Thursday, February 3, 2022

In my writing, what does the symbol "Within" mean?

  A number of years ago, I realized what the phrase "God is within Man" means, and when I  realized what this phrase means, it occurred to me that I needed a way to explain a very important element regarding the phrase "God is within Man".

Saying that God is within Man is like saying that Man has a Soul.  Yes, Man does have a Soul, however... if you cut Man open and search for the Soul that is said to exist within Man, you will not find a Soul.  How come?  Because the  Soul does exist in Man,  however the Soul consists of an Energy that is entirely separate from the physical body of Man. 

In other words, God does exist inside of Man, but the Energy of God is entirely Invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man!  So, although God exists "Within" Man [or more specifically,  God exists "simultaneously with" Man].  Look at the sketch, and it is an attempt to visually suggest what I am saying:

#1 is the physical body with a brain, and it is quite physical.  However, #4 is Pure Spiritual Energy (or what I refer to as Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy) and NSgy is Invisible to everything except one's Soul, or an aspect of one's Soul, like Intuition. So, yes God is hidden "Within" Man, and is Invisible.

 And a strange aspect of this is that although elements of the Spiritual Realm can and do exist "Within" Man, these elements are not part of the Creation. Let's look at another sketch:  

The Creation exists "Within" Existence, however the whole of existence is much greater than Creation, which consists of the Causal Region, the Astral Region, and the Physical Universe... which includes the Earth.  But the Creation is but a small part of the Whole of Existence... which we  refer to as God.

Therefore, when I designate something as being "Within" Man, I am always referring to the fact that what is designated as "Within" Man does exists inside of Man, but if it is  designated by the symbol "Within"... this means that what I am referring to is in Man, but it is also part of the Pure Spiritual Realm.  This refers to elements like Truth, Consciousness, Reality, Spirituality, Soul, Spirit, Intuition, Conscious Awareness, and of course God.  Elements of Reality or Spirituality can exist wherever they want to exist... and wherever they exist, they are Invisible to the physical dimension of Man.

The Energy of God is entirely Invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man, and therefore... I needed a way to simply and readily indicate this absolute separation between that which is Spiritual [Reality], and that which is physical [Illusion].

"Within" refers to that which is Spiritual or Invisible to all of Man except the Soul. As one awakens one's Soul, one also awakens one's faculty of Intuition, which can see all dimensions of existence.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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