Friday, March 29, 2024

the CREATION and that of DUALITY...


 Would "life" in the Creation be possible if the Creation was not composed  of opposite and opposing Energies?  Such as indicated by the Yin-Yang symbol?

And the answer to the question of duality just might help explain the reason absolutes such as God, Truth, and Reality have not been found in our exploration of the Earth and Creation thus far?  Are "absolutes" simply not present in the Creation?  And if they do not exist in the Creation, where then do they exist, if they exist at all?  Is it possible that the "Creation" exists... but it exists separate from a hidden Reality that Man cannot discover by making use of the tools that Man is aware of possessing?  And these "tools" are invisible to Man... and "only exist" in a Spiritual Realm that is entirely separate from the Creation?

What if duality was actually an Illusion, like William Shakespeare said... when he likened life to a "stage, upon which we people were all actors"?  The idea that the Creation could be an Illusion is, of course, too far fetched to be given much credence.  And yet, what he suggested is True... at least it is the Truth that many great Mystics have taught for a very long time.

The realm of Pure Spirituality, according to these great Mystics, does exist.  And they were teaching  this little known Truth long before the birth of Christ.  

For anyone interested in this particular area of study, I highly recommend a book written by Julian Johnson, entitled "The Path of the Masters," and this book is available in many libraries.

Imagine that... we are born, we live, and we die... and how few people pause living life long enough to even think about death... and what might happen after one dies?   And my suggestion that what we know of as "life" is actually a most involved and amazing Illusion... is dismissed as nonsense.

A Pure Spiritual Reality does exist, but it is entirely invisible to the brain and our physical senses.  It is invisible because it exists as a Realm of absolute Energy that  exists simultaneously with, and even supports the "Creation" we think is the only reality there is.  The Illusion we know as the Creation exists as a duality of opposite energies operated by the Law of Karma, which was designed by God. And one's Soul is immortal, and it is born into what is known in the East as "the wheel of eighty-four".  That is, according to Mystics, there are 8,400,000 different life-forms that we Souls can be born into, and the process of re-birth is called "Reincarnation".  And the entire process is controlled by the MIND, and each Soul has a MIND attached to it that operates according to the Law of Karma.

And all the above is taking place continuously... and the only people who know this are Souls that are ready to begin their journey back Home to God... and they are reluctant to say anything because what they KNOW is not something others want to hear.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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