Thursday, December 23, 2021


 Until you have been a sexual deviant, how would you know what being a sexual deviant is like?   

The correct answer is... you can't possibly know what it is like to be a sexual deviant, until you have been a sexual deviant... even though you may have been one and not known it!   A second question is this... how many people know whether or not they are sexual deviants... since it is entirely possible to be a sexual deviant and not even know one is a "closet" deviant.  A "closet deviant" is someone who engages in sexual activities, but entirely alone, in fantasy, while using various objects as part of one's fantasies... so that no one even suspects he or she is a sexual deviant.

My final question is perhaps the more important question... and that question this:  What causes a person to be a sexual deviant... regardless what kind of sexual deviant one happens to be, or whether one recognizes one is a sexual deviant or not?  And this is what this little blog is about.  That is, what causes a person to be a sexual deviant in private, and risk being discovered at any time... and yet, one is "driven" to engage in one's private program of sexual deviancy?

And, by the way, human beings are not alone in sexual deviancy.  Have you ever seen a dog mount a person's leg, and attempt to engage in sexual conduct with that leg? This blog suggests that the matter of sexual deviancy is due to a mental illness, and this illness [the actual CAUSAL for the deviancy] is entirely non-conscious to oneself.

And this blog is not so much about the act of deviancy, but is more about the "reason" one engages in deviant sexuality?   The "reason" is to be found hidden "Within" one's MIND, or I-MIND -- and this means the reason behind one's being driven to engage in sexual deviancy is entirely repressed from that person's conscious awareness.  Unfortunately, today modern mental health  denies the MIND, or I-MIND,  and thus, this illness tends to be fairly wide-spread.   [I prefer the term "I-MIND"]... to remind us that the "cause" behind  this illness is entirely  Invisible to oneself... without proper help, which is very hard to find today.

Every instance of confused, obsessive, or deviant sexuality is due to deeply repressed "misperceptions" by one's I-MIND taken-on at the time of one's birth.  I use the term "misperception" to specifically refer to something one's I-MIND takes on as a part of one's personality.  This belief is mistaken, and it is a natural tendency of the I-MIND of every child to "take-on" beliefs about who and what the personality of a child is in this lifetime.  The principal source of these misperceptions  are the repressed misperceptions stored "Within" the I-MIND of one or both parents.  And let us stress the fact that these are "misperceptions" held "Within" the I-MIND of either parent... or solely part of the Fate Karma of the child "Within" whom these misperceptions are held!  The Law of Karma is the term for a process, designed by God, and whose job it is to insure that every Soul acquire Knowledge... naturally obtained by experiencing (and ultimately Completing) Karma:  As you sow, so shall you reap!

The phrase "Fate Karma" is the psychological programing every Soul brings into this lifetime as the blueprint for this lifetime.  This of course requires one to believe in both Reincarnation and the Law of Karma.  The Soul is immortal, and it shifts from one life-form to another, depending upon how it deals with the Fate Karma it comes into life to face and deal with.

And let us slip into our discussion at this point the fact that "LIFE" has a purpose, other than simply playing the role of various life-forms.  The Purpose of life is for a Soul to explore and experience the Creation, for as long as that Soul requires to reach a point of satiation.  And that is another story for another time.

My point in this blog is to simply inform readers that to engage in sexual deviancy is due to one or more deeply repressed "misperceptions" taken-on at the time of a child's birth.  And the exercise of one's deviancy is an attempt by the "Conscience" of one's Soul to address some "misperception" taken-on by the I-MIND as a child.

Sadly, the nature of a misperception has nothing necessarily to do with reality, but is based on a misperception of one's I-MIND.  And too, it also causes one to engage in behaviors that attempt to deal with a non-conscious psychological need... while concealing what one is doing at the same time.  Needless to say, this  creates a deep-seated sense of anxiety for the person who is caught-up in this activity.

The stuck place this creates is made worse by the ignorance of modern mental health and its denial of the I-MIND of Man, which results in a wide-spread fear of any sexual behavior that is unusual.

The only means of dealing with a misperception is to uncover the origin of one's misperception... which requires a special Gestalt process whereby one's Attention is facilitated in traveling from one's brain into one's I-MIIND, and there re-visiting the trauma of that misperception from "Within" one's I-IMIND.  Needless to say, there are not many Psychotherapists  who deal with actual Psychology of the I-MIND today.

A viable alternative would be to engage in a dialogue with God, by simply requesting help with dealing with the unwanted patterns of your I-MIND.  If you are brave enough to acknowledge being driven to engage in some pattern that you would prefer to not engage in...  then be humble enough to admit to yourself that you need help!  But one must be "sincere" in one's desire to change.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Talk about things that are too strange to believe... and you have your I-MIND and the primary law of Creation, designed by God, which is known in the East as the "Law of Karma".  In the West, there are people who believe that because the Law of Karma is not mentioned [as the Law of Karma] in the Bible, then there must not be a Law of Karma.  Such people are gravely mistaken, but then, they will eventually discover this for themselves.

The most surprising aspect of the Law of Karma that I have discovered over the last fifty years is that no one experiences any negative energy [negative action directed against oneself] that isn't "DUE" oneself... in response to  some negative action you took against another person in some past lifetime.  In other words, the Law states:  "As you sow, so shall you reap"!  So, first you engage in some negative action against another person, and only then will that same action be taken against yourself. 

The Law of Karma is a Perfect Law.  It is Perfect in that an action is taken against oneself only  in response to you having taken the exact same action against another person.... in some lifetime.  And yes, we Souls have numerous lifetimes, and not all of them as human beings, by the way.  If,  in some lifetime  you act more like an animal than a human being, then you may be born in your next lifetime as an animal, and such a birth is referred to as "Transmigration" of one's Soul.  That is, being born in a lower life-form in order to "satisfy" some animalistic characteristics that you obviously had not completed before being born as a human being.

Again, the Law of Karma is a Perfect Law.  And it was designed specifically so that each of us receives only what we deserve... because we have earned it!  If you are mean to one or more people in some lifetime, then expect to be mistreated in this or some other lifetime... in precise response to what you did to one or more people!

And too, if you are kind to people in a lifetime, expect that people will be kind to you in this lifetime.  Again, as we Sow, so shall we Reap!  It's the Law.  If for example you were generous in your last lifetime, expect that you will be treated generously in this  lifetime.   In all respects what we receive in this lifetime is what we have "earned" in one or more previous lifetimes.   What could be more FAIR than that?

Now, how does your I-MIND set you up for the receipt of your Fate Karma for this lifetime?  One's  I-MIND makes sure that one attends to the Fate Karma one came into this lifetime to experience.  And this is true for every single person.  It does this by feeding what I refer to as Delusional Thinking [or D-Think] to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain.  And your brain "thinks" it is the source of your thoughts, so of course your brain automatically engages in what your thoughts encourage you to do;  or act; or desire, etc. ... at the same time, someone with whom you have Karma will receive from his or her own I-MIND Delusional Thinking that makes sure that he or she is where the two of you will play-out the Karma the two of you are supposed to engage in.  And you will call it an "accident," or whatever term "fits"  the situation.  

And... regarding this event... if it is negative, and you are angered by what happens, and you are unable to "Forgive" the person [with whom you had the Karma], then that event is not cleared... but will come around again, and again... until you finally Forgive the person that bit of Karma.  This is a part of the Law of Karma.  And it is an important part of the Law.  And in the Bible, Christ mentioned it by telling people that they should "Forgive  others"!

Each of us has an invisible load of Karma that we are obligated to Completing! We carry this load from lifetime to lifetime... until it is removed by oneself Accepting responsibility for  the Karma, and by Forgiving entirely the person who is returning one's own Karma back to oneself!  Remember... your Soul is composed of NSgy, and every bit of Karma that one has not taken care of...  is a bit of one's own Spiritual Energy that is held by the Law of Karma and the Creation, until one finds  a way to force one's I-MIND to assume responsibility for causing the bit of Karma in the first place, and one's I-MIND must also Forgive the person returning one's own Karma.

What did Christ say about forgiveness?  In the Bible, Christ answered a person regarding the number of times a person should forgive another like this:  "Seven times seven".    There is no end of Forgiveness of another, in other words.

Your Soul is an aspect of the same Energy as that of God, which is NSgy.  And we Souls support the I-MIND that is attached to our Souls when it uses our Spiritual Energy to "Create" a bit of Karma for us to experience.  The problem is, your I-MIND enjoys you acting out the Karma it creates for you to experience.  So, your I-MIND has no actual reason for Completing a bit of Karma.  This then makes the role of your Soul Completing a bit of Karma even more difficult. 

I hope this explanation of how the Law of Karma operates and how we are involved  in the Karma, and how it must be Completed somehow helpful for the reader.  That is, hopefully, the reason we need to Forgive, and Accept responsibility for the Karma is better understood.

Peace, 1 Brother James

A New Blog About a Most Important Topic... Your 'I-MIND' !


  There are a great many things in life that we human beings are not aware of... and yet, we could not function without these "things"!  The MIND of Man is one of these things.

And in this blog, we will refer to the MIND as 'I-MIND' because it is entirely Invisible to our physical senses.  So the "I" will remind us that to assume a person can use one's intellect to "learn" what the  'I-MIND' is,  or how it operates by use of one's brain... is a silly thing to attempt to do... although many [including the field of psychology] will continue to do this! cutting the brain into smaller and smaller pieces as it searches for an I-MIND that isn't there.

Let us not be shy, nor coy, nor naive about the 'I-MIND' of Man.  The 'I-MIND' that is assigned to your Soul has been with your Soul since your Soul first entered the Creation.  And take a moment or two to adjust to what I just wrote... because I just wrote that several things are True... even though they are ignored and denied in the West!  In the West we are taught to worship the brain and thinking.  This practice is called "Intellectualism," and it is a subtle form of mental illness.  And we will be discussing this quite a bit in subsequent blogs.

Man has not found the Soul within Man because the Soul is composed of an Energy that is entirely Invisible to all parts of Man... except for an otherwise Invisible bit of Energy  Known as the faculty of "Intuition".   And we will discuss "Intuition" in this blog.  It is fitting that this first blog about the 'I-MIND' be focused on one's faculty of Intuition because your faculty of Intuition is the most valuable faculty you possess!  It is also the only way to Know the unknown parts of yourself.

The meaning of intuition is a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence : a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why. See more meanings of intuition

Some years ago, I coined the term "ExperTuit" which combines the two terms experience and Intuition.  And specifically,  "ExperTuit" refers to the unique ability Man has to tap into [or perhaps more precisely] open oneself to awakening to bits of Truth via one's faculty of Intuition... in which one suddenly seems to KNOW something that one never knew before, and having awakened to this new bit of Truth, one's thoughts and beliefs are suddenly altered.  And strangely, one finds that one is unable to tell anyone what one has suddenly awakened to?
And the reason one is unable to tell another what one now KNOWS... is that what KNOWS is a new bit of Truth that neither one's brain (nor one's I-MIND) is aware of.  Because what one now KNOWS... is a new bit of Truth.  And what one experienced in obtaining this new bit of Truth requires what I refer to as ExperTuit... in which one's faculty of Intuition has just awakened to a bit of Truth that has been transferred to one's "Conscious Awareness"... which is another aspect of one's Soul that one's faculty of Intuition can access.  I refer to this special faculty of Man as one's Conscious Awareness, or "C-Awar," which might also be what we refer to as "Conscience," or what philosophy has searched for as the "Self"?
What makes me "think" that I Know what I am talking about?  I don't "think" what I Know, because the brain will never KNOW the bits of Truth that I am referring to.  I have Intuited what I Know just like others have Intuited what they Know.  One either Intuits a bit of Truth, or one does not possess that bit of Truth!  And the reason for this is simply that Truth does not exist on this physical plane of existence. So, if you ExperTuit a bit of Truth... what happens is that your "Attention" [an aspect of your Consciousness] subtly shifts out of your brain (where your Attention usually stays) and into your Consciousness (via your faculty of Intuition), and your Intuition is presented with a new bit of Truth!
And this is not uncommon for people who are Enlightened to some degree!  And "Enlightened" simply means that one's Soul has acquired a greater level of Consciousness that includes more bits of Truth than most people possess.  And we will also discuss this phenomenon, but not in this blog.
And, of course in speaking about a person who is Enlightened... I am speaking about a Soul that has acquired more bits of Truth.  And is this possible for a Soul  to do if one's Soul only has "one life to live"?  And the answer is no, of course not! 
Both the term Reincarnation and that of Transmigration are valid terms and each refers to "normal" aspects of Life... that are just denied in the West.  So to end this first blog, let me say that there are a great many terms we in the West have not been taught, nor properly introduced to.  Such as Reincarnation, Transmigration, and the Purpose of Life?
Peace, 1 Brother James 

Monday, November 15, 2021

What Does the Term "CREATED" [as used in the Bible] Mean? Or more to the point, is there a Purpose for the Creation?

Have you ever asked yourself what the term "Creation" means? First of all it begins with the word create.


tr.v. cre·at·ed, cre·at·ing, cre·ates
1. To cause to exist; bring into being: created a new music school. See Synonyms at establish.
2. To give rise to; produce: That remark created a stir.
3. To produce through artistic or imaginative effort: create a poem; create a dramatic role.
4. To invest with an office or title; appoint: He was created a baron.

adj. Archaic

 My point is that the Bible says  God Created the Creation, and prior to that... there was just a "void" and "darkness".   But, does that mean that God is also "void," or does it mean to suggest that God is Invisible... or seems like darkness to Man?

 What if the Energy of God is such that it appears to be Invisible to Man?  However,  it isn't really invisible,  it just consists of an energy that is too subtle for Man to perceive.  What if what we refer to as  "Spirituality" only exists in a realm that consists of "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" to make it easier to remember?  And NSgy is entirely invisible to Man because it is too subtle for the "physical" senses of Man to perceive?

What if my little sketch actually illustrates the reality of the situation in which we find ourselves?

#1 is the physical realm, or physical body, which includes the brain.  #2 and 3 are the two realms of the MIND, and #4 is the Spiritual Realm.  And #2,3, and 4 are all invisible to #1.  The Soul is therefore invisible to one's brain.

What if all things of a Spiritual nature were likewise Invisible to Man?

Would this help to explain the reason we have not been able to find the Soul, Truth, or God?  I refer to this Invisible realm as "NSgy".  Or Neutral Spiritual Energy.  I also believe that hidden "Within" us is a faculty we refer to as "Intuition," and this faculty of Intuition is the means by which Man can perceive those parts of Man that are normally Invisible to us.  If one has access to one's faculty of Intuition, of course?

Mystics tell us that to awaken to one's faculty of Intuition one must acquire a substantial amount of Consciousness.  What is Consciousness?

Peace, 1 Brother James


Sunday, November 14, 2021


 The Whole of Man consists of four simultaneously existing energy dimensions, three of which are Invisible to oneself.  And the reason for this is that who and what one is [in Reality] is (I believe) Neutral Spiritual Energy, or "NSgy" for short.  And NSgy is the Energy of God, we Souls, and it is also the primordial Energy of Existence.  We call this part of Man the Spiritual Dimension, and it includes one's Soul, and an aspect of one's Soul that I believe is one's faculty of "Intuition" [a special faculty that enables one to perceive all four dimensions which make-up the Whole of oneself... if one's faculty of Intuition is active?  To be active, one's Soul must have acquired a sufficient amount of "Consciousness".

Another term for Consciousness  is "Enlightenment".  That is, each human being has a Soul that is [or needs to be] slowly acquiring Consciousness... which is acquired by naturally Completing Karma.  And Karma is a Hindu term that refers to "action and  re-action".  The symbol for Karma is this: 

This symbol illustrates the Yin [female energy] and Yang [male energy], or the duality of Man, and the duality of Creation. it represents actions taken, and the return of those exact same actions taken against oneself.  And this symbol is a symbol for the Law of Karma, which God designed as the Primary Law of Creation.  This Law, put simply is this:  As you sow, so shall you reap.  And, as I said,  it is the Law of Creation that every living thing must answer to. We have no choice in the matter.

But, I was addressing the term "Invisible"...

In the Bible, in Genesis, verses 1 and 2, we read this: 

1. "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth.

2. "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep..."

The terms "without form" and "void" is a reference to what existed prior to the Creation.  Was God missing prior to Creation, or did the writers of the early scriptures assume God was "without form" or "void"?

I believe the Energy of God is "Invisible" to everything of the Creation, because the vibrations of the Creation are different than the vibrations of Existence [within which God formed the Creation by introducing "stepped-down"  Spiritual energies.  ]! A sketch to convey what I mean:   

The dark rectangle is the whole of Existence [which is also God], and the blue oval is Creation, which was Created "Within" a portion of Existence:  And Mystics tell us that God used stepped-down Spiritual energies to form the various elements of the Creation.

Another sketch illustrates this in a slightly different way:

#1 is the physical realm, #2 is the Astral realm, and #3 is the Causal realm. #4 is the Spiritual Dimension, and #4 is the Home of the Soul... which is also the dark rectangle in the previous sketch.


My point is that these four realms are composed of four different energy vibrations , or ranges of energy, and they form four different dimensions. And the only one our physical senses can perceive is #1, the physical realm.  #2 and #3 are the energies of the MIND [Invisible to us], and #4 is the Spiritual Dimension, also Invisible to us.

  So, when modern mental health  ignores #2, #3, and #4, it ignores the most important parts of Man.  And those people who are confined to the malady of Intellectualism [or dependent upon the brain while in denial of one's emotions], are not open to the faculty of Intuition "Within" themselves... which is the only way to communicate with these invisible dimensions from "Within" oneself.  And that is where we find ourselves today.

Peace, 1 Brother James



Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Where is the Home of the Soul?

And, let me begin by saying that the Home of the Soul is not "Heaven," which is where many religions "think" it is.  And perhaps the reason people "think" this is that the Bible speaks in Genesis 1:7 of dividing the "waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament..."  And whomever wrote the scriptures was a human being, who, like all human beings... believed that what he was writing was from God  [and not his own MIND].   The person who wrote the Bible was a human being whose thinking was [like that of mankind generally] quite "linear".  That is, based on use of the brain, which is physical,  and whose function is to think in a "linear" fashion.   And 'linear" simply means... first this physical thing, then that physical thing, and so forth.  A linear progression of physical phenomena, or words placed one after another, so that they make sense to oneself... if one does not question the logic of one's thinking...

The physical brain is simply not capable of thinking of two things at the same time. Which is what actually took place when the Creation was formed. That is, Creating the Creation consisted of a great many elements simultaneously occurring and many of these elements  taking place were then, and remain so today... quite invisible to the physical brain and its thinking. That is, the actual Creation [of which most people today believe is what they can see and think about] is a great deal more than what the brain can comprehend.   Which is the "REASON" the Soul of Man has not been found!  Nor God, nor Truth... etc.

 Then in Genesis, verse 8, the Bible says:  "And God called the firmament Heaven" and so forth.  My point is simply this... The Creation is not  a simple concept that can  be explained in a way the physical brain can comprehend,  nor is the Creation composed of just one dimension.  It is, in fact, composed of four entirely separate energy dimensions... and three of these are Invisible to Man.  And all exist simultaneously.

In this sketch, circle #1 represents the physical dimension, which includes all that one can see and think about.  #2, #3 and #4 are all Invisible to the brain and physical senses.  And yet #2, and #3 are part of Creation.  #4 is Reality, and it never changes.

 The Mystics tell us that #2 and #3 are two parts of the MIND [the Astral Region, and the Causal Region], which is attached to one's Soul, and the MIND is what enables us to "think" that our Souls are "part" of the Creation.  And the MIND also insures we live by the Law of Karma [the principle law of Creation].

The home of the Soul?  The Home of the Soul is the Pure Spiritual Dimension, or #4,  which is also part of the primordial Existence, which we refer to as God.  And the only part of Man that can perceive #4, is one's Soul, or an aspect of one's Soul we refer to as "Intuition".

When the physical form that a Soul is giving life to dies, the Soul returns to the Astral Region [which is called "Heaven"], and spends some time in the Astral Region, before it is incarnated into another life-form to enable it to continue its exploration of the Creation.  This is well-known in the East, but in the West... it is almost entirely ignored.  How come?  I suspect it is due to what I wrote in  the first paragraph.

 ... But I am quite willing to be wrong... if someone can tell me the reason that what the term "truth" stands for, or refers to...  cannot known by the brain of Man?  As proven to us by generations of philosophers  who have intellectually searched for Truth, but have yet to find it... The term Truth "stands for"  Invisible phenomena  that only exist in the Pure Spiritual Dimension.

Peace, 1 Brother James 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

A Few Words About Prostrate Cancer...

About a year ago, I went to the VA facility in Vancouver, WA.  I was having difficulty urinating, and... But why the V.A.?   In 2015, I believe it was, both  my  daughter's had urged me sign up with the V.A.  So, I  signed up to take advantage of my Veteran benefits with the VA.  Then in 2019, I was having difficulty with my eyesight, and I went to the V.A.  It turned out that I needed  cataract surgery.  I underwent the surgery with the VA, and the experience was hugely successful. That was two years ago.

More recently, I experienced a problem with urination, which turned out to be a problem with my Prostrate... and that experience is what prompts me to write this blog.

I am 86 years of age, and I have lived a life pretty much free of medical services.  Except for my tonsils at age nine, and my appendix at age eleven.  But then, I volunteered for the  Army in 1954.  I was eighteen at the time.  I was ordered to report for  basic training at Fort Ord, California.   It was also called "Fort Pneumonia by the Sea".  The reason for this was that  a large number of recruits  contracted Pneumonia during their training there.  During my 18 weeks of training, I came down with Pneumonia twice... causing me to miss my scheduled "graduation".  When I did finally finish my training, half of my class went to Korea, and half went to Germany.  I went to Germany, and that was in 1954, the last year of U.S. "Occupation".

But back to the present...   And the subject of Cancer.  I went to the V.A. facility in Vancouver, WA., in  2020.  And I underwent a number of appointments with a number of people over the next several months... and they stuck things into my penis, into my rectum, and I also underwent several blood tests.  Then I was scheduled for a Cat Scan.  Then I underwent a biopsy, which proved I did indeed have Cancer. But, I never had an appointment with someone who "personally" dealt with treating Cancer?  Although a medicine was prescribed for me to take.  It was Bicalutamide.  And in about week, or perhaps two weeks,  I felt a large lump growing in each breast.  And these grew quite rapidly, and they were quite painful.

Then my equilibrium was effected. Then I experienced pain in my back, and in an area between my hip bones.  And my sinus began to drain profusely, so that I was having to blow my nose continually. At the same time I was very tired, and weak, and I lost my appetite.  And I then read the "side-effects" of the medicine I had been given...  all of my symptoms were listed as "side-effects" of Bicalutamide!

Then the VA arranged for me to have a "Pet Scan" with a machine owned by Oregon Health Science University, or OHSU.  What that scan proved is that my Cancer was not just confined to my prostrate. And suddenly I was quite alone ... as though no one wanted to tell me that over the many months I was being "examined"... my Cancer had been spreading.

So, here I am.  And an express package just arrived, containing another prescription of Bicalutamide.  As though I would actually want to destroy my body in an attempt to deal with a Cancer that no one wants to admit not knowing what to do, except "remove my testicles". 

At some time in the "future"... I expect I may get an appointment with someone who will tell me that my Cancer is now beyond hope of dealing with...  But I can of course continue destroying myself with Bicalutamide.

Why do I mention all of this ?   Primarily to tell others that if they suspect having a Cancer, then do some research to find people who are having success in dealing with Cancer.  And unless you need to punish yourself, avoid the "medicine" called Bicalutamide!

And... it is never too late to get straight with God, regarding your life, and your attachment to it!  Your Soul is immortal, and it makes no difference how your body dies... your Soul is immortal, and you will be born again, into a new life.  And the more you are attached to God, the more likely it is that you will  not have to return to this physical plane again.

Peace, 1 Brother James