energy. That is... NSgy. And I believe that the Energy of God is Pure NSgy, and that there are degrees of NSgy which are not Pure NSgy. That is,  stepped-down levels of NSgy that are invisible, but less than Pure NSgy.  We speak of these stepped-down levels by the names Causal Realm,  Astral Realm,  and the Physical Realm [ or Creation].

A listing of these Realms would be, from highest to lowest... The Spiritual Realm, the Higher MIND realm [the Causal Realm], the Lower MIND realm [the Astral Realm], and the Physical realm... which of course refers to the Physical Universe.

Other commonly known names for the stepped-down levels of NSgy are Consciousness, Soul, Heaven, Hell, Knowledge, Intuition,  MIND [the Causal plane and the Astral plane], truth and intelligence. And all realms or degrees of NSgy other than the Physical Realm are invisible to the brain and physical senses of the various forms in which NSgy can manifest.  In other words, a tree has a Soul, but the Soul of a tree is not very advanced in its development, understanding, or experience.

In the East, students fortunate enough to attend school... are taught the above concepts as part of their basic education.  This general belief in God, and in the various realms and elements of Creation that are normally invisible to Man are part of most Eastern religion and education.  In the West, various forms of Christianity, reflecting many kinds of interpretations of the Bible [written long after the time of Christ], present equal amounts of speculation as to what Christ meant to convey, and the belief systems of those who present us with their beliefs of what Christ meant to convey.

NSgy exists in all living things in existence as a "Soul".  And the level of NSgy possessed by a Soul determines the Life-form inhabited by that Soul... and this idea is based on the term Reincarnation, which is the term for the fact that the Soul is immortal, and does not die, but is re-born into another life-form at the end of each lifetime.  And this entire process is the responsibility of the Law of Karma.  And it is one's own Fate Karma that is being directed by one's MIND, as it directs the thoughts and actions of one's brain.

So, when it is said that "God is "Within" you," what is being referred to is that the Soul that exists "within" every living thing in existence is an aspect of God.  Now, when you couple the term "Reincarnation" with the term "Soul" and the phrase "the Purpose of life"... you get the process of Life: Which is for each Soul to continue to be born into one of 8,400,000 forms of life on Earth in a continuing process until a Soul acquires a sufficient amount of Consciousness... that enables that Soul to begin to realize it is lonely... [not for a mate, but to rejoin its Father God]. And this "inner" loneliness of one's Soul drives a person to actively search for God.  And God then lovingly leads each Soul to begin to search for a representative of God on Earth [known in the East as a Perfect Living Master].

Thus, be kind to others who are unknowingly searching for the Master they have yet to realize they are searching for.  God is always aware and on time relative to we Souls.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



 The Law of Karma is the universal Law of Creation, impacting every living thing in Creation, and in Man it is represented by one's MIND...  which is in charge of making sure that one's Fate Karma for this lifetime is fulfilled completely.  Thus, what you "think" is fed to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain as thoughts, words, and ideas directly from your MIND via a subtle form of communication that eludes discovery by one's brain.

The primary concept of the Law of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  This simply means that every action you take is recorded by your MIND, and the universal MIND [each of us has his or her own MIND - located in the Astral Realm, inside of one's physical body], and it is one's own MIND that arranges for each such action you have taken against another to be taken against you [in some lifetime] so that you eventually come to "realize" that it is unwise to do certain things.  Learning these "lessons" is always painful, but Man tends to be a difficult student to each.

A symbol for the Law of Karma is this symbol "

  The Yin-Yang symbol stands for opposites, good vs bad, male vs female, etc.  By the way, your brain is physical, and your MIND is entirely invisible to your brain and your physical senses.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, March 21, 2022

Let's define "INTUITION"... Unless you Know what it is??

 Intuition is a faculty of one's Soul, associated in some way with what we refer to as "Attention," which is the ability that one's Soul affords one to apply understanding to what one's brain and physical senses can perceive of what one experiences. Then there is that part of Attention that also perceives phenomena whose vibrations are beyond the purview of the brain and our physical senses.  This range of existence is normally invisible to most people. Unless a person has an active use of "Intuition" available to him or herself.  Intuition is therefore dependent upon one's level of Consciousness, or one's level of Enlightenment of one's Soul.  In other words, at what level can one perceive elements of Truth that exists just beyond the perception of most people?



  1. The extent or range of activity, function, power, or competence; scope. synonym: range.
  2. Range of vision.
  3. Range of understanding or experience.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.


So, what is "Intuition"?  The term "Intuition" is the ability to perceive normally invisible phenomena by one's faculty of Intuition, which is an aspect of one's Soul, which is also a part of one's ability to perceive a level of phenomena that is normally invisible to most people.  We tend to refer to such people as "Enlightened".

 A question might be:  ... is it possible for a person whose Attention remains in the Left-Hemisphere of the brain much of the time [a thinker type person], to experience "Intuition"?  And if not, why not"?

Or put another way... can a person use the Left-Hemisphere of the brain to perceive phenomena that is normally invisible to the brain?  The answer is no, it is not possible.

The brain has two hemispheres.  The left-hemisphere is the thinking part, and the right-hemisphere is the emotional, aesthetic, and avenue to the Spiritual hemisphere part... the more important hemisphere.

I believe that what we refer to as "Intuition" is a faculty of one's Soul, and that it is only active in people whose Soul has acquired a substantial amount of Consciousness.  And what is Consciousness?

Consciousness can be defined as the level of Spiritual Energy a person's Soul has acquired as a consequence of Completing Karma, and thus converting that experience of Karma into experiential Knowledge, which is confined to the Spiritual Realm or Dimension of that person.  And such Knowledge provides that person bits of Knowledge, or bits of Truth, which are stored 'within" what I refer to as Conscious Awareness, or C-Awar for short.  I believe that which I refer to as C-Awar is what philosophy searches for under the name "Self".

In order to 'create' Karma, one's Soul & MIND must use the Soul's Spiritual Energy to 'create' the Karma. And every bit of Karma one's Soul has explored requires a "bit of Spiritual Energy to create". This in turn creates a draw-down of the Soul's Spiritual Energy (which I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy").  This draw-down subtly reduces the Soul's  own Spirituality... which is the reason so many Souls have forgotten who and what they are?

I hope this has been helpful in explaining what Intuition is, and a bit of how it works.  Too bad we don't explore the breadth and Reality of Spirituality in the West.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, March 18, 2022


 In the early 1900s, a wanna-b psychologist named B.F. Skinner, suggested that Man does not have a MIND, and here is what he is quoted as saying:

Skinner was wrong, of course, but since he was an intellectual and given to the malady of Intellectualism [locked into the brain and thinking while in denial of emotions], his quote tells us [well at least me] how much he feared of his own MIND.

Skinner and other thinkers did things to animals and then watched the animals react to what was done to them... and they assumed that the reactions of the animals was a choice they made... presumably by the brain within the animal.  These people called their game of reporting the actions of animals in response to being tortured by the oxymoron "behavioral psychology".  

Skinner was somehow able to force the field of Psychology at the time to grant these animal provokers use of the label "behavioral psychology," and made this an official part of Psychology.

And so, since the early 1900s, the field of psychology"[began  effectively to eliminate much of the Esoteric nature of Psychology], and began to incorporated pure Intellectualism, and the oxymoron behavioral psychology as "modern psychology".  As a consequence,  the three-quarters of Man that are entirely invisible to the brain are simply ignored.  And young people and Veterans are committing suicide in increased numbers due to a lack of competent psychotherapists.

As to the question of the MIND becoming ill... The MIND, or "Invisible MIND, thus "I-MIND" (to remind us that the "I" of I-MIND means that the MIND is invisible to one's brain and physical senses).  Therefore,  the I-MIND  it is not physical, and is not subject to physical illness.  But it is the I-MIND that plays havoc with the Delusional Thinking it feeds to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain of Man.  If there is any "illness" today... that illness is an ignorance of how to properly deal with the I-MIND of Man caught up in negative thoughts that are harmful to self and to others.

In other words... where do the negative thoughts come from?  Duh, they come from a person's I-MIND, and they are based on deeply repressed bits of trauma hidden "Within" a person's I-MIND. A person is not an animal, by the way!

It is the denial of the MIND that constitutes the "illness" of  mental health today... as "psychology" no longer deals with the largely Esoteric Psychology given to the world by the ancient  Greeks. 

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


About two decades ago I Intuited the terms "Neutral," "Spiritual," and "Energy".  I thought at the time these were three separate terms. and I could not figure out what they meant?   But eventually I realized (Intuitively), that these three terms collectively defined a special kind of Energy.  That is, "Neutral Spiritual Energy," which I have come to believe is the Primordial Energy of Existence, or what we refer to as God.  And being aspects of God, we Souls are also a part of the same Energy as that of God.  That is, "Neutral Spiritual Energy," which I reduced to a symbol:  "NSgy".

Strangely, whomever wrote [or more properly interpreted]  the first book of Moses, or Genesis, refers in Chapter 1, verse 2, to the following:

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And in verse 3:  And God said, Let there be light: and there was Light.

 What if... the interpretation by the interpreter of the actions of God... was as close as Man can come to putting words to the Energy of God... Whose Energy is not capable of being translated into any language?  But the Energy of God is simultaneously operating behind, or as an influence of, that which can be observed or articulated by the brain of Man.  Not the origin of [which is Invisible), but the manifested forms that Man can see.

So, I am saying that indeed God did Create the Creation, and God was indeed involved in everything that the Bible details... except the essence of the Energy of God is Invisible to Man, and thus... Man must find or create words with which to try and explain the "SIMULTANEITY"  of God causing NSgy to manifest in various elements in the Physical Universe.

So, when the Mystic says that the Creation is an "illusion," we now know what the Mystic is referring to!   The Creation was "created". So, it exists as long as God wants it to exist.

"Let there be light: and there was Light." As an example.

One's own Soul is another example.  Each of us has a Soul, and yet who do you know that has seen his own Soul?  I believe the reason we  cannot find the Soul is that it exists "simultaneously" with the physical body, but the Energy of the Soul exists in an entirely separate dimension of Energy... and thus,  one's Soul, whose Energy is NSgy, exists in a relationship that is one of simultaneity with one's physical body.  My attempt at a sketch of this I have shown several times:

The only part of this simultaneous collection of different energy realms we can "see" is #1, the physical realm in which the brain and our physical senses reside.

In which case, the words of the Bible are as close as Man can come to articulating Spiritual phenomena, but the words of the Bible are unable to "capture" the essence of what God did in Creating the Creation?  Or how Mystics tell us that God is "Within" us.  Indeed God is "Within" us, but God is also in a dimension that is one of simultaneity with our physical existence.  God can see us, but we cannot see God... as long as our "Attention" aspect of our Soul is "attached" to the Illusion of this Creation, which means the Physical Dimension.

So, clearly... in order for one's Soul to enter into a dimension that will take it Home... One's Soul must work to release itself from the Illusion  of the physical body that is presented to it daily.  To do this, there is a special form of meditation.  But this is another story... and very few people are anxious to leave the Illusion.

Peace, 1 Brother James