Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Tragedy of... "Hope Springs Eternal"

 The idea of "Hope Springs Eternal" has a positive ring to it... however, it is unfortunately based on a flawed premise.  One can certainly "hope" for a better future, and many do so.'s hope has precious little to do with what one hopes for!   The future of everyone is entirely based on what each one DOES... not on what one "hopes" for.   All of mankind is subject to the "duality" of life, which is captured quite nicely in the definition of the Law  of Karma:

"As you sow, so shall you reap"!   Which is the definition of the Law of Karma, which is the primary Law Of Creation, which was designed by God, and this Law is simply explained like this:  Whatever you say or do will come back to you at some point,  in some lifetime, and you will be on the receiving end of an exact reproduction of the exact same thing that you did to another person.   And the Law of Karma is an absolute Law that applies to every living thing in the Creation.  And there are no exceptions to this universal law.

So, if you include everything you do as part of what you hope the future will hold for yourself... you are spot on in what you wish for!  Somehow I doubt that this is what we human beings are wishing to happen when we express a hope that the future will be better than one's past!

We can "hope" for a better life, but the wise person will expect the future to be pretty much like one's past... since much of what we do in life is not kind, loving, caring, nor compassionate.  And the one thing we can count on for sure is that what we have done to others will certainly be done to us!  As you sow, so shall you reap.  And there are no exceptions to this, and this law can only  be "paid for" [or Completed]... by "Acceptance" of full responsibility for what happens to oneself in life, and "Forgiveness" of everyone involved in what happens to oneself in this lifetime.

The problem is... to "Complete" a bit of Karma is one of the most difficult things in life for us to do.  And the reason for this difficulty is that to "Complete" a bit of Karma one must [take responsibility for what is taking place, and one must Forgive the person or people involved is what seems to be either an accident, or clearly someone else's fault].  The Law of Karma is a most insidiously subtle operation that causes us to believe that we are always a victim.

But, until you take full responsibility for a bit of Karma, and Forgive entirely all people involved in that bit of Karma, the natural thing to do is to blame others for what is taking place.  And what this does is to send that bit of Karma around again, and in some future lifetime it will come back to oneself.  And guess what happens the next time?  So, Mystics tell us that in each lifetime we live, we create much more Karma than we can possibly "Complete" in that lifetime!

 The result is... we acquire more and more Karma.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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