Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 While reading "Spiritual Gems" this morning, a book written by Maharaj Sawan Singh, published in 1965, I was apparently ready to awaken to a new bit of Truth from "Within" myself.

The "whole" of how a person's MIND works, or operates, is a most difficult thing to explain.  And it is difficult because there are so many levels or dimensions in which it operates [most of which are quite invisible to one's ordinary awareness].  Therefore, it simply takes a very long time for anyone to comprehend [or put cognitive words to] these subtle operations taking place at normally invisible levels.  Which is the reason I refer to the MIND as the I-MIND, with the "I" referring to the fact that the MIND and its operations are invisible to us.

I quote the passage that triggered a bit of awareness "Within" me this morning:  

Man and the world are so constituted that there is always one thing or the other cropping up and demanding our attention.  Such things should be attended to,, but one should find time daily for the spiritual work. It should not be ignored.  If full time cannot be given, give as much as you can. Even five minutes would do. The spiritual work alone goes with us o our credit after death.  All other will be left behind.  The day that is gone will not come back again.  So with love and faith and perseverance, go ahead.

Where does "one thing or the other" come from?  These seemingly random thoughts are fed to one's brain by one's I-MIND.  I refer to such thoughts as "Delusional Thinking," or "D-Think".   And quite often one's I-MIND feeds a thought to one's brain that is entirely specious, or a thought that is entirely false.  And surprisingly... the only justification for the thought is based on some fear [hidden "Within" one's MIND], or a desire of one's I-MIND to cause one to experience confusion and conflict. The I-MIND strangely seems to enjoy causing a person pain.

Does this seem implausible to you?  I know it seems too bizarre to be true, but the Reality of Life is quite often very strange.  And the author of this book also said this:  "It is characteristic of the mind that it does not take the blame on itself but throws it on someone else and, if need be, on the Master, as well."  By "Master" the author is speaking of a person's Spiritual Master, or teacher.

The point of this blog is to try and explain a part of the I-MIND that most people do not know.  Including some subtle aspects of the I-MIND and how it works... that were stimulated "Within" me this morning by what I read.  The fact is, the I-MIND [although it is entirely invisible to us] is a major contributor to what one thinks, believes, and how one relates to life [both what we know of life, and what we do not know of life].

My primary career in this life has been that of a Gestalt Psychotherapist. As a consequence of this, and my own need to study the Esoteric elements in life,  I have closely studied the operations of the I-MIND, and how it plays a major role in the operations of the Law of Karma. But that is not what this blog is about.  The author of the book I was reading said this:  "Under all circumstances, the fight against the mind should be continued. Mind is our enemy. It tries to throw us off by all sorts of things, on one pretense or another."

But... most people correctly ask... how does one fight something that is invisible to oneself?

And the only reasonable answer can only attempt to do so.

Let us take a short trip into the I-MIND... despite the fact it is invisible.

One's I-MIND is not tangible, physical, nor even a part of one's physical body.  And yet it exists and it is attached to one's Soul, which is also quite invisible to oneself. One's I-MIND stores everything one experiences.  The good things and the bad things... and especially the bad things.  How come?  Bad involves punishment and requires the I-MIND to develop creative ways to punish us within the confines of the Law of Karma.  Returning good is boring... in comparison.

At the very core of Reality, we find this:  Every bit of Karma one's Soul can force the I-MIND to take responsibility for, and to forgive all involved in that bit of Karma... is converted back into Spiritual Energy that the Soul loaned the I-MIND to create the action in the first place.

This means that a good deed is simply returned to oneself as a bit of good.  But the return of some negative action involves the I-MIND and the I-MIND seeks to involve one's Soul in some negative action while preventing one's Soul from Acceptance or Forgiveness... by preventing one from realizing that the present negative action is simply some past action being "returned" to oneself.  That is, a past negative action taken by one's I-MIND at some time in the past.  This part of the Karma is withheld by one's I-MIND.  Not very helpful to one's Soul, is it?

In this way, one's I-MIND keeps adding negative actions, and responses to one's store of Karma.  The net result is... in each life we live, we create more negative Karma than we can convert in that lifetime.  And what is responsible for this?  Why, it's one's I-MIND.  Why would one's I-MIND do this?

What keeps every Soul trapped in the Illusion of Life is... the Karmic debt one's Soul owes.  And the I-MIND is responsible for preventing one from "seeing" that each bit of Karma one faces, is simply the Yin and Yang of the Law of Karma... which one's I-MIND prevents one from realizing that every bit of Yang Karma [the action part] is... being returned to oneself as Yin Karma  [the reaction part].

The net result is... our pile of Karma continues to increase... as we are encouraged by our I-MIND to resist our Karmic debts, and to blame others for what is taking place.

Each of us can accept the above, or deny it, along with the Law of Karma.  My role is simply to try and point out the fact that this is taking place.

Peace, 1 Brother James


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