Friday, March 22, 2024

The Most Common Source of Anger... Is Your MIND Protecting You from What It Holds Hidden Within Itself...

 And once again, we have the question of what is the MIND?

At this point, let me simply say that the MIND is what enables us to identify with the Illusion of Creation. And by "us" I mean the Soul of every living thing in the Creation.  Because every living thing has a Soul. And what differentiates one Soul from another is the level of Consciousness a particular Soul has acquired while existing in the Creation.   I wonder if I can visually illustrate this point?

The Creation is an illustration. The yellow represents the Spiritual Realm, which is the only realm that is Real in an absolute sense. This Reality is composed of Pure Spiritual Energy [I refer to as "NSgy"] Neutral Spiritual Energy.  The Illusion of Creation includes the MIND realms [the Causal Realm and the Astral realm], plus the Physical Realm that the MIND convinces the brain is real.  Truth cannot be found in the physical realm because Truth is an absolute, and all absolutes are part of Reality, which is permanent and does not change.

So, unless you happen to be a "Saint" [A Soul that is God-Realized], you most likely believe that the Creation is real and that "heaven" is hidden somewhere in space.  This is what most religions teach.

Back to the MIND.  The MIND is not Real in an absolute sense, although it is more real that one's physical body and brain.  And the role of your MIND is to make you believe that the Creation is real, and that your life is real, and that  you die at the end of your life.  And most people, especially in the West, do believe that when a life-form dies on Earth, it's Soul goes to either Hell, or Heaven.  And this belief is only partly true.  The thing is... your Soul is immortal and it does not die.  When you die, you awaken in your Astral body [a part of your MIND], and you are escorted to a form of judgement where you review your just completed life, and a determination is made as to where your Soul needs to go in order to "learn" from what you experienced in your just completed life?  The whole purpose of life on Earth is to allow you to fully and completely experience all there is to discover about the Creation?

Life on Earth is about experiencing the Creation... beginning as a one-celled organism, and then progressing up the scale of life-forms until you are ultimately born as a human being, which is as high as life gets in the Creation].  And all of this is done under the rule of the Law of Karma.  The short definition of which is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  And the Mystics speak of the "Wheel of Eighty-Four", which refers to the fact that there are 8, 400,000 different life-forms on Earth that we Souls can explore.  And each "human being" has progressed to the highest life-form that can be experienced in the Creation.  And the name for this is Reincarnation, wherein a Soul progresses up the scale of life-forms as that Soul "earns" the ultimate right to be born as a Human Being.

And those Souls who are aware of what I have written here are fairly advanced Souls that are most likely searching for a Perfect Living Master, or Saint, to whom that Soul will be drawn for what is called "Initiation".  Or, that special time in the life of a Soul when the Lord God arranges for that Soul to "find" a Saint who will Initiate that Soul in a special Spiritual Path that leads that Soul back Home to God.  And... about the MIND?

When a person gets angry, what is causing that anger is a person's MIND diverting that person's Attention from his or her MIND [within which some deeply repressed emotional trauma is being stimulated] .  Thus, the anger is a  psychologically "safe" course of action  because it is artificial and generated as a good way to divert that person's Attention from the deeply repressed trauma hidden within that person's MIND, and is projected outward to some person, or event outside that person.   And once this "habit" is created by that person's MIND, it is quickly habituated so that anytime that repressed trauma is stimulated, that same bit of anger will arise.

This process is simply your  MIND protecting you from discovering that deeply repressed trauma, the exposure of which is greatly feared by you... because your MIND believes you are "guilty" of what you, as a tiny baby,  "took-on" as a "misperception"  of who and what your Soul must be!  And this happens to virtually everyone who is born.  Deeply repressed and very frightening misperceptions that we take-on as part of the structure of our Self-view for this lifetime.  It is just the way we are set-up by our own Karma to form a certain personality...that helps us emotionally explore and experience life on Earth.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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