Sunday, March 13, 2022


 Let us begin with the basic structure of how we operate.

We have a physical brain...

Which is located in one's skull:  And the brain has two hemispheres. One is left-hemisphere [L-H], and the other is the right-hemisphere, or [R-H].

Your brain and your skull are part of one's physical body:  Which is part of the physical Creation... [as opposed to other parts of existence that are not physical], but are Invisible to us...which is important to realize. And to emphasize this point I did this sketch:

Which illustrates the Whole Human Being, or WHB. However, #1 is the only part of oneself that one's brain can experience!  This means that three of the four dimensions of Man are INVISIBLE to one's brain and one's thinking.

And, being invisible does not mean these invisible parts of oneself are not important; nor does it mean they are not continually active "Within" oneself!  For instance, #3 of the sketch feeds Delusional Thinking [or "D-Think"] to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain, and your brain is unable to distinguish between your regular thinking and D-Think!

And this means that if your I-MIND [Invisible MIND] wants you to think something is true, then your I-MIND feeds D-Think to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain, and you believe what you think.

How does one counter this automatic situation?  Only by "learning," over time, how embarrassing it is to think something is true, only to have  what one thinks be proven wrong.  Each such "lesson" is "taken to heart" so to speak... if the emotional pain [of which we are aware only if our "Attention" is located in the Right-Hemisphere of our brain] takes place.  Otherwise the emotional pain is repressed from our conscious 'awareness.  Although it does occur, even if we are not aware of it.

As long as one's Attention [a faculty of one's Soul] is fixed in the [L-H] of the brain, one cannot be aware of one's emotional energy, which is the energy of one's I-MIND.  This is the reason those people who seem to be missing their emotion are missing their emotion. That is, they spend a great deal of time locked into the L-H of the brain.

In my own case, I spent from age 3 to 43 unaware of my emotions because at age 3, I ordered my I-MIND to keep me unaware of my emotions... due to an intense traumatic event that took place when I was 3 years of age.  This realization was re-experienced by me during a Gestalt Psychotherapy session when I was 43, facilitated by an excellent Gestalt Psychotherapist.  This means that from age 3 to 43, I was cut off from my own emotions.  Sadly, this is not that unusual.

And my point is... the I-MIND "Within" ["Within" means that one is not aware of whatever the term "Within" is referring to], and although it is taking place...  whatever "it" is, is invisible to us.  And one's I-MIND normally operates "Within" us and we are quite unaware of it taking place... until we "think" certain thoughts. And who do you know who questions where his/her thoughts come from? At least successfully does so?

The operation of one's I-MIND is supervised by the Law of Karma, which is the primary Law of Creation, and the Law of Karma was designed by God, and it applies to every living thing in Creation. And the operation of this Law is an absolute, and thus... all we see of it are the results of it's operations which manifest in our experiences on this physical plane.  The definition of the Law of Karma should tell us what we need to know about this Law:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".

And no Soul [regardless what physical form it is in, in this lifetime, is  exempt from this Law.  So this means that everything that occurs to one in this lifetime... is what one did in some previous lifetime.  And this is true, regardless whether one wants to believe it, or not?

So, every thought or action you take becomes a part of what your I-MIND holds "Within" itself.  And it is the Law of Karma that determines what happens to us in each lifetime we live... and yes, this flies in the face of what most people think in the West.  So, can we really trust our thinking?  Does one have an alternative?  Yes, one does, but to exercise that alternative, one must deal with a great deal of repressed material hidden "Within" one's I-MIND... and virtually everyone is most reluctant to do this!  Because it is scary to look "Within" the unknown hidden "Within" oneself... plus, what is locked "Within" one's I-MIND is not meant to be known... until it is.

A well-trained, and naturally Intuitive individual can be trained to facilitate another person in the discovery of deeply repressed material from "Within" him or herself if... it is time for that material to become known to that person?  Otherwise, repressed phenomena remains repressed, and it is what one's I-MIND uses to insure that one adheres to one's "Fate Karma" for this lifetime!  It is simply the way Life works.

Now, we can finally address how people operate on a day to day basis.

The reason a wise person forgives others is that the wise person realizes that others are just as locked into being who they must be in this lifetime as oneself is... but then, not everyone is as forgiving as he or she might be... because in the West, we are not encouraged to seek the Truth. Because in the West, we are taught to distrust our Intuition, and to instead trust our thinking... which means trust what one's I-MIND feeds one as Delusional Thinking.  And  D-Think is [at best] relatively true.  Truth does exist, but only "Within" one's own faculty of Intuition.

And one's faculty of Intuition is confined to Truth, which means limited to Knowledge, which is only obtained as a result of Completing bits of Karma. And this needs some explanation... that may be difficult for some people to accept or embrace?  The Reality of Life is difficult for some to accept because it initially seems contrary to the teachings of Christianity.  But if one can accept the fact that "teachings" are produced by people... then we can forgive people for being people... since three-quarters of each person is invisible to that person.

The Soul of Man, and God, are (I believe) composed of a special kind of Energy I refer to as "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or "NSgy" as a symbol. And NSgy is only visible to one's Soul, or to one's faculty of Intuition [when one's faculty of Intuition is located "Within" one's Spiritual Dimension].  This is the reason the Soul is invisible to Man.  It is also the reason God cannot directly manifest to Man.  The physical Man simply cannot experience the super-subtle Energy of NSgy.  Only one's faculty of Intuition can perceive NSgy, and ONLY when one's faculty of Intuition is located in the Purely Spiritual Dimension itself.

Again... four separate dimensions, each with its own range of vibrations, and three of these are INVISIBLE to Man.  So, the faculty of Intuition seems to be quite important.  Strange then that Intuition is so actively avoided in our American education?   At opposite poles are the brain and one's faculty of Intuition.  One can think about life, or one can experience it via one's faculty of Intuition... if... one is Enlightened enough to do so?

The term Consciousness refers to the level of awakened Spirituality that a person's Soul has acquired [by Completing Karma over many, many lifetimes]!  But with Christianity insisting that Man only has one life to live... it is difficult for most people to accept that the Soul is immortal, and that we Souls have as many lifetimes as we require to reach a point where we begin to be open to the Reality of Life.

So, where is each Soul on the ladder of life?  And how does one even begin to imagine such a thing when we are told that we only have one life to live?  In the West, we have a huge intellectual barrier to break through in order to imagine the existence of a Truth so different than what we have been encouraged to believe.

I highly recommend the following book:

The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson.   And this book is available in many libraries.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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