Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Difference Between Information and Knowledge...

Anyone can possess information as an abstract reference to something one's brain is exposed to.  And the person need not possess any actual experience of the thing one possesses information about, but can imagine one knows something because one's brain possesses the label, or name of something.  So, information is what one's brain can think about... even if one has never actually experienced what one thinks one knows.  So, information is quite often incorrect.

Knowledge, on the other hand, is what one KNOWS to be true because one has actually experienced what one Knows. 

Another difference between  information about something verses  Knowledge of something is that Knowledge of something means one actually experienced the reality of what one Knows to be true.   Whereas information about something need not be true at all.  

A bit of information that is True is when people say that Truth does not exist on the physical plane of existence.  This statement is True, although it cannot be proven to be True, simply because over a great expanse of time,  no one has demonstrated that Truth cannot be found on the Physical plane of existence.   But let us take a moment and define the term truth, using a [capital "T"] for "Truth"... as opposed to just true.

Truth is an absolute, which means that it never changes, and it is therefore always the same.  Death of the physical body is thought to be true.  However, is the physical body itself an example of Truth, since it both changes over time, and it dies?  So to say that the human body is an example of Truth of existence would not be True, because the human body dies... whereas Truth is permanent, and never changes. 

Therefore, what is True about a human being is that while that human being remains alive...  it is the Soul "Within" that human being  that gives that human being life.  Although this bit of Truth has not been proven... it is nonetheless True.

Do give some thought to this issue, because when one can accept the principle of the Soul being a bit of Truth, a number of other possibilities begin to manifest themselves to oneself.  And one begins to actively search for Truth by means other than one's brain and thinking. 

Peace, 1 Brother James 

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