Wednesday, March 27, 2024



 The Law of Karma is the universal Law of Creation, impacting every living thing in Creation, and in Man it is represented by one's MIND...  which is in charge of making sure that one's Fate Karma for this lifetime is fulfilled completely.  Thus, what you "think" is fed to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain as thoughts, words, and ideas directly from your MIND via a subtle form of communication that eludes discovery by one's brain.

The primary concept of the Law of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  This simply means that every action you take is recorded by your MIND, and the universal MIND [each of us has his or her own MIND - located in the Astral Realm, inside of one's physical body], and it is one's own MIND that arranges for each such action you have taken against another to be taken against you [in some lifetime] so that you eventually come to "realize" that it is unwise to do certain things.  Learning these "lessons" is always painful, but Man tends to be a difficult student to each.

A symbol for the Law of Karma is this symbol "

  The Yin-Yang symbol stands for opposites, good vs bad, male vs female, etc.  By the way, your brain is physical, and your MIND is entirely invisible to your brain and your physical senses.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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