Thursday, March 24, 2022


The principle reason is... each of us has lived a great many different lifetimes that naturally condition how we impact and respond to this lifetime.  However... unless you are raised in the East, you may not be aware of the concept of Reincarnation?  Or the concept that the Soul is immortal, and that we Souls have as many lifetimes as we require to fulfill the "Purpose of Life"... which is to play let's pretend in the garden of Life until one's Soul becomes completely satiated with what the Creation has to offer!

And it is not at all surprising if the reader is not familiar with what I have just written.  In the West, we are raised to believe that the Soul only has one life to live.

Whereas, in Reality, we have as many lifetimes as we want or need to experience in order to fulfill whatever desires we can imagine exploring.   We have an unlimited time frame in which to explore and experience what the Creation has to offer us.   But  the design of the Creation is such that the Reality of Life is really well hidden.

In addition, there is the Law of Karma, which was designed by God, and whose definition is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap".  So, everyone of us alive today has been in the Creation since it began... some say 43 million years ago. Are you tired of playing in the Creation yet?  If not, there's a great many things left to explore. And  the cycle of four more Ages  [which will begin at the close of Armageddon],  beginning with the Golden Age, then the Silver Age, then the Copper Age, and finally another Iron Age.

For me, and speaking personally, of course... I am quite ready to leave the Creation.

There is a point, for every Soul, I believe... in which the wonder of life... begins to change, and instead of one focusing on the many wonderful things one has not as yet experienced, one begins to notice poverty, crime, violence, hatred, and other seemingly natural aspects and miseries of life.  That which allows one to "see" [and to feel] the pain and suffering of others is called empathy.  And empathy is the natural result of having experienced pain and suffering oneself.. in who knows how many lifetimes?

So, on that  note, let me close with the popular saying:  Have a nice day!

Peace, 1 Brother James

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