Saturday, March 30, 2024



Who knows the answer to this question?  And why is the answer not taught to us in school?

The reason the answer is not taught to every child is that precious few people in history have ever known the answer to this question.  How about you.... do you know the answer?

What do we know, about Man?  What we know is based on what the brain can know, and that is confined to physical phenomena... or abstract terms that stand for elements our physical senses cannot perceive... such as Soul, God, Truth, Reality, Spirituality, and so forth.  Have considered the fact that what your brain can know represents one quarter of who and what Man is?

What do I mean by that?  Well, this little sketch illustrates what I am talking about:

In this sketch I have illustrated the four parts of the Whole Human Being (WHB), and #1 is the entire physical dimension of Man. #2 is the Lower MIND (or the Astral region of Man], and #3 is the Higher MIND (or the Causal region of Man), and  #1, #2, and #3 are all Invisible to the brain and our physical senses. #4 is the Soul and Spiritual Dimension of Man.

 The fact that the MIND of Man is invisible to the brain and our physical senses is the reason modern psychology has abandoned the MIND, and has decided to just deal with the physical brain and thinking about "Mental Illness".  This was encouraged by a Behavioral Scientist named B.F. Skinner, who [unknown (or unrecognized by) himself]... intellectually believed that the MIND was... well, let us let Skinner tell us what he thought:

 In this quote, Evans quotes Skinner as saying that he (Skinner) believed that anyone who believed in the MIND was suffering  a form of "animism"... or imagination.   And this belief by Skinner, oddly enough, was fed to the Left-Hemisphere of his brain by his own MIND as it's way  of keeping him stuck in his belief that everything could be understood by the use of Intellectualism... or his intellectual idea that if he could not find the MIND by use of his brain... then the MIND just didn't exist.

And the field of psychology and mental health at the time had not fully adopted the beliefs of Freud, or that of Fritz Perls,  and the field was dominated by scientist-type individuals whose approach to everything was by use of "Intellectualism," which simply means thinking about things by use of the brain...  which means using the Left-Hemisphere of the brain [which is confined to the physical realm of existence].

The part of Man that is capable of perceiving elements of the MIND is [I believe] a faculty of one's Soul which is labeled "Intuition".  And Intuition is not much valued [or even talked about in the West], so it is understandable that Skinner, and others who were stuck in Intellectualism would not "think" of the faculty of Intuition.

In my own study and work relative to the Esoteric dimensions of Man, I realized how valuable the faculty of Intuition is, and I have focused on trying to develop my own faculty of Intuition since it is absolutely required if one hopes to properly  engage in Gestalt Psychotherapy. 

What is the "Purpose of Life"?   The answer  is this:  The Purpose of Life is for we Souls to literally "explore and experience the Creation".  By the way... [we Souls are Pure Spiritual Energy (which I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" for short) ... and our Souls are immortal ! We are here to  "learn all about the Creation by actually existing in the Creation".  That is, by living in physical bodies in a physical Creation we get to experience everything the Creation provides.  But... how many people [especially in the West] realize that their  Souls are immortal, and they do not die?

The entire Creation is operated under the Law of Karma, which is described like this:   "As you sow, so shall you reap."  And this Law is an absolute Law.

Instead of the death of the person, the only part of the person that dies is the physical body.  At the time of death, the Soul and MIND of a person simply shifts into the Astral body, and then either spends time in a hell [for remedial education], or in some Heaven [for rest and relaxation].  This entire process is called Reincarnation.

 And "Reincarnation" just means being born into a life-form, and then living in that life-form until it dies, and then reincarnation again.  This concept is taught in the East, and they refer to the many life-forms into which we Souls can incarnate as the "Wheel of Eighty-Four".  That is, 8,400,000 different life-forms into which we Souls can incarnate.  And if you are a typical person living in the West, then the concept of Reincarnation  is most likely unknown to you.  Isn't this interesting?

Peace, 1 Brother James

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