Tuesday, March 22, 2022

When you decide not to read, study, or expose yourself to something... what causes you to do that?

 Or, another way to ask the question is this... who among your friends will end up becoming a mystic in his or her old age?

The reason I ask this question is that when I was in High School, no one who knew me would have guessed that I was destined to become a mystic.  In fact, many would have guessed I would be a number of things, but being a mystic is not one of those things.  I received a "D" grade in English in three of four semesters because I knew nothing about grammar.  I could not even read until I was in the fifth grade.  My idea of a sentence was one long sentence, punctuated by dashes.  I was very Intuitive as a child.

What is a mystic?  Someone who spends a great deal of time studying Spirituality, God, and the Purpose of Life?  And note that I did not include the term religion.  The study of Spirituality has very little to do with religion.  The person who is very interested in religion is someone who took a left turn instead of a right turn somewhere in life. 

Left-turn means a turn in the direction of the brain and thinking about religion.  A right-turn would be toward the unknown dimensions of oneself that cannot be studied by use of the brain.  What would cause a person to seek to study the invisible in life?  An "inner" calling by one's Soul is a good answer... but not an answer that is easily understood.  That is, people are not normally curious about what cannot be studied by use of the brain.  On the other hand, mystics are only interested in those things that the brain cannot perceive.

We in the West are not taught to pursue the unknown in life by teachers who are caught up in Intellectualism [love of the brain and thinking, while adopting the idea that emotion is a waste of time]. The fact is,  teachers teach what they know.    They have been taught to "think" there is nothing the brain cannot discover.  And what about the three-quarters of Man that are invisible to the brain?  What three-quarters?   Just show me what you mean?  For the intellectual, if it isn't physical and capable of being converted into cash, it isn't important.

You see, the I-MIND of Man is invisible to the brain. And all parts of one's Spirituality are invisible to the brain.  So, to those who are limited to use of the brain and thinking 'about' life... the only thing worth thinking about is the physical dimension of existence.  In other words, it is silly spending one's time in search of that which is invisible to Man, and cannot be bought and sold.

The Spiritual and mental dimensions are hidden "Within" Man, and they are always invisible to one's brain and thinking.  That is precisely the reason the Soul and the I-MIND have not been found by Man.  And one's I-MIND will seek to interest one in some religion, if possible, because religion has very little impact upon what happens to oneself at the time of death?  In other words, the study of religion is an intellectual activity that ends when one dies.  And if one's study of religion was helpful in preventing one from engaging in a great deal of negativity, then it was helpful.

But no matter how much thinking a person engages in, such thinking will not a mystic make.  The unknown [and invisible] "Within" Man can Only be Known by a person's faculty of "Intuition"...which has nothing to do with one's brain and thinking.    But then, why am I writing this for people to read, using their brains?  Because not everyone who uses his or her brain is limited to use of the brain only!  Many people would have substantial access to their faculty of Intuition... if they knew they had the ability of accessing their Intuition?

*   The Energy of that which we call "Intuition" is part of one's Soul, and thus Spiritual Energy.  And that which perceives a bit of Intuition is a part of what I refer to as Conscious Awareness, or "C-Awar," which is another part of one's Soul [which is Pure Spiritual Energy, and technically not a  part of the Creation in which we exist]. Again my little sketch: 

Note that #1 is the physical body with the brain. #2,3 and 4 are all invisible to #1.  Although #2 and 3 are quite active and directs the operations of #1.  Intuition is a part of #4, and can experience bits of Truth.

But where are people exposed to data that would awaken them to their faculties of Intuition?  Anyone who awakens to a bit of Truth all of a sudden, does so via his or her faculty of Intuition.  It is referred to as a hunch, a guess, insight, or God speaking to a person.  Very rarely is it referred to as "Intuition".  In the West the reason for this is that most teachers are chosen because of their thinking... or the ability to quote things they have read.  Not because they are Intuitive, or interested in the pursuit of Spirituality.

How much one's I-MIND dictates what one likes, reads, or is interested in depends upon the force of one's Soul in this lifetime?  And thus, how much Intuition one has available to oneself  depends upon what level of Consciousness one's Soul has acquired?  If you are Intuitive then the chances are good that your level of Consciousness is also elevated.  So, make use of your faculty of Intuition as much as you can.  It tends to be the Truth, by the way.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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