Saturday, March 16, 2024



It occurred to me this morning to take a closer look at the term "Consciousness".  What prompted this was this... I noticed in a recent blog that I used the phrase "Conscious Awareness," and it occurred to me that perhaps people reading my blog might not "know" what I mean by the phrase "Conscious Awareness"?

        Note...  I will be 90 years of age in a couple months, and I tend to forget that not everyone has the same life experiences that I have had, and has not therefore been exposed to the same elements or experiences of life that I have had.  Nor have many people spent the last 52 years studying Mysticism and Spirituality relative to we human beings and the little-known differences between Reality and Illusion?  That is, the material phenomena of the Creation that most people believe is the only reality there is... is not all there is.  But the material part of Creation is only one part of the "whole" of ourselves we can experience physically.  And thinking with one's brain ignores the fact that the whole of Man is composed of four different energy realms... three of which are invisible to our physical senses, although all four are operating simultaneously.

And, as I thought more about  this situation...,  it occurred to me that to actually try and explain what I mean by "Conscious Awareness"... I need to explain what I have learned about both the term  Consciousness, and what a person's level of Consciousness means relative to that person's  "Awareness," "Knowledge," and other "Esoteric" [invisible] elements related to Man...that remain quite invisible to us.   The normal "thinking" individual tends to believe he or she  knows about "the Esoteric elements of life" because we have labels for them such as Soul, Self, Consciousness, God, Truth, and so forth.  Unfortunately these labels simply do not provide us the "experience" of what they stand for.

But, ask yourself this question:  Who do you know that has seen his or her Soul?  Even though almost everyone "thinks" he or she knows what the Soul is.  The same goes for the terms Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, God, Heaven, Intuition, and so forth.  In other words, we "think" we know a great deal about these abstract terms, but in actuality  what we "think" is imagination.  The only thing we really KNOW are the abstract terms that point to various parts of a "Whole" that is actually "invisible" to us.

In this illustration circle #1 represents the physical dimension which includes the brain.  This is what we know because we can experience it with our eyes, and think about it using our brains.
The "whole" of Man comprises all four dimensions, and three of these dimensions are invisible to our physical senses.

But, what teacher of yours in school ever pointed this out to you?  We are simply not told that the physical parts of ourselves are what die, and that the MIND [two parts] and one's Soul [one part] do not die, but are reincarnated [born again] over and over again, into what the Mystics tell us is a new body... from 8,400,000 different species or life forms on Earth.  The term for this is "Reincarnation".  And every Soul is subject to Reincarnation, over and over again.  And for most people, they have no memory of having lived previously.

This then is the seemingly invisible elements of Man that I am attempting to discuss in my blogs.  And, I apologize for not being very good at communicating that for which human language seems more like a finger pointing at a blank page.

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