Saturday, February 19, 2022

TODAY... WE DISCUSS A NEW EPIPHANY... regarding the mystery of Mysticism and Creation

 But first, what is an Epiphany?

 A general definition of the word epiphany, and how it is most commonly used today, is "a sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something, or an intuitive grasp of reality through a simple or striking event; an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure or a revealing scene or moment." The root word "reveal" is still apparent in this definition. God often uses such moments of illumination to bring people to the knowledge of Himself. This illumination, or epiphany, is one of the central aspects of Christianity, for without God's intervention, none of us would see the truth. This is clearly stated in Ephesians 2:8-9, which says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

After meditation this morning, I was sitting in my favorite recliner chair in the living room "resting my eyes"... when I suddenly awakened to [Intuited] these words:  Good cannot go to evil but must leave goodness... [ in order to ] experience the Creation.  In other words... The Energy of the Soul can ONLY be NSgy, or Neutral Spiritual Energy (which can never be other than what it is)!  So, when you look into a mirror, what you are looking at is not who and what you are in Reality... but rather, you are looking at the physical body in which your Soul is existing in the Creation in this lifetime!  And what you see reflected in the mirror is, in actuality, a physical illusion sustained by the energy of your Soul being USED BY YOUR I-MIND as it is projecting an image of who you "think" yourself to be in a most elaborate Illusion we call life.  Again, the term Invisible is grossly misunderstood in the Creation!  "Invisible" simply means that hidden from our physical senses in the Creation... is a Reality that does not [actually CANNOT] be perceived in the Creation, because the vibration of NSgy is so very different from the vibrations of the Creation.  This is the reason we need the I-MIND as that which helps sustain the Illusion for us.

And no, there is no rational [intellectual] explanation for this, other than the words I have just shared with the reader... due to the vibrational differences between the Illusion [with its variations], and the Spiritual Energy of your Soul, which is NSgy, which is entirely and absolutely INVISIBLE TO ANY PART OF THE ILLUSION.

 Goodness, or what we call Goodness is NSgy.  And NSgy is my symbol for the Energy of God, and the Energy of we Souls, which is Neutral Spiritual Energy.  And NSgy is the ENERGY of  Spirituality, which is the Energy of God... and NSgy is the ONLY Reality there is!  Believe it nor not... what we "think" is real in the Creation is or are elements of a fantastic Illusion which is not REAL!  Although to us, this illusion of Creation is the only reality we know... and the ONLY reality the brain will ever know, or has ever known.

The physical body in which your Soul exists [is empowered by] ...sustained by... your Soul, and operated by the I-MIND that is attached to your Soul.  And both your Soul and your I-MIND are invisible to your physical body and your physical senses.  Let us once again consider this little sketch:

 #1 is what you can see and think about.  And the other three dimensions of yourself are invisible to your brain and its physical senses.  And we don't know this because...we are confined to use of the brain to "think" about all of this!

I created the following symbol some time ago... 

And this symbol indicates what I have written thus far.  The Reality of existence is hidden "Within" us... as NSgy.  And the only part of NSgy we can awaken to is a low-level portion of Reality of the Soul we refer to as "Intuition".  Our faculty of Intuition is a part of one's Soul, and to be able to make use of one's Intuition, one's Soul must have acquired a substantial amount of "Consciousness"... which is what we have labeled 'Knowledge' ...which is Reality, or NSgy.  And once again, NSgy or Truth, or Reality, or God... cannot operate in the Illusion... as NSgy... because the only part of the Illusion that is capable of perceiving NSgy...  is a part of Reality that is specifically dedicated to relating to one's Soul and the  Illusion... under certain circumstances!  And that part is called "Intuition".

 In the West, we do not teach children about Intuition, primarily because most teachers are Left-Hemisphere oriented individuals, and as such, they are confined to use of the brain and thinking about life [rather than experiencing the emotionality of life].  Emotion is the energy of the I-MIND.  And if one's Soul is relatively early in the experience of being a human being... then one's Soul has not had the time to acquire a great deal of Consciousness... which is the natural result of a Soul Completing Karma over lifetimes.  And for a Soul to possess a substantial amount of Intuition, that Soul will have to have acquired a substantial amount of Completed Karma [which we refer to as Knowledge or Enlightenment]!

So, the more Intuitive one is, the more Consciousness [Enlightenment] one's Soul has acquired.  And this is usually unknown to oneself... until one has been active in meditation over a relatively long time.  And how does one know this?  By things that one experiences that one has no answer for, except that one just seems to KNOW certain things!  Ultimately, the only way to acquire Truth [Reality] is by shifting the Attention aspect of one's Soul from being lost in the Illusion back to Reality.  And Mystics tell us the best way to do this is via a special meditation as given to a Soul by a Mystic or a Saint.

Two things everyone in the West should be interested in are Truth, and the concept that the Soul is immortal... If this is the case, then what is the purpose of that immortality?  Could it possibly be so that a Soul has as much time in the Illusion as it desires to acquire the Knowledge it is curious about... and only then does the Soul seek to KNOW what the Purpose of Life is?  Who would believe that he or she is unknowingly engaged in the Purpose of Life right now?

Peace, 1 Brother James


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