Monday, March 18, 2024


Awareness is a unique term because it quite often (includes) a reference to both one's physical senses and another element of Man that  usually goes unnoticed by [and is normally invisible to] one's intellectual consciousness.

And what is that other element, you might ask?

The other element is an aspect of one's MIND, and its energy, which is that of emotion.  And that emotional element would be a form of emotional energy such as anger, fear, grief, impending doom, anxiety, impatience and other subtle states of being we "experience"... but only [kind-of], since our MIND does a masterful job in hiding these "states of emotion" from our intellectual consciousness... and for the most part we remain unaware of being in these "states". 

We tend to deny and ignore these brief states of experience because there is nothing in our physical environment to warrant or justify such an emotional state of being.

So, what "causes" these seemingly inappropriate states of emotion in us?  Well, it's one's own MIND reacting to some subtle [and entirely repressed bit of emotional traumata hidden deep within one's own MIND]... that has been triggered by some subtle emotional message one's MIND has just "picked up" from the subtle, and otherwise invisible MIND-level message from  the MIND of someone in our present environment.  And none of this is taking place on a level capable of being perceived by one's brain or one's physical senses.

You see, your MIND operates quite independently from your brain and its thinking.  Indeed, it is your MIND that feeds the "thoughts" your brain "thinks" it has generated...[I refer to this as "D-Think," which is to say... "Delusional Thinking," , and it is delusional because it is directly tied to a "script" that is known in the East as one's "Fate Karma" (which is the "Plan for this life that each of us has and is following).  So, in contrast to what we in the West think... we do not really have "free-will," but rather a plan for our life that we have designed by what we have done in our previous lifetimes.

But back to the term of "Awareness".  When your MIND picks up some subtle emotional message from the MIND of someone in your environment, what is happening is that the "message" is intended to stimulate some emotional response in your MIND [which it does].  But this is all taking place at a level of  Awareness that is not perceived by your brain or your intellectual level of awareness.  It is taking place at a "Mental" [invisible] level of your MIND, which then feeds thoughts to your brain, and your subsequent words or actions  may appear to on-lookers as an inappropriate expression by you to what another has said or done?   And neither you nor the person whose MIND message has stimulated your response are aware as to the "reason" for your reaction?

And the above scenario is taking place everywhere on Earth continually... and very few people are aware of what is taking place.

And now you have a part of the story that is virtually unknown, but it is an important element in how life is going on in an Illusion that most people mistake as the only Reality there is.  The Law of Karma never rests, and it is always spot-on in how it operates... in spite of how we "think" it should be.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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