Showing posts with label mental illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mental illness. Show all posts

Saturday, March 2, 2024

WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? Or, what should it be?

 Put as clearly as I can state it... Psychology "should be" a study of what causes a person to be who and what he or she is, and whether or not that person can change or alter his or her personality via a special process of Psychotherapy? 

Do you know the difference between thinking that something might be true, and the actual experience of that something from "within" yourself via your faculty of "Intuition"... which provides you the actual "Conscious Knowledge" of that something?  But, what have I just said, precisely?

What I have just alluded to is what the Gestalt Psychotherapy [initiated by Fritz Perls, many years ago] could have become... if it had not been altered by the destructive force of the natural tendency of the Left-Hemisphere (L-H) of the brain of Man [and promoted by many intellectuals, including B.F. Skinner... note quote of Skinner below].  And that brings us to what this blog is primarily about.  That is, the natural nature of the two Hemispheres of the brain and how this  duality  prevents a majority of people from discovering that there is a MIND that rules the Left-Hemisphere of the brain, but this connection between the MIND and the brain is essentially "invisible"... and therefore, a great many people believe that what they "think"... is true... when what they "think" is quite far from the Truth.

By the way, Truth does exist.  But it ONLY exists in a realm of Pure Spiritual Energy.  And I have labeled this realm "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" for short.  And the only thing I have found that makes a [Conscious] connection with this realm of NSgy is one's faculty of "Intuition," which I believe is an aspect of one's Soul.

In a book by Evans, Richard I., Entitled B.F. Skinner: The Man and His Ideas. Published by E.P. Dutton & Co. 1968, Skinner is quoted as saying the following:

"A child is influenced and changed as a biological entity by things that happen to him, but the notion that somehow or other the child of our past is still contained within us is a form of animism which serves no useful purpose in explaining present behavior."

In this quote, Skinner is quite clear as to his belief that there is no MIND in Man that can determine a person's "present behavior". And Skinner was not alone in  thinking this.  It is unfortunately believed by many intellectuals today who, like Skinner, are essentially ruled by their thinking and the Left-Hemisphere of the brain.  They think that if something cannot be proven to exist physically, then it does not exist.  What causes this?  The cause of such thinking is simply a lack of "Conscious Awareness".  That is, they possess a level of Consciousness that is not sufficiently developed to enable them to make use of the faculty of "Intuition" from "Within Themselves".

You see... a great many elements that are widely known in the East are not known in the West.  Reincarnation is one such element.  The fact that one's Soul is immortal is another element.  And there are other elements to Life in the Illusion we face here on Earth that are simply not taught to us in the West.  No wonder the East seems so foreign to us in the West.

 There are about 331.9 million people in America, and yet, we don't teach young people the reason they are on Earth?  Do you know the reason for your being on Earth?  If not, have you at least thought about what the reason might be?  There is a reason for our being here.  And we will get to it in this blog eventually... but at the moment, let us consider the term "mental"... as in mental health.

You do realize that the term "mental" refers to the human MIND, right?  And your MIND is not your brain. Your brain is a most complex muscle located in your skull... while your MIND is composed of two different energy realms, each of which is quite invisible to your brain, or your physical senses.

No wonder so many young people today have so little respect for their parents, or for adults in general.  Imagine getting old, and preparing to die, and you have no idea what awaits you after death? All because no one taught you what the Purpose of Life is... so you might prepare yourself for your own death!

Well, let me share with you what I have learned in the last 50 years.

No doubt the most difficult thing I have learned in my life is this:

            "Truth cannot be described in mortal language."

And I read this statement in a book entitled  "Light on Saint John," written by Maharaj Charan Singh ( The previous Spiritual Master at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, located in Beas, India), in 1967.

Your Soul is immortal, which means it does not die.  Your physical body dies, but that is not who or what you are.  And when you die, you find yourself in your Astral body [a subtle energy body that resembles your physical body], and you also find yourself in the Astral Region, which is another entire region of existence, existing  simultaneously with [but invisible to] the physical Earth.

And, before a person who has just died leaves the realm just beyond this physical dimension... [a realm existing between the physical and Astral realms] he or she can see people who are part of this physical dimension.  Until the person who has died is escorted further into the Astral Region, where various Heavens and Hells reside [and yes, there is more than one Hell].  And while on this point, the reader might be surprised to learn that the Purpose of Life is for we Souls to explore and experience the Creation.  But "why" is the question?

The answer to the question of why are we here... is not  something one's brain can answer adequately... since one's brain will never experience what the answer requires by way of Knowledge.

The brain is well-versed in words one's brain knows of the tangible and material Earth.  But, the Earth and the entire Creation is... in actuality, a most amazing Illusion.  And who among the possible readers of this blog believes that the life we know is an  Illusion?

 To actually experience the Illusion of this Creation, one must be open to accepting that oneself is part of the Illusion itself.  And operating behind an invisible curtain of this physical Creation are several invisible realms, the last of which is the Pure Spiritual Realm that is Home to one's Soul.

One's Soul is part of that Spiritual Reality, and is thus invisible. And finally, one's Soul is composed of the same Energy as the Creator, which we refer to as God. No wonder then that we human beings [who are part of the Illusion of Creation] are unable to find the Soul, Truth, Reality, or God... since they all operate in dimensions other than that of the physical plane of an Illusion we believe is real.

And we acquire Knowledge by Completing Karma... slowly over many, many lifetimes.   Truth is fourth dimensional Knowledge, or Absolute Knowledge, [which is Truth, and it does not change], but information changes constantly. Truth is synonymous with full Consciousness.

The Bible is  quite correct in what it says, but it is simply a segment of the Whole History of Man.  It just can't convey Truth, or Absolute Knowledge, because there is no written language for Absolute Knowledge, Truth, or Spiritual Reality. We simply cannot perceive Reality by physical means.  So, what do we use to discover the Truth?  We must use "direct perception"... But "direct perception" requires use of one's Soul.  The closest thing we have is the term "intuition," which is an aspect of one's Soul.

Aside from the book "Light on Saint John," another book that speaks to all of this is The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson, and it is available in many libraries.

My point being... we Souls  are immortal, and we have as many lifetimes as we desire in which to explore and experience what the Creation has to teach us... which is both good and bad.  And the process that is designed to take care of all of this is called the Law of Karma. And this Law was designed by God, and it applies to every living thing in the Creation.  And now you know more than most people educated in the West.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, March 18, 2022


 In the early 1900s, a wanna-b psychologist named B.F. Skinner, suggested that Man does not have a MIND, and here is what he is quoted as saying:

Skinner was wrong, of course, but since he was an intellectual and given to the malady of Intellectualism [locked into the brain and thinking while in denial of emotions], his quote tells us [well at least me] how much he feared of his own MIND.

Skinner and other thinkers did things to animals and then watched the animals react to what was done to them... and they assumed that the reactions of the animals was a choice they made... presumably by the brain within the animal.  These people called their game of reporting the actions of animals in response to being tortured by the oxymoron "behavioral psychology".  

Skinner was somehow able to force the field of Psychology at the time to grant these animal provokers use of the label "behavioral psychology," and made this an official part of Psychology.

And so, since the early 1900s, the field of psychology"[began  effectively to eliminate much of the Esoteric nature of Psychology], and began to incorporated pure Intellectualism, and the oxymoron behavioral psychology as "modern psychology".  As a consequence,  the three-quarters of Man that are entirely invisible to the brain are simply ignored.  And young people and Veterans are committing suicide in increased numbers due to a lack of competent psychotherapists.

As to the question of the MIND becoming ill... The MIND, or "Invisible MIND, thus "I-MIND" (to remind us that the "I" of I-MIND means that the MIND is invisible to one's brain and physical senses).  Therefore,  the I-MIND  it is not physical, and is not subject to physical illness.  But it is the I-MIND that plays havoc with the Delusional Thinking it feeds to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain of Man.  If there is any "illness" today... that illness is an ignorance of how to properly deal with the I-MIND of Man caught up in negative thoughts that are harmful to self and to others.

In other words... where do the negative thoughts come from?  Duh, they come from a person's I-MIND, and they are based on deeply repressed bits of trauma hidden "Within" a person's I-MIND. A person is not an animal, by the way!

It is the denial of the MIND that constitutes the "illness" of  mental health today... as "psychology" no longer deals with the largely Esoteric Psychology given to the world by the ancient  Greeks. 

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, February 27, 2022


 What makes Mysticism so mysterious and difficult to comprehend?

Well, for me, the  mystery of Mysticism was resolved almost two decades ago.  Although at the time, I was unaware that what I Intuited one evening would turn out to be the solution of  the mystery of Mysticism.   And this began by my writing down three terms:  "Neutral," "Spiritual," and "Energy".

Between 15 and 20 years ago, I happened upon the terms "Neutral, Spiritual, and Energy," while doodling on a piece of paper one evening.  That is, I was doodling, or just drawing random images on a piece of paper, while my MIND was running through a number of elements I had been working on for quite some time.

At that point in time, I was attempting to complete a more precise understanding of the Mystical elements that comprise the invisible aspects of Psychology, since these elements  seemed to be "invisible" to Man.   I had been working on the problem of a Psychology for the Whole Human Being,  for a very long time.  By "Whole," I mean both the physical part of Man and  the Invisible parts of Man.  This sketch illustrates what I was searching for at that time:

#1 is the physical body of Man, including the physical brain. #2, and #3 represent the "I-MIND" of Man (the "I" reminds us that the MIND is invisible to #1.  And #4 is the Spiritual Dimension of Man, and #4 also includes the Soul.  And my view of Psychology includes all of these dimensions.  One part physical, and thee parts Invisible.

I believe what we know as "Intuition" is a faculty of the Soul, and I also believe "Intuition" is unique in Man, because  it is the only part of Man that can experience all four dimensions of Man.  But what makes this particular bit of Intuition special... was that it identified the Energy of the Soul as "Neutral"!  What do you know that is "Neutral"?

I began a casual search for something that was "Neutral".  Guess what?  I have never found any part of the physical dimension that is Neutral! So, what makes the Spiritual in Man so difficult to deal with is that it is entirely Invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  And this goes for the I-MIND as well.  I refer to this Invisible Energy of the Soul as "NSgy".

No wonder the oxymoron "behavioral psychology" [presented  by B.F. Skinner], has been trying to get rid of all reference to the MIND of Man since the early 1900s.  That's what's wrong with modern psychology.

Well, Skinner was entirely wrong, but he had a great many people who, like himself, were given to Intellectualism... (denial of the MIND while confined to the brain and thinking],  and thus unaware of how frightened they were of what was hidden "Within" the "I-MIND" of each person.  

In the West, we are not taught about the three-quarters of the Whole of Man that are Invisible to the brain of Man. But denial does not make that three-quarters of oneself go away.

So, the mystery of Mysticism is simply a natural denial of that which is Invisible to oneself.  In other words, to discover the Mystical parts of oneself, one must learn how to do so.  And that is not an easy thing to accomplish.  It is also a bit scary.  But it is ultimately necessary if one wants to deal with Reality!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Friday, February 18, 2022


 Much of the following is prompted by what Dr. Johnson is saying in his book, The Path of the Masters, which can be found in many libraries.  Dr. Johnson is writing about the MIND, and a person reading what Dr. Johnson is saying... might casually conclude that Dr. Johnson is writing about a diseased MIND.  Or a MIND that is ill. But let us look closely at what Dr. Johnson is saying, and hopefully differentiate his speaking of the actions of the MIND... separate from the idea that the MIND is "ill". He specifically uses the word "Perversions" of MIND" at the beginning of his section on the "Five Perversions" of MIND.

"Any outline of the psychology of the Masters would not be complete without particular mention of the five modes of destructive mental action called the passions. We have said that these are perversions of the normal faculties.  They are so."

He says "there are five different modes of destructive mental activity.  They are modes of obsession. They are deadly diseases..."  But he then quickly adds:

"But we must insist that Nature, or the Negative Power, shall not be blamed for these mental carcinomata.  These evil passions cannot take root in man unless they are invited.  This fact must not be forgotten."

He is, in other words, making an important, and subtle point that "the five modes of destructive action" are perversions of the MIND.  Not an illness, but "an obsession" ...   

And this is an important point because one's I-MIND is not physical, but is a subtle entity that is composed of two different energy bodies, neither of which can be seen by the physical brain of Man.   In other words, the I-MIND of Man is invisible to the brain.  The physical brain can become diseased, and can thus become "ill".  But the I-MIND is not physical, and thus, not subject to "illness".  So the phrase "mental illness" is, in actuality, an oxymoron.

The point being... the term "illness" applies to the physical body, and not to a habit pattern developed by a person's I-MIND that is based entirely on a habit pattern of action... that the I-MIND directs the brain to engage in... because you [your brain] wanted to engage in that action to experience the results of that action.  The I-MIND is very quick to develop an action into a habitual activity that your brain and physical body find enjoyable, or one that provides something you [knowingly or unknowingly] desire. When one is unable to intellectually cease or eliminate that habitual behavior... then it is considered a "mental illness," but the I--MIND is not ill... any more than your computer is ill when you hit a remove key.

Because we do not realize how the I-MIND works, or that the I-MIND is quite separate from the brain and thinking.

 The computer is a perfect example.  The computer offers you the option of removing something the computer  has done by hitting a certain key.  If you do not want that something removed, then do not hit the removal key.  The problem is...     quite often that part of you that "desires" a certain habitual behavior is not part of your Conscious Awareness (current thinking), but is a non-conscious desire to "punish" yourself.  And again, your I-MIND listens to negative desires just as often as it listens to desires that are not harmful to you.  And such "negative" desires are subtle (non-conscious) emotions that trigger your I-MIND to engage in some habitual behavior, even if consciously you do not want to do so.

This is not an "illness" of your I-MIND.  It is a pattern of behavior that your I-MIND has "learned" satisfies some repressed desire of your I-MIND  that is active "Within" you that you are not aware of as being present at all.

In other words, it is you that is responsible for your I-MIND creating a strong anxiety "Within" you until you engage in a certain behavior, that always makes you feel bad.  And this then is you [unknowingly punishing yourself]... without even knowing you are doing so!  And you go to a doctor, or a modern mental health "expert" for help... and the expert writes a prescription for a drug that impacts your physical brain, causing it to shut-down.  Problem is, this shutting down is often worse than the negative behavior you are seeking to get rid of!

 What is the solution?  Well, unfortunately, there are precious few "natural" psychotherapists who realize that what passes today for therapy is intellectual clap-trap, and mainly psychology today is a major drug industry... leading to a terrible drug dependence, and a growing conflict between your need for drugs, and your I-MIND doing its best to help you fulfill some deeply repressed habit patterns your I-MIND cannot eliminate by use of drugs.

What is missing is the TRUTH regarding the I-MIND and how it works, in other words.  Oh, and the fact that the field of psychology today is entirely unaware of what people are dying for.  Want to end tens of thousands of young people and Veterans committing suicide?  Then demand that the field of psychology admit to its failure, and cease licensing mentally ill people as drug dealers.

Oh... what are the five perversions?  They are:  Lust, Anger, Greed, Vanity, Egotism. And each of these uses the I-MIND as an agent to punish oneself.

Peace, 1 Brother James


How Many Realize the term "Mental" refers to the MIND... which is invisible to the brain?

Well, this is true.   So, when you hear the words "mental illness"... do you imagine the MIND (which is invisible to the brain) can suffer an "illness" ?

Well, the MIND can never be "ill'.  And the  principal reason for this is simply because the I-MIND... or the Invisible MIND is not physical.  That is,  the I-MIND is entirely Invisible to the brain and to the physical senses of  Man because it consists of two different dimensions of the Creation:  The Lower MIND represents the Astral Region of Creation, and the Higher MIND represents the Causal Region of Creation and both exist as "part of Man," however neither  is visible to the brain or one's physical senses.

And that is quite strange, is it not?  That is, parts of oneself that operate and conduct one's life, and yet neither of these can be seen by Man?

Therefore,  I prefer to refer to the MIND as the "I-MIND"... because using the "I" before the MIND helps  to remind us that the MIND is entirely Invisible to the brain,  and one's physical senses.   The I-MIND is composed of two subtle energy bodies existing "Within" the Whole of oneself... even though neither of these are actually part of the physical structure of Man.  Read this last part a couple times to set this idea firmly in your brain.  See sketch:

In this sketch, #1 is your physical body, with its physical brain. #2, and #3 comprise the I-MIND, and these two parts, along with your Soul, or Spiritual Dimension, are all invisible to one's brain and physical senses.

Were you aware that there are people who are routinely identified as having died [there is no pulse and the heart has stopped], and yet a number of these people awaken after having been pronounced dead... and those who speak of their experiences  tell us of having experiences that are very similar. 

And in no case was death due to the illness of the I-MIND "Within" a person.

Why do I mention all of this?  To try and provide the correct information to people who may have been mislead by modern mental health that routinely mistakes the brain for the I-MIND of Man.

Your brain is physical, and your I-MIND is neither physical, nor is it ever ill.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, January 31, 2022

The LAW OF KARMA... or What is Wrong With American Education Today ???

 Many years ago, I was teaching Art at Lincoln High School, in San Diego, California. I noted that several students were very talented artists, and they were producing some marvelous pieces of Art  But I also noticed that none of these students were taking what they had produced home.

My curiosity get the  best of me, and I finally asked one of the students, when the opportunity arose that only he could hear my question:  Why do you not take your art work home?  And, because his answer could not be heard by other students, he answered me.  He said that "none of the students could take their art work home with them because it would be taken and destroyed by young people in their neighborhood".  He said that a large number of young people in his neighborhood believed that art was something what "White people did," and those young people hated anyone who did things that white people cared about".

I was shocked to hear this, and I was surprised, but mainly I was too much into my own life [involved in my own patterns of thinking, believing, and ways of relating to life] to be sufficiently conscious of the lives of my students.  What their lives were like, in other words.  What did I do with this information?  Well, I went to the district official responsible for Art Education in the district, and I suggested that I would like to hold a District-wide Art Exhibition at Lincoln High School.  Open  to all High Schools in the District, and that the work would be judged, and prizes would be presented for the best work in various categories.

Being a bright and helpful individual, he agreed that my idea was a good one, and he said the District would help in whatever way  possible.  So, I invited a number of my students to help in this endeavor, and they were very pleased to have an opportunity to participate.  So, we took on the challenge, and we spent the next two months putting together a System-wide Art Exhibition for all High Schools in the City of San Diego, California.

And we opened on a Thursday evening, and we were amazed at the number of people that attended.  We also arranged for District High School Art classes  to be bused to Lincoln High School to view the exhibition.  Art at Lincoln High School would never be the same again.  And I would never be quite as narrow, or closed to the needs of young people as I had been prior to this event.  That event took place in 1966, I believe.  Sadly, my own Fate Karma had a great many different avenues in store for me that I was meant to follow.  My point of this blog is to try and point out the fact that too few people do too little to help education actually expand how much it can do to help young people move beyond the barriers of prejudice, poverty, and harmful and habitual beliefs of human beings stuck in patterns of psychological stagnation.  Their fear is non-conscious, by the way!

There is a great deal wrong with education in America today.  The greatest flaw in education lies in the strangle-hold the "Malady of Intellectualism' has imposed upon education at all levels.  There is nothing worse that an adult who thinks that he knows more than he does... and is too fearful to admit otherwise!  As long as teaching is controlled by Union bosses who care ONLY for the money, education will reflect the illness of greed.  Wonder, the excitement of seeking Truth, and the discovery of the unknown... while abandoning oneself to developing one's faculty of Intuition has nothing in common with greed, or Intellectualism.

I have not forgotten about the Law of Karma... and the importance of Karma will be addressed in my next blog!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Tendency of the I-MIND to develop the attributes or qualities of that which we focus upon.

 The I-MIND and its operations are invisible for the most part... or rather, we are unable to differentiate, isolate, or identify what is taking place "Within" the I-MIND that results in our acting out certain patterns of behavior... until we find ourselves acting out such behaviors... even when we do not wish to be doing so!

In other words, in certain instances, we experience ourselves engaging  in behaviors and various actions that we wish we could refrain from doing... although we seem somehow compelled to do what we  experience ourselves doing... even when such things would be damaging to us if they were to be discovered.  In fact, the person who is  caught "shop-lifting" or stealing small objects from a store, even after being punished for doing so... will repeat the same action over and over again.

The question is... how come?

Why do people risk doing such things?  Even after having been caught and punished for engaging in behaviors the person would prefer not doing?  Well, I'm going to explain a primary reason for this behavior,  although most readers may find my explanation hard to believe?

The operations, making decisions, and "reasons" for doing what the I-MIND does are all taking place on a level of existence no part of one's brain can perceive nor interact with.  And the reason for this "invisibility"  is because the brain is physical  and measurable by one's physical senses, whereas the energy of the I-MIND is comprised of a range of  vibrations ONLY discernible by the I-MIND itself, and a part of one's Soul I refer to as "Intuition".  Again, the I-MIND is invisible to Man... with one exception... which is Intuition, as far as I know.

This is how modern mental health views the I-MIND of Man today. Less than 1 % of those licensed in mental health today can tell you what the I-MIND is, where it is located, or how it works.  What kind of psychology is that?

The only part of Man  that can perceive or sense the involvement of the I-MIND in some thought or action  is one's faculty of "Intuition"... if one's faculty of Intuition is active "Within" oneself?  When I use the symbol "Within"... I do so to emphasize the fact that the origin of something is normally invisible to we human beings, and its operation is confined to a dimension of Man that is normally Invisible to the physical realm.

Most subtle motivations by one's I -MIND are only noticed when they are picked up by one's brain as thoughts.  I refer to such 'thoughts' as Delusional Thinking, or "D-Think," and this is the method by which one's I-MIND directs the brain and thinking.  But most people, most of the time, are unable to differentiate their regular thinking from thoughts fed to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain by the I-MIND.

And the only part of Man that can get a sense of the involvement of the I-MIND in one's thoughts is one's faculty of Intuition... which is a faculty of one's Soul that is pretty much limited to people who are "Enlightened".  And "Enlightened" is the term we use to identify people whose level of Consciousness [possession of bits of Knowledge] is more advanced than the normal person.  And  this involves the Law of Karma,  which is yet another layer of invisible operation taking place "Within" Man all the time.   And we will discuss the Law of Karma and its operations in the next blog.  THE LAW OF KARMA, AND HOW IT WORKS...

A portion of the above "SHOULD" be common instruction in graduate education of people in the field of Psychology who are studying for advanced degrees.  But "SHOULD be" is not what is taking place today.  In the early 1900s, the field of psychology allowed itself to be manipulated by an intellectual named B.F.  Skinner, who challenged the field of Psychology to either  "Prove" the existence of the MIND of Man... or allow he and his colleagues to be called 'behavioral psychologists' in recognition of [their watching the behavior of animals react to things they were doing to those animals], which they called "behavioral psychology".

Skinner was quite bright, however, he was quite ignorant of the I-MIND of Man. And his ignorance was [is still] wide spread across the Western world.

Well, no one can physically "prove" the existence of the I-MIND [this can only take place via one's own faculty of intuition... which has to be "awakened" as a consequence of a person undergoing a special form of Gestalt Psychotherapy... and the number of people capable of  facilitating this is rapidly declining!  In early 1900, the field of Psychology allowed behavioral scientist intellectuals to refer to themselves as "behavioral psychologists" and to be part of the field of "intellectual psychology".  They called this "behavioral psychology," which was an oxymoron.  

No part of what the Greeks gave the world as Psychology focused on the behavior of Man.  Psychology came from "Psyche," which is Greek, and is defined as "Self, Soul, and Mind".   All of which are Esoteric [non tangible].  Skinner, and his denial of the I-MIND of Man, was the beginning of the end of the Psychology given to the world by the ancient Greeks, and the Esoteric study of Psychology.

Since the early 1900s, the field of psychology has been aggressively removing all reference to the Esoteric [non-physical] elements of Man] to the point where today, no one in a thousand people in psychology even knows what the MIND is?

As a result of what happened in the early 1900s, mental illness and the practice of suicide have increased dramatically over the last century.  Today, a large number of mentally ill sexual perverts are being licensed each year to practice psychotherapy on people who seriously need the proper help for mental illness.  The movie called the Coo-Coo Nest has become a reality.   Sad, but I'm afraid it is also true.

Peace, 1 Brother James