Monday, March 21, 2022

Let's define "INTUITION"... Unless you Know what it is??

 Intuition is a faculty of one's Soul, associated in some way with what we refer to as "Attention," which is the ability that one's Soul affords one to apply understanding to what one's brain and physical senses can perceive of what one experiences. Then there is that part of Attention that also perceives phenomena whose vibrations are beyond the purview of the brain and our physical senses.  This range of existence is normally invisible to most people. Unless a person has an active use of "Intuition" available to him or herself.  Intuition is therefore dependent upon one's level of Consciousness, or one's level of Enlightenment of one's Soul.  In other words, at what level can one perceive elements of Truth that exists just beyond the perception of most people?



  1. The extent or range of activity, function, power, or competence; scope. synonym: range.
  2. Range of vision.
  3. Range of understanding or experience.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.


So, what is "Intuition"?  The term "Intuition" is the ability to perceive normally invisible phenomena by one's faculty of Intuition, which is an aspect of one's Soul, which is also a part of one's ability to perceive a level of phenomena that is normally invisible to most people.  We tend to refer to such people as "Enlightened".

 A question might be:  ... is it possible for a person whose Attention remains in the Left-Hemisphere of the brain much of the time [a thinker type person], to experience "Intuition"?  And if not, why not"?

Or put another way... can a person use the Left-Hemisphere of the brain to perceive phenomena that is normally invisible to the brain?  The answer is no, it is not possible.

The brain has two hemispheres.  The left-hemisphere is the thinking part, and the right-hemisphere is the emotional, aesthetic, and avenue to the Spiritual hemisphere part... the more important hemisphere.

I believe that what we refer to as "Intuition" is a faculty of one's Soul, and that it is only active in people whose Soul has acquired a substantial amount of Consciousness.  And what is Consciousness?

Consciousness can be defined as the level of Spiritual Energy a person's Soul has acquired as a consequence of Completing Karma, and thus converting that experience of Karma into experiential Knowledge, which is confined to the Spiritual Realm or Dimension of that person.  And such Knowledge provides that person bits of Knowledge, or bits of Truth, which are stored 'within" what I refer to as Conscious Awareness, or C-Awar for short.  I believe that which I refer to as C-Awar is what philosophy searches for under the name "Self".

In order to 'create' Karma, one's Soul & MIND must use the Soul's Spiritual Energy to 'create' the Karma. And every bit of Karma one's Soul has explored requires a "bit of Spiritual Energy to create". This in turn creates a draw-down of the Soul's Spiritual Energy (which I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy").  This draw-down subtly reduces the Soul's  own Spirituality... which is the reason so many Souls have forgotten who and what they are?

I hope this has been helpful in explaining what Intuition is, and a bit of how it works.  Too bad we don't explore the breadth and Reality of Spirituality in the West.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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