Thursday, March 28, 2024


 I coined the symbol "NSgy" around the year 2000, and it came from the phrase "Neutral Spiritual Energy".  "NSgy" came from this phrase like this:   Neutral Spiritual Energy. That is... NSgy. And I believe that the Energy of God is Pure NSgy, and that there are degrees of NSgy which are not Pure NSgy. That is,  stepped-down levels of NSgy that are invisible, but less than Pure NSgy.  We speak of these stepped-down levels by the names Causal Realm,  Astral Realm,  and the Physical Realm [ or Creation].

A listing of these Realms would be, from highest to lowest... The Spiritual Realm, the Higher MIND realm [the Causal Realm], the Lower MIND realm [the Astral Realm], and the Physical realm... which of course refers to the Physical Universe.

Other commonly known names for the stepped-down levels of NSgy are Consciousness, Soul, Heaven, Hell, Knowledge, Intuition,  MIND [the Causal plane and the Astral plane], truth and intelligence. And all realms or degrees of NSgy other than the Physical Realm are invisible to the brain and physical senses of the various forms in which NSgy can manifest.  In other words, a tree has a Soul, but the Soul of a tree is not very advanced in its development, understanding, or experience.

In the East, students fortunate enough to attend school... are taught the above concepts as part of their basic education.  This general belief in God, and in the various realms and elements of Creation that are normally invisible to Man are part of most Eastern religion and education.  In the West, various forms of Christianity, reflecting many kinds of interpretations of the Bible [written long after the time of Christ], present equal amounts of speculation as to what Christ meant to convey, and the belief systems of those who present us with their beliefs of what Christ meant to convey.

NSgy exists in all living things in existence as a "Soul".  And the level of NSgy possessed by a Soul determines the Life-form inhabited by that Soul... and this idea is based on the term Reincarnation, which is the term for the fact that the Soul is immortal, and does not die, but is re-born into another life-form at the end of each lifetime.  And this entire process is the responsibility of the Law of Karma.  And it is one's own Fate Karma that is being directed by one's MIND, as it directs the thoughts and actions of one's brain.

So, when it is said that "God is "Within" you," what is being referred to is that the Soul that exists "within" every living thing in existence is an aspect of God.  Now, when you couple the term "Reincarnation" with the term "Soul" and the phrase "the Purpose of life"... you get the process of Life: Which is for each Soul to continue to be born into one of 8,400,000 forms of life on Earth in a continuing process until a Soul acquires a sufficient amount of Consciousness... that enables that Soul to begin to realize it is lonely... [not for a mate, but to rejoin its Father God]. And this "inner" loneliness of one's Soul drives a person to actively search for God.  And God then lovingly leads each Soul to begin to search for a representative of God on Earth [known in the East as a Perfect Living Master].

Thus, be kind to others who are unknowingly searching for the Master they have yet to realize they are searching for.  God is always aware and on time relative to we Souls.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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