Thursday, February 24, 2022

Parents... is your child's level of Consciousness and intelligence determined by you ?

 In other words...  is a child a reflection of the parents of that child?  And does your child therefore simply reflect the heritage of the parents?

Secondly, is it possible that your child is substantially more enlightened that either parent?  That is, possess a more advanced MIND, and level of Consciousness than either parent?  And if the answer is yes, how is this possible?  Isn't a child simply a mix of the developmental levels of the parents of that child? That is, are a child's intelligence, Consciousness, and Knowledge not simply "inherited" from the parents?

Finally, what is the impact upon a child if that child is born to parents whose level of Consciousness and mental development are considerably less than that of the child?  And, how is this even possible?  Does not a child merely reflect the development of its parents?

The above comments and questions all revolve around the terms and concepts of Reincarnation,  Immortality of the Soul, and what happens to the Soul at the time of death?  And if you know all these things, then there is no point to you reading this blog.  However, if you do not know the answers to these things, then you might be interested in this blog?

The fact is... the Soul is immortal.  And every Soul is pure Spiritual Energy, which is the same Energy as that of God [which I refer to as Neutral Spiritual Energy], or "NSgy".   The Creation was "created," and it was created (the Mystics tell us)  by God projecting a stepped-down Spiritual Energy until it eventually  became physical matter.  And we refer to this last form of energy as the Physical Universe, which includes the Earth.


There are five dimensions to Existence. #1,2,3, are invisible to #4, and #5.  #4 is the Physical Universe, and #5 is the Earth.  And #1,2,3 are all invisible to [exist in realms whose vibrations are invisible to Man].

Now if you couple the fact that most people do not know the above, and that the Soul "Within" Man is not actually a part of the physical Man... the idea of Reincarnation is just another  fact most people in the West have not studied.  So, it is not surprising that people in the West are not familiar with the Law of Karma, which is the primary Law of Creation designed by God.

Every living thing has a Soul.  And the Purpose of Life is for each Soul to explore and experience the Creation until a Soul acquires a sufficient level of Consciousness that enables that Soul to "Spiritually" request that God help the Soul find its way back Home.  Not every Soul is "ready" to leave the Creation... because only Souls in the human form can do so.   And, every living thing has a Soul... even bugs and vegetables have Souls.

The evolution of one's Soul is a very long and quite involved process, and it takes many lifetimes to reach the level of Consciousness wherein a Soul desires to return Home... rather than to become rich and famous.

 So, Reincarnation is part of a child's birth, but it is an important part!  And the reason a child may be very different from its parents is that somehow the parents "owe" that Soul a birth, but that Soul may not inherent anything of significance from those parents.  This is how a child of very humble, even uneducated parents, can be a genius.  Each Soul is quite independent, and it is the accumulated level of Consciousness in a Soul that determines who that person is, and the Fate Karma of that Soul that determines what that Soul will do and be in life?

This blog provides quite a lot to ponder, does it not?

Peace, 1 Brother James

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