Tuesday, March 15, 2022


About two decades ago I Intuited the terms "Neutral," "Spiritual," and "Energy".  I thought at the time these were three separate terms. and I could not figure out what they meant?   But eventually I realized (Intuitively), that these three terms collectively defined a special kind of Energy.  That is, "Neutral Spiritual Energy," which I have come to believe is the Primordial Energy of Existence, or what we refer to as God.  And being aspects of God, we Souls are also a part of the same Energy as that of God.  That is, "Neutral Spiritual Energy," which I reduced to a symbol:  "NSgy".

Strangely, whomever wrote [or more properly interpreted]  the first book of Moses, or Genesis, refers in Chapter 1, verse 2, to the following:

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And in verse 3:  And God said, Let there be light: and there was Light.

 What if... the interpretation by the interpreter of the actions of God... was as close as Man can come to putting words to the Energy of God... Whose Energy is not capable of being translated into any language?  But the Energy of God is simultaneously operating behind, or as an influence of, that which can be observed or articulated by the brain of Man.  Not the origin of [which is Invisible), but the manifested forms that Man can see.

So, I am saying that indeed God did Create the Creation, and God was indeed involved in everything that the Bible details... except the essence of the Energy of God is Invisible to Man, and thus... Man must find or create words with which to try and explain the "SIMULTANEITY"  of God causing NSgy to manifest in various elements in the Physical Universe.

So, when the Mystic says that the Creation is an "illusion," we now know what the Mystic is referring to!   The Creation was "created". So, it exists as long as God wants it to exist.

"Let there be light: and there was Light." As an example.

One's own Soul is another example.  Each of us has a Soul, and yet who do you know that has seen his own Soul?  I believe the reason we  cannot find the Soul is that it exists "simultaneously" with the physical body, but the Energy of the Soul exists in an entirely separate dimension of Energy... and thus,  one's Soul, whose Energy is NSgy, exists in a relationship that is one of simultaneity with one's physical body.  My attempt at a sketch of this I have shown several times:

The only part of this simultaneous collection of different energy realms we can "see" is #1, the physical realm in which the brain and our physical senses reside.

In which case, the words of the Bible are as close as Man can come to articulating Spiritual phenomena, but the words of the Bible are unable to "capture" the essence of what God did in Creating the Creation?  Or how Mystics tell us that God is "Within" us.  Indeed God is "Within" us, but God is also in a dimension that is one of simultaneity with our physical existence.  God can see us, but we cannot see God... as long as our "Attention" aspect of our Soul is "attached" to the Illusion of this Creation, which means the Physical Dimension.

So, clearly... in order for one's Soul to enter into a dimension that will take it Home... One's Soul must work to release itself from the Illusion  of the physical body that is presented to it daily.  To do this, there is a special form of meditation.  But this is another story... and very few people are anxious to leave the Illusion.

Peace, 1 Brother James


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