Monday, November 15, 2021

What Does the Term "CREATED" [as used in the Bible] Mean? Or more to the point, is there a Purpose for the Creation?

Have you ever asked yourself what the term "Creation" means? First of all it begins with the word create.


tr.v. cre·at·ed, cre·at·ing, cre·ates
1. To cause to exist; bring into being: created a new music school. See Synonyms at establish.
2. To give rise to; produce: That remark created a stir.
3. To produce through artistic or imaginative effort: create a poem; create a dramatic role.
4. To invest with an office or title; appoint: He was created a baron.

adj. Archaic

 My point is that the Bible says  God Created the Creation, and prior to that... there was just a "void" and "darkness".   But, does that mean that God is also "void," or does it mean to suggest that God is Invisible... or seems like darkness to Man?

 What if the Energy of God is such that it appears to be Invisible to Man?  However,  it isn't really invisible,  it just consists of an energy that is too subtle for Man to perceive.  What if what we refer to as  "Spirituality" only exists in a realm that consists of "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" to make it easier to remember?  And NSgy is entirely invisible to Man because it is too subtle for the "physical" senses of Man to perceive?

What if my little sketch actually illustrates the reality of the situation in which we find ourselves?

#1 is the physical realm, or physical body, which includes the brain.  #2 and 3 are the two realms of the MIND, and #4 is the Spiritual Realm.  And #2,3, and 4 are all invisible to #1.  The Soul is therefore invisible to one's brain.

What if all things of a Spiritual nature were likewise Invisible to Man?

Would this help to explain the reason we have not been able to find the Soul, Truth, or God?  I refer to this Invisible realm as "NSgy".  Or Neutral Spiritual Energy.  I also believe that hidden "Within" us is a faculty we refer to as "Intuition," and this faculty of Intuition is the means by which Man can perceive those parts of Man that are normally Invisible to us.  If one has access to one's faculty of Intuition, of course?

Mystics tell us that to awaken to one's faculty of Intuition one must acquire a substantial amount of Consciousness.  What is Consciousness?

Peace, 1 Brother James


Sunday, November 14, 2021


 The Whole of Man consists of four simultaneously existing energy dimensions, three of which are Invisible to oneself.  And the reason for this is that who and what one is [in Reality] is (I believe) Neutral Spiritual Energy, or "NSgy" for short.  And NSgy is the Energy of God, we Souls, and it is also the primordial Energy of Existence.  We call this part of Man the Spiritual Dimension, and it includes one's Soul, and an aspect of one's Soul that I believe is one's faculty of "Intuition" [a special faculty that enables one to perceive all four dimensions which make-up the Whole of oneself... if one's faculty of Intuition is active?  To be active, one's Soul must have acquired a sufficient amount of "Consciousness".

Another term for Consciousness  is "Enlightenment".  That is, each human being has a Soul that is [or needs to be] slowly acquiring Consciousness... which is acquired by naturally Completing Karma.  And Karma is a Hindu term that refers to "action and  re-action".  The symbol for Karma is this: 

This symbol illustrates the Yin [female energy] and Yang [male energy], or the duality of Man, and the duality of Creation. it represents actions taken, and the return of those exact same actions taken against oneself.  And this symbol is a symbol for the Law of Karma, which God designed as the Primary Law of Creation.  This Law, put simply is this:  As you sow, so shall you reap.  And, as I said,  it is the Law of Creation that every living thing must answer to. We have no choice in the matter.

But, I was addressing the term "Invisible"...

In the Bible, in Genesis, verses 1 and 2, we read this: 

1. "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth.

2. "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep..."

The terms "without form" and "void" is a reference to what existed prior to the Creation.  Was God missing prior to Creation, or did the writers of the early scriptures assume God was "without form" or "void"?

I believe the Energy of God is "Invisible" to everything of the Creation, because the vibrations of the Creation are different than the vibrations of Existence [within which God formed the Creation by introducing "stepped-down"  Spiritual energies.  ]! A sketch to convey what I mean:   

The dark rectangle is the whole of Existence [which is also God], and the blue oval is Creation, which was Created "Within" a portion of Existence:  And Mystics tell us that God used stepped-down Spiritual energies to form the various elements of the Creation.

Another sketch illustrates this in a slightly different way:

#1 is the physical realm, #2 is the Astral realm, and #3 is the Causal realm. #4 is the Spiritual Dimension, and #4 is the Home of the Soul... which is also the dark rectangle in the previous sketch.


My point is that these four realms are composed of four different energy vibrations , or ranges of energy, and they form four different dimensions. And the only one our physical senses can perceive is #1, the physical realm.  #2 and #3 are the energies of the MIND [Invisible to us], and #4 is the Spiritual Dimension, also Invisible to us.

  So, when modern mental health  ignores #2, #3, and #4, it ignores the most important parts of Man.  And those people who are confined to the malady of Intellectualism [or dependent upon the brain while in denial of one's emotions], are not open to the faculty of Intuition "Within" themselves... which is the only way to communicate with these invisible dimensions from "Within" oneself.  And that is where we find ourselves today.

Peace, 1 Brother James



Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Where is the Home of the Soul?

And, let me begin by saying that the Home of the Soul is not "Heaven," which is where many religions "think" it is.  And perhaps the reason people "think" this is that the Bible speaks in Genesis 1:7 of dividing the "waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament..."  And whomever wrote the scriptures was a human being, who, like all human beings... believed that what he was writing was from God  [and not his own MIND].   The person who wrote the Bible was a human being whose thinking was [like that of mankind generally] quite "linear".  That is, based on use of the brain, which is physical,  and whose function is to think in a "linear" fashion.   And 'linear" simply means... first this physical thing, then that physical thing, and so forth.  A linear progression of physical phenomena, or words placed one after another, so that they make sense to oneself... if one does not question the logic of one's thinking...

The physical brain is simply not capable of thinking of two things at the same time. Which is what actually took place when the Creation was formed. That is, Creating the Creation consisted of a great many elements simultaneously occurring and many of these elements  taking place were then, and remain so today... quite invisible to the physical brain and its thinking. That is, the actual Creation [of which most people today believe is what they can see and think about] is a great deal more than what the brain can comprehend.   Which is the "REASON" the Soul of Man has not been found!  Nor God, nor Truth... etc.

 Then in Genesis, verse 8, the Bible says:  "And God called the firmament Heaven" and so forth.  My point is simply this... The Creation is not  a simple concept that can  be explained in a way the physical brain can comprehend,  nor is the Creation composed of just one dimension.  It is, in fact, composed of four entirely separate energy dimensions... and three of these are Invisible to Man.  And all exist simultaneously.

In this sketch, circle #1 represents the physical dimension, which includes all that one can see and think about.  #2, #3 and #4 are all Invisible to the brain and physical senses.  And yet #2, and #3 are part of Creation.  #4 is Reality, and it never changes.

 The Mystics tell us that #2 and #3 are two parts of the MIND [the Astral Region, and the Causal Region], which is attached to one's Soul, and the MIND is what enables us to "think" that our Souls are "part" of the Creation.  And the MIND also insures we live by the Law of Karma [the principle law of Creation].

The home of the Soul?  The Home of the Soul is the Pure Spiritual Dimension, or #4,  which is also part of the primordial Existence, which we refer to as God.  And the only part of Man that can perceive #4, is one's Soul, or an aspect of one's Soul we refer to as "Intuition".

When the physical form that a Soul is giving life to dies, the Soul returns to the Astral Region [which is called "Heaven"], and spends some time in the Astral Region, before it is incarnated into another life-form to enable it to continue its exploration of the Creation.  This is well-known in the East, but in the West... it is almost entirely ignored.  How come?  I suspect it is due to what I wrote in  the first paragraph.

 ... But I am quite willing to be wrong... if someone can tell me the reason that what the term "truth" stands for, or refers to...  cannot known by the brain of Man?  As proven to us by generations of philosophers  who have intellectually searched for Truth, but have yet to find it... The term Truth "stands for"  Invisible phenomena  that only exist in the Pure Spiritual Dimension.

Peace, 1 Brother James 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

A Few Words About Prostrate Cancer...

About a year ago, I went to the VA facility in Vancouver, WA.  I was having difficulty urinating, and... But why the V.A.?   In 2015, I believe it was, both  my  daughter's had urged me sign up with the V.A.  So, I  signed up to take advantage of my Veteran benefits with the VA.  Then in 2019, I was having difficulty with my eyesight, and I went to the V.A.  It turned out that I needed  cataract surgery.  I underwent the surgery with the VA, and the experience was hugely successful. That was two years ago.

More recently, I experienced a problem with urination, which turned out to be a problem with my Prostrate... and that experience is what prompts me to write this blog.

I am 86 years of age, and I have lived a life pretty much free of medical services.  Except for my tonsils at age nine, and my appendix at age eleven.  But then, I volunteered for the  Army in 1954.  I was eighteen at the time.  I was ordered to report for  basic training at Fort Ord, California.   It was also called "Fort Pneumonia by the Sea".  The reason for this was that  a large number of recruits  contracted Pneumonia during their training there.  During my 18 weeks of training, I came down with Pneumonia twice... causing me to miss my scheduled "graduation".  When I did finally finish my training, half of my class went to Korea, and half went to Germany.  I went to Germany, and that was in 1954, the last year of U.S. "Occupation".

But back to the present...   And the subject of Cancer.  I went to the V.A. facility in Vancouver, WA., in  2020.  And I underwent a number of appointments with a number of people over the next several months... and they stuck things into my penis, into my rectum, and I also underwent several blood tests.  Then I was scheduled for a Cat Scan.  Then I underwent a biopsy, which proved I did indeed have Cancer. But, I never had an appointment with someone who "personally" dealt with treating Cancer?  Although a medicine was prescribed for me to take.  It was Bicalutamide.  And in about week, or perhaps two weeks,  I felt a large lump growing in each breast.  And these grew quite rapidly, and they were quite painful.

Then my equilibrium was effected. Then I experienced pain in my back, and in an area between my hip bones.  And my sinus began to drain profusely, so that I was having to blow my nose continually. At the same time I was very tired, and weak, and I lost my appetite.  And I then read the "side-effects" of the medicine I had been given...  all of my symptoms were listed as "side-effects" of Bicalutamide!

Then the VA arranged for me to have a "Pet Scan" with a machine owned by Oregon Health Science University, or OHSU.  What that scan proved is that my Cancer was not just confined to my prostrate. And suddenly I was quite alone ... as though no one wanted to tell me that over the many months I was being "examined"... my Cancer had been spreading.

So, here I am.  And an express package just arrived, containing another prescription of Bicalutamide.  As though I would actually want to destroy my body in an attempt to deal with a Cancer that no one wants to admit not knowing what to do, except "remove my testicles". 

At some time in the "future"... I expect I may get an appointment with someone who will tell me that my Cancer is now beyond hope of dealing with...  But I can of course continue destroying myself with Bicalutamide.

Why do I mention all of this ?   Primarily to tell others that if they suspect having a Cancer, then do some research to find people who are having success in dealing with Cancer.  And unless you need to punish yourself, avoid the "medicine" called Bicalutamide!

And... it is never too late to get straight with God, regarding your life, and your attachment to it!  Your Soul is immortal, and it makes no difference how your body dies... your Soul is immortal, and you will be born again, into a new life.  And the more you are attached to God, the more likely it is that you will  not have to return to this physical plane again.

Peace, 1 Brother James 

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


In this continuation of the definition of MIND, let me again use my Bean writing program and its definition of MIND.
2 a person's intellect : his keen mind. • the state of normal mental functioning in a person : the strain has affected his mind. • a person's memory : the company's name slips my mind. • a person identified with their intellectual faculties : he was one of the greatest minds of his time. The problem with this definition is it mixes the brain and the I-MIND.

Let us clearly consider the words "intellect", "intellectual", and "intellectualism". All these words refer to the exercise of ones brain, and "thinking". When ones MIND, using its faculty of "DM=SI" [Defense Mechanism equals Subtle Insanity] feeds Delusional Thinking, or D-Think to the Left-Hemisphere of ones brain, this D-Think is converted from MIND-level energy into brain-level energy by ones Apapsyche. Without such conversion, ones brain would not be capable of perceiving this D-Think. As it is, ones brain is unable to differentiate the converted D-Think from its own normal processing of "thinking" ["thinking" is a process of choosing from and combining the data bits stored within ones brain]. What are "data bits"? Words, images, ideas, concepts, and memories that have been taken into ones brain by exercise of ones physical senses. This includes "abstract words", such as God, Soul, and MIND. None of these abstract words contain any "experience" other than experiencing the letters that make up the words, and the words themselves without any sense of what these words "stand for". To get a sense of the phenomenon I am speaking to, please pick up any book written by someone trained in BS&bp [Behavioral Science and the oxymoron "behavioral psychology"] and note how the author uses the terms brain and "mind" interchangeably. They do this because they do not know what the MIND is, or that they cannot "think" about the Esoteric vibrational energy of the MIND using ones brain or physical senses. In other words, it is not possible for ones brain to perceive the subtle energy of ones MIND realm. And yet.... almost every "psychologist" "thinks" that he/she "knows" what the MIND is. But if pressed to describe the MIND, the individual will describe the physical brain [and its operations... just like dictionary definitions of the MIND do]. And this individual will not at all realize that it is his/her MIND that is subtly feeding the Left-Hemisphere of his/her brain D-Think that convinces him/her that he/she does "know" what the MIND is. There is no way to dissuade such a person from what he/she believes. Because it is normal and natural for people to "believe" what they "think" is true. And it is the natural and normal "job" of the DM=SI of the MIND to make sure that such people do not "hear" or "see" anything that would cause such people to question what they "believe". Note that I am saying that it is perfectly "normal" and "natural" for people to believe they "know" what the MIND is, even though they do not Know what the MIND is. The Purpose of Life is automatically operating within every single person all the time. And the process of awakening to higher relative truths is a gradual and exceedingly long process. It takes many, many lifetimes in fact. And in the West, with our buying into the Christian insistence that we have but one life to live notion.... we are grossly misinformed regarding the Reality of Life. Every Soul has as many lifetimes as it requires to discover what it needs to discover. This is a basic Reality of Life. Much of the East, and mystics Know this to be true. But, in the West, we largely deny and ignore two-thirds of Life just like we are encouraged by BS&bp to deny and ignore the Esoteric two-thirds of Man. It is OK to live ones life in ignorance of ones MIND and Spiritual dimensions, but it is better to live life with Knowledge of these crucial dimensions of oneself. And when people seek understanding of the Esoteric nature of the MIND by searching for clues in a dictionary, the misleading definitions found in the dictionary do nothing positive for such people. When BS&bp adds to this deception and misinformation, the average person in America is in deep trouble. But perhaps you "think" that what people do not know, and cannot discover using the normal means of information gathering will not "hurt" them? In this you would align yourself with the vast majority of intellectuals. Hail thinking they cry. And persecute and imprison anyone who would claim to know something we do not. There is a subtle fear of the "Unknown" [the Esoteric dimensions within Man] within every single person. It is normal and natural for people to have this fear, and to have this fear cause them to resist any idea that is "foreign" to them. But occasionally a persons MIND will become "stuck" on repressing some misperception whose time has come to be released to that persons conscious awareness. This is explained in a paper I wrote regarding the term "Esotransmutation". This refusal [out of habit] of ones MIND to release some bit of dissociated Apapsyche [this is part of how ones personality is structured at the time of ones birth], causes what I refer to as a "conflict" within that person. This conflict is between ones Apapsyche demanding release, and ones MIND refusing to release it out of habit. It is this conflict that usually causes people to seek "professional" by BS&bp.... which often labels this experience of the person as some "mental illness". Again, BS&bp is convinced that there is nothing within a person that would cause the person to experience what the person is experiencing. Those in BS&bp "think" this because it is their own MINDs that are "protecting" them from being exposed to their own fear of the "Unknown". What they "think" is what their MINDs are causing them to "think" so that they remain ignorant of the Esoteric dimensions hidden within themselves. The people who write the definitions of words in dictionaries consult with those who are "experts" in mental health... presumably, so the D-Think of those in BS&bp will be reflected in the definitions one reads in dictionaries. In this way the entire nation can be kept in the dark. And those in BS&bp do not have their fear of the "Unknown" threatened, and they can continue to delude themselves into thinking that they know what they do not. The only people who suffer greatly by all of this are those individuals whose time has come to awaken to misperceptions from within themselves... only to be told by BS&bp that they are just mentally ill.