Sunday, February 13, 2022

WHAT DID CHRIST MEAN WHEN HE SAID: "Before Abraham was born, I am!"

 What Christ meant was explained when he is also quoted as saying:  "My Father and I are one."  And what Christ meant by saying that he was one with his Father is what all great Mystics mean when they say that God is "Within" every human being.

What actually causes death?  What we identify as "death," naturally occurs when a person's Soul leaves the body in which that Soul is existing. And the reason for this is simple enough to explain.  It is the Soul that provides "life" to the body in which it is present.  But to be precise... death is the natural result of a  Soul "cutting the silver cord" that is the attachment of that Soul to that body.  This action takes place at a level that is entirely mystical [Spiritual], which means this event is unseen by people, and thus... rarely discussed.

John 8:58
“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

Or, put another way... what does exist in the Creation that is not directly sustained by God?  If you are tempted to say "nothing," even nothing in the Creation is sustained by God.  When you look at the night sky, particularly in a big city, what you quite often see is darkness, which is strangely the lights of the city being reflected by atmospheric moisture, which obscures the stars one can see in the night sky in the countryside beyond the lights of the city.  So, when one wants to see the stars at night in the city, one is quite often unable to do so.

The way Man views life is relative to the education of a person, which is one reason we all seem to be so different... at least as far as our physical senses can perceive. 

When a Saint or Mystic says that God is "Within" every Soul, he or she is saying that it is God that sustains the existence of the Soul.  And this is true for every Soul in the Creation.  What makes it difficult for us to "see" this connection is that so much of the Reality of Life takes place at levels our physical senses simply cannot perceive.  Again, some people can accept this concept, and some people cannot accept this concept.  Of course, the more enlightened the Soul of a person is... the more likely that Soul will possess a level of Consciousness that enables a Soul to Intuit bits of Truth... which are always Spiritual in essence.

Think of one's Consciousness as being like a ladder.  And each of us is slowly climbing the ladder of Consciousness [Mystically located "Within" oneself], and each rung of that ladder requires one's Soul to acquire  bits of Truth.  And each  bit of Truth is the result of  Completing a bit of Karma.  The actual difference between people is the level of Consciousness of the Soul of a person.  All of we Souls are located somewhere on the Ladder of Life... slowly acquiring bits of Truth.

This is, of course an illustration of a most complex and important mechanism we call "Life". In fact everyone you know is somewhere on this ladder.  And each and every Soul is sustained by God.  And we all are struggling to reach the top, and step into Reality.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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