Saturday, March 5, 2022


 Or if you are like most people... death is not  something you think about?  Besides... it has its own rules by which it operates.

Well, let me share with you some good news... and perhaps not so good news? Your Soul is immortal.  That means it does not die, ever.  Now that's likely good news.  However, what one's Soul can incarnate into in its next birth... is part of the not so good news!

Were you aware that every living thing in the entire Creation has a Soul, exactly like your Soul?  Or that the only difference between Souls is one of evolution,  or  the amount of Consciousness a Soul has acquired? Or that every Soul is composed of "NSgy"? 

*The energy of Existence, or God, is NSgy, or Neutral Spiritual Energy. And the energy of NSgy can only be known by one's Soul, when one's Soul is located in the region of NSgy, or in the Pure Spiritual Realm. And the Pure Spiritual Realm is unique in that ONLY Pure NSgy can exist in the Spiritual Realm.

The fact is... every living thing in the entire Creation has a Soul.  And every Soul is composed of the exact same substance [which is "NSgy"*], which has the exact same attributes, and has the exact same Purpose in Life as you do.  And that Purpose is to acquire knowledge of the Creation because the energy of Creation is a duality composed of two equal dimensions [they are called Yin and Yang],  and the Whole of Creation operates under the LAW of Karma, which was designed by God.  And the Creation is also composed of a number of dimensions, only one of which we can perceive by use of our physical senses.

#1 is the only part of Man that we can perceive by use of our physical senses. and #2,3 and 4 are all invisible to us.

And... none of the above are you required to understand, and a lack of understanding means that one remains in the cycle of birth and death until one awakens to what I have shared with the reader... who is fee to believe all this... or not?

And if you comprehend what I have shared, then you know as much about life as the great  Saints and Mystics can share with we human beings.  They try and explain all of this... and some of them do one additional [and crucial thing], which is to "Initiate" a Soul [which means provide a Spiritual ticket back Home to God]!  It only took me 50 years to discover this.  Now, isn't this an interesting thing to know?

Peace, 1 Brother James

And the above is the reason no Man, nor Woman has ever found God by use of  the brain or one's physical senses. Everything physical is part of the Illusion.

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