Monday, February 14, 2022

IS ANGER an aspect OF REALITY...? Or, is anger possible, and yet... not Real?


ANGER seems quite real to us, and it is a real part of the emotional energy of one's I-MIND... however, Anger is an emotional "reaction" of one's I-MIND, and one's I-MIND is operated entirely by a script that is based on one's Fate Karma for this lifetime.   And note please that I am differentiating between lower case "real," and another kind of Reality that is the same as Truth [capital "T" Truth].

In other words... who one "thinks" one is in this lifetime... [one's sense of self in this lifetime] is a belief fed to the Left-Hemisphere of one's brain by one's I-MIND... based on a psychological structure designed by one's I-MIND to "fit" the role one is playing in this lifetime only... and this is reinforced by both Christianity and what people in the West have been taught regarding a number of Spiritual elements.   √   

That is, in the West, we [many people] avoid taking Eastern Mysticism seriously because it is substantially different than how the Bible has been interpreted in the West... beginning in the Fifth Century A.D.  The primary difference between East and West in this regard can be boiled down to a number of words... and a clear understanding of the term "immortal," and the Purpose of Life? 

The words Christianity  ignores [or avoids] are Karma, Reincarnation, Transmigration, and the difference between the Soul of a person, and the physical body of a person?  In terms of the Soul, death, and the Purpose of Life, the West has missed the Reality of Life substantially.

One's Soul has as many lifetimes as it requires to complete its curiosity and need to "learn" about the Creation?  The Roles we play in life are all dedicated to fulfilling our desires for experiencing  the roles we play;  as Shakespeare noted in saying that we are all actors playing roles we have scripted for ourselves by our own interaction with the Law of Karma.

Therefore, what is stimulated in us that results in our getting angry is what we refer to as Ego, or one's false sense of self [which is a sense created by the I-MIND that is attached to one's Soul when we Souls initially entered the Creation.  Who and what we are, in Reality, is a Soul, which is composed of what I believe is Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.  And NSgy is the Energy of God, which is a state of Pure Neutral Energy.  That is, Truth, Reality, and never other than Neutral.  

The concepts of good and evil are merely impulses that deviate from NSgy, and thus fall into an Illusion of existence comprised of a duality... which falls under the rule of the Law of Karma, or Yang and Yin.  Yang being male action energy  taken by one's I-MIND (which was attached to one's Soul upon its entering the Creation) and Yin being that same energy being returned to oneself so as to Complete the Yang and Yin of that particular bit of Karma.

Any bit of Karma that has not been neutralized is a bit of one's NSgy that is missing from one's Whole Soul, thus one is an incomplete Soul.  And thus, one is "unfit" to return HOME to God.

The Law of Karma is the primary Law of Creation, and it applies to all actions in the Creation.  But all such actions are not Real in an absolute sense because they only apply to the Illusion of the Creation.  Therefore, the operation of the Law of Karma is the duality required to sustain the Illusion of Creation.  And to leave the Creation, a Soul must be absolutely certain that it is "finished" with its exploration of the Creation.  And this is the primary role of the Law of Karma.

So, can one "be" angry?  No, because it is one's I-MIND that is experiencing the anger, and one's I-MIND is part of the Creation.  One's Soul is never not NSgy.  But, when the I-MIND that is attached to one's Soul believes itself to be angry, then one's Soul is still "controlled" by the I-MIND that is attached to one's Soul.

And the Purpose of Life is for a Soul to fully satiate its curiosity and its various attachments to the Illusion... before it can be considered "ready" to return Home to God.  Unfortunately, most Souls are so attached to the I-MIND that they do not realize who or what they are any more?  This then is the Real challenge in life.  And each Soul is, as mentioned yesterday with the Ladder of Life, unknowingly engaged in working through its various bits of Karma, as it tries to complete its Karmic obligations.

But not to worry... every Soul is being cared for completely.  That is the one thing every Soul can count on... even if one's Soul is unaware of this fact?

The Energy of your Soul is NSgy, which means the same Energy as that of God, and thus your Soul is immortal, Real, and ultimately intended to return Home to its Source. 

I-MIND?  The "I" stands for Invisible, which means one's I-MIND is entirely invisible to one's brain and physical senses.

Peace, 1 Brother James


 something that "exposes" one's Ego, or one's mistaken belief that one is on Earth playing a part, and what triggers one's anger is a mistaken belief that one is not

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