Friday, February 18, 2022


 Much of the following is prompted by what Dr. Johnson is saying in his book, The Path of the Masters, which can be found in many libraries.  Dr. Johnson is writing about the MIND, and a person reading what Dr. Johnson is saying... might casually conclude that Dr. Johnson is writing about a diseased MIND.  Or a MIND that is ill. But let us look closely at what Dr. Johnson is saying, and hopefully differentiate his speaking of the actions of the MIND... separate from the idea that the MIND is "ill". He specifically uses the word "Perversions" of MIND" at the beginning of his section on the "Five Perversions" of MIND.

"Any outline of the psychology of the Masters would not be complete without particular mention of the five modes of destructive mental action called the passions. We have said that these are perversions of the normal faculties.  They are so."

He says "there are five different modes of destructive mental activity.  They are modes of obsession. They are deadly diseases..."  But he then quickly adds:

"But we must insist that Nature, or the Negative Power, shall not be blamed for these mental carcinomata.  These evil passions cannot take root in man unless they are invited.  This fact must not be forgotten."

He is, in other words, making an important, and subtle point that "the five modes of destructive action" are perversions of the MIND.  Not an illness, but "an obsession" ...   

And this is an important point because one's I-MIND is not physical, but is a subtle entity that is composed of two different energy bodies, neither of which can be seen by the physical brain of Man.   In other words, the I-MIND of Man is invisible to the brain.  The physical brain can become diseased, and can thus become "ill".  But the I-MIND is not physical, and thus, not subject to "illness".  So the phrase "mental illness" is, in actuality, an oxymoron.

The point being... the term "illness" applies to the physical body, and not to a habit pattern developed by a person's I-MIND that is based entirely on a habit pattern of action... that the I-MIND directs the brain to engage in... because you [your brain] wanted to engage in that action to experience the results of that action.  The I-MIND is very quick to develop an action into a habitual activity that your brain and physical body find enjoyable, or one that provides something you [knowingly or unknowingly] desire. When one is unable to intellectually cease or eliminate that habitual behavior... then it is considered a "mental illness," but the I--MIND is not ill... any more than your computer is ill when you hit a remove key.

Because we do not realize how the I-MIND works, or that the I-MIND is quite separate from the brain and thinking.

 The computer is a perfect example.  The computer offers you the option of removing something the computer  has done by hitting a certain key.  If you do not want that something removed, then do not hit the removal key.  The problem is...     quite often that part of you that "desires" a certain habitual behavior is not part of your Conscious Awareness (current thinking), but is a non-conscious desire to "punish" yourself.  And again, your I-MIND listens to negative desires just as often as it listens to desires that are not harmful to you.  And such "negative" desires are subtle (non-conscious) emotions that trigger your I-MIND to engage in some habitual behavior, even if consciously you do not want to do so.

This is not an "illness" of your I-MIND.  It is a pattern of behavior that your I-MIND has "learned" satisfies some repressed desire of your I-MIND  that is active "Within" you that you are not aware of as being present at all.

In other words, it is you that is responsible for your I-MIND creating a strong anxiety "Within" you until you engage in a certain behavior, that always makes you feel bad.  And this then is you [unknowingly punishing yourself]... without even knowing you are doing so!  And you go to a doctor, or a modern mental health "expert" for help... and the expert writes a prescription for a drug that impacts your physical brain, causing it to shut-down.  Problem is, this shutting down is often worse than the negative behavior you are seeking to get rid of!

 What is the solution?  Well, unfortunately, there are precious few "natural" psychotherapists who realize that what passes today for therapy is intellectual clap-trap, and mainly psychology today is a major drug industry... leading to a terrible drug dependence, and a growing conflict between your need for drugs, and your I-MIND doing its best to help you fulfill some deeply repressed habit patterns your I-MIND cannot eliminate by use of drugs.

What is missing is the TRUTH regarding the I-MIND and how it works, in other words.  Oh, and the fact that the field of psychology today is entirely unaware of what people are dying for.  Want to end tens of thousands of young people and Veterans committing suicide?  Then demand that the field of psychology admit to its failure, and cease licensing mentally ill people as drug dealers.

Oh... what are the five perversions?  They are:  Lust, Anger, Greed, Vanity, Egotism. And each of these uses the I-MIND as an agent to punish oneself.

Peace, 1 Brother James


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