Friday, February 18, 2022

How Many Realize the term "Mental" refers to the MIND... which is invisible to the brain?

Well, this is true.   So, when you hear the words "mental illness"... do you imagine the MIND (which is invisible to the brain) can suffer an "illness" ?

Well, the MIND can never be "ill'.  And the  principal reason for this is simply because the I-MIND... or the Invisible MIND is not physical.  That is,  the I-MIND is entirely Invisible to the brain and to the physical senses of  Man because it consists of two different dimensions of the Creation:  The Lower MIND represents the Astral Region of Creation, and the Higher MIND represents the Causal Region of Creation and both exist as "part of Man," however neither  is visible to the brain or one's physical senses.

And that is quite strange, is it not?  That is, parts of oneself that operate and conduct one's life, and yet neither of these can be seen by Man?

Therefore,  I prefer to refer to the MIND as the "I-MIND"... because using the "I" before the MIND helps  to remind us that the MIND is entirely Invisible to the brain,  and one's physical senses.   The I-MIND is composed of two subtle energy bodies existing "Within" the Whole of oneself... even though neither of these are actually part of the physical structure of Man.  Read this last part a couple times to set this idea firmly in your brain.  See sketch:

In this sketch, #1 is your physical body, with its physical brain. #2, and #3 comprise the I-MIND, and these two parts, along with your Soul, or Spiritual Dimension, are all invisible to one's brain and physical senses.

Were you aware that there are people who are routinely identified as having died [there is no pulse and the heart has stopped], and yet a number of these people awaken after having been pronounced dead... and those who speak of their experiences  tell us of having experiences that are very similar. 

And in no case was death due to the illness of the I-MIND "Within" a person.

Why do I mention all of this?  To try and provide the correct information to people who may have been mislead by modern mental health that routinely mistakes the brain for the I-MIND of Man.

Your brain is physical, and your I-MIND is neither physical, nor is it ever ill.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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