Tuesday, March 1, 2022


The answer to the question of "the purpose of" meditation may seem a bit strange for people in the West, but let's see if we can't make sense of the reason Meditation is so greatly valued in the East.

We begin with this [seemingly] simple question?  What is the Purpose of Meditation?  And the answer is... to withdraw one's "Attention" out of the physical body, and to re-focus it at the entrance to one's Astral body [you were aware that you have an Astral body, right]?

If you were not aware, don't feel bad, hardly anyone in the West knows this... because in the West, we don't deal with that which the brain is unable to perceive [which means we don't bother with the three-quarters of one's Whole... which are invisible to the brain].  Remember the sketch...

I use this sketch quite often because it depicts the whole of oneself.  That is, it shows the three-quarters of Man that are invisible to the brain: #2, 3, and 4.  We can see #1, and the brain "thinks" this is all there is to Man.  But we are much more!

Man, the Whole of Man, consists of four separate dimensions, only one of which is physical, that one's brain and physical senses can see. This means that three-quarters of the Whole of oneself are Invisible!

And Invisible means composed of energies that exist beyond the range of one's physical senses, including one's brain.  In the above sketch this is illustrated as #4, the Soul and Spiritual Realm or dimension.

Located in the area of the forehead, between the two eyes... but not  being there physically... is the access "door" that we are told to "Knock" upon, and it shall be opened to us from "inside".  Well, "knock" refers to Meditation.  Meditation is simply knocking at an invisible doorway, that doesn't exist physically... so how does one find it?

Fortunately, that doorway operates automatically, and that gets into a discussion that goes beyond the point of this blog.  This blog is simply to say that the purpose of meditation is to knock upon a Spiritual doorway... which is invisible, and located in one's forehead.  And the question is "why do this"?

Well, Man is composed of several dimensions, other than the obvious physical one.  Each of us is built exactly the same, and the only difference between each of us is the level and nature of ones Consciousness?  And another phrase for Consciousness is Spiritual Knowledge.  And Spiritual Knowledge is the result of Completing Karma... and Karma is a process of action, and the return of that exact same action.  The symbol for Karma is this:

And this is the symbol for Yin and Yang.  Yang is the male out-going action, and Yin is that same action being taken against oneself.  The duality of life in the Creation, in other words.  Sadly, in the West, we ignore Karma, and we tend to "THINK" of events as "accidents" or the fault of someone other than ourselves.  And by doing this, we just keep loading more and more Karmic obligations upon ourselves.  I often use this symbol as a reminder:

Each lifetime means more Karma.  Until one learns how to begin to reduce the load of Karma by the use of Meditation.

 Meditation is literally a means by which a person can seek forgiveness for one's actions... if one is engaged in the "proper" kind of meditation? And "proper" simply means a special kind of meditation whose purpose is expressly to dissociate oneself from one's store of Karma, held "Within" one's I-MIND.

And... to suggest that Meditation is capable of accomplishing this is, of course, suggesting that Meditation is a great deal more than what most people "think" it is.  And this discussion is...of necessity, moving us into a dialogue of the invisible dimensions of Man, and the most peculiar nature of discovering how one can "forgive" oneself? ...which is well beyond the purpose of this blog.  How about a blog about self-forgiveness?  Now that would be a challenge!

Peace, 1 Brother James


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