Sunday, March 31, 2024


 Do you recall reading in the Bible : (6:57-58) [specifically in Saint John] the following:... so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.?

Most people reading this probably wondered what Christ was talking about... suggesting his disciples eat him?  Well, Christ was speaking to his disciples about that which Christ was attempting to explain,  but was hampered by their lack of "experience"....  

It is most difficult for a Mystic to speak of Spiritual Energy relative to Man.  The Soul of Man is actually Pure Spiritual Energy [I refer to it as Neutral Spiritual Energy, or "NSgy" for short].  And the Soul exists "Within Man" as Pure Spiritual Energy.  But, the Energy of the Soul is, as I have said, Pure Spiritual Energy... which does not exist in the physical plane of existence.

This means that no part of the physical human being can perceive Pure Spiritual Energy.  The Soul of Man is not physical, and therefore Man cannot perceive of Spiritual Energy, or what I refer to as NSgy.  So how could Christ, or any God-realized Soul convey NSgy to Man in a way that a normal human being would know what a Mystic was talking about?  The normal, typical, human being has not awakened to the Soul "Within" him or herself... therefore, how does a Mystic refer to the Pure Spiritual Energy of the Soul to normal human beings.

This is the reason Christ spoke as he did to his disciples.  That is, they had not (as yet) made much progress [going "Within" themselves] to where Christ could speak directly to their Souls [via the faculty of Intuition... an aspect of the Soul].   So, Christ had to speak to them using words and terms that they might understand using their brains and intellect. And people reading the Bible are scratching their heads wondering what Christ was alluding to?

All Mystics, Saints, and advanced Spiritual Masters have the same problem trying to communicate with normal human beings.  They are forced to speak in terms the brain can understand... which is not what the Mystic is talking about... but what the Mystic is saying is as close as the Mystic can come trying to communicate Spiritual elements for which there are no words in any language of the world.

It takes considerable time and effort for even the most ardent students of Spirituality to "awaken" his or her faculty of "Intuition" [a part of one's Consciousness, and one's Soul] to what a Mystic wants to convey to we normal human beings.  And this is not because Spirituality is a "secret"... is it simply because the Pure Spirituality of Truth, and Reality does not exist as part of the "Creation".  The Creation was created using a stepped-down range of vibrations... one element of which is the MIND of Man.

The MIND is what each of us uses as our inboard guide to the exploration of the Creation, and for us, this means the exploration of this physical plane, or Earth, which is where we are operating.

God is Pure Love, Truth, and a Reality that is quite beyond our physical senses to perceive.  So, the message of all Mystics is the same message.  That is, the Creation is an Illusion that we "think" is real. And, to "see" the Illusory nature of the Creation, a person must awaken his or her own level of Spiritual Consciousness to the point where his or her Soul begins to "see" bits of Truth that exist, but they cannot be discussed using any known language of Man.  We must awaken from "Within" ourselves, and we refer to this element of awakening as "Intuition" or elevated Consciousness or enlightenment. What little I have learned over the last fifty years is herein being shared, as best as I can manage.  I hope it is somewhat helpful.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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