Saturday, March 19, 2022


Believe it or not... the reason is strictly self-serving!

The fact is, in the West, we are largely uneducated in the principle Law of Life, which is the Law of Karma.  The Law of Karma was designed by God [so it is an absolute Law], and it applies to everything in the Creation... which means we Souls. 

The basic definition of the Law of Karma is this:  "As you sow, so shall you reap!"  In other words, for every action you take, that same action will be taken against you!   ... if not in this life, then in some future life... and yes, your Soul is immortal, and Reincarnation is a fact, not a theory. 

Every living thing in the Creation has a Soul.  It is the Soul within every living thing that sustains the life of whatever physical form a Soul is in presently.  And not only is Reincarnation a fact, but Transmigration is also a fact, and Transmigration is the name for when a Soul acts like an animal... rather than a human being... and that Soul must spend time  as an animal to insure that it no longer needs to act like an animal! 

What makes the Law of Karma so unusual is that it is based on an absolute sense of fairness and justice!  And no Soul eludes this Law.

So, when Christ said to give your coat to someone who asks you for your coat, but in addition... give that person another coat [just in case you might owe that person two coats]!  Christ was speaking of the Law of Karma, in other words.

That is one aspect of this blog.  The other aspect is that the Law of Karma is administered by one's I-MIND, and all the Karma you owe is known by your I-MIND.  And each of us comes into this lifetime with a "Fate Karma" that is based on trying to clear a portion of the Karma that we owe. The problem with this arrangement is... we tend to create more Karma in a lifetime than we can work through. The result, of course, is that at the end of each lifetime, we wind up with increasing our burden of Karma rather than reducing it! 

What does that have to do with being more "forgiving"?  Well, what causes Karma is emotional energy being turned into physical action of some kind... including "anger," or "resentment," or "holding a grudge". 

And forgiveness is literally forgiving a person's actions against oneself, or a person's words spoken against oneself.  And to forgive... again we are told by Christ to "forgive"... because Christ knew that the result of not forgiving means creating a Karmic debt that one then has to pay in some way.  And "pay" means receive the same energy as we refuse to release from "Within" oneself!  Christ was simply trying to tell us that we are much better off by letting go of our anger or resentment than holding on to it, which automatically draws the same energy back to ourselves!

Over the last couple decades I have practiced this basic principle, and it really does work.  So, I share this with whomever is wise enough to "see" the wisdom of what Christ taught?  Remember, nothing happens to us that we do not have coming to us!  This is true, whether one believes it is true or not!

Peace, 1 Brother James 

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