Showing posts with label dishonesty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dishonesty. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What Was B.F. Skinner's Greatest Contribution to the field of Psychology?

 Quite likely it would be the thousands of Veterans and young people who commit suicide every year, due to the failure of Psychology to help them... because psychology no longer deals with the Whole Human Being.

In the early 1900s, Skinner, as the head of a group of scientists who were confined to the malady of Intellectualism, somehow convinced the field of Psychology to allow Skinner and his group to call their abuse of animals by the label "behavioral psychology".  And from that time to the present, the field of "psychology" has been systematically eliminating and removing from the field of "psychology" everything the ancient Greeks gave the world as Psychology, or the study of the Psyche of Man.

The Greek term "Psyche" is defined as referring to "Self, Soul, and MIND," which are all Esoteric terms.  That is, terms created to stand for elements of Man that are invisible to the brain and physical senses.  That is, elements such as one's MIND [which I refer to as the I-MIND, to emphasize the fact that the MIND of Man is Invisible to the brain]. A key to the term Esoteric is the fact that the entire Spiritual Dimension of Man is invisible to the physical dimension of Man.  The only element of Man that can perceive the Esoteric aspects of Man is one's faculty of "Intuition," which is an aspect of one's Soul.



  1. Intended for or understood by only a small group, especially one with specialized knowledge or interests: synonym: mysterious.
  2. Relating to or being a small group with specialized knowledge or interests.
  3. Not known by or suitable for the public; private.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

The Spiritual Dimension of Man is invisible to Man because the Spiritual Dimension is not part of the Creation...?  Explained shortly as "NSgy".

In opposition to the term Esoteric, we have the phrase "common intellect".  And "common intellect" refers to what the brain thinks it "knows"... simply because the brain has been introduced to a name, date, or a way to identify something. This to the brain is taken for "knowing" something.  I refer to this as "Delusional Thinking" or "D-Think" for short.

 Delusional Thinking  means the brain "thinks" it knows something simply because it has been exposed to the name of something.  Again, the brain does not differentiate between knowing about something, and actually KNOWING [possessing actual experience of something].

I believe Spiritual Energy is actually "Neutral Spiritual Energy," or what I refer to as "NSgy".  And NSgy can ONLY be Known by that which is itself NSgy. Which we refer to as  God, which I believe is the primordial Energy of Existence.  But this takes us in another direction entirely.

How many people think they know what the Soul is... and yet none of them have ever seen a Soul?  How do we explain this?

The answer is that the brain is not bothered by Reality or Truth.  The brain simply accepts what it thinks is true. Look at this quote of Skinner by Richard Evans:

In this quote of Skinner, Skinner mocks those in Psychology at the time by suggesting they are Delusional in their belief that Man has a MIND.   Did he threaten those in Psychology at the time to either produce evidence of the MIND, or yield to his demand? The damage of denying the MIND are the suicides we are witnessing daily in America.

There is perhaps nothing so sure of something as a person whose I-MIND intensely fears the Truth his belief masks.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

When you decide not to read, study, or expose yourself to something... what causes you to do that?

 Or, another way to ask the question is this... who among your friends will end up becoming a mystic in his or her old age?

The reason I ask this question is that when I was in High School, no one who knew me would have guessed that I was destined to become a mystic.  In fact, many would have guessed I would be a number of things, but being a mystic is not one of those things.  I received a "D" grade in English in three of four semesters because I knew nothing about grammar.  I could not even read until I was in the fifth grade.  My idea of a sentence was one long sentence, punctuated by dashes.  I was very Intuitive as a child.

What is a mystic?  Someone who spends a great deal of time studying Spirituality, God, and the Purpose of Life?  And note that I did not include the term religion.  The study of Spirituality has very little to do with religion.  The person who is very interested in religion is someone who took a left turn instead of a right turn somewhere in life. 

Left-turn means a turn in the direction of the brain and thinking about religion.  A right-turn would be toward the unknown dimensions of oneself that cannot be studied by use of the brain.  What would cause a person to seek to study the invisible in life?  An "inner" calling by one's Soul is a good answer... but not an answer that is easily understood.  That is, people are not normally curious about what cannot be studied by use of the brain.  On the other hand, mystics are only interested in those things that the brain cannot perceive.

We in the West are not taught to pursue the unknown in life by teachers who are caught up in Intellectualism [love of the brain and thinking, while adopting the idea that emotion is a waste of time]. The fact is,  teachers teach what they know.    They have been taught to "think" there is nothing the brain cannot discover.  And what about the three-quarters of Man that are invisible to the brain?  What three-quarters?   Just show me what you mean?  For the intellectual, if it isn't physical and capable of being converted into cash, it isn't important.

You see, the I-MIND of Man is invisible to the brain. And all parts of one's Spirituality are invisible to the brain.  So, to those who are limited to use of the brain and thinking 'about' life... the only thing worth thinking about is the physical dimension of existence.  In other words, it is silly spending one's time in search of that which is invisible to Man, and cannot be bought and sold.

The Spiritual and mental dimensions are hidden "Within" Man, and they are always invisible to one's brain and thinking.  That is precisely the reason the Soul and the I-MIND have not been found by Man.  And one's I-MIND will seek to interest one in some religion, if possible, because religion has very little impact upon what happens to oneself at the time of death?  In other words, the study of religion is an intellectual activity that ends when one dies.  And if one's study of religion was helpful in preventing one from engaging in a great deal of negativity, then it was helpful.

But no matter how much thinking a person engages in, such thinking will not a mystic make.  The unknown [and invisible] "Within" Man can Only be Known by a person's faculty of "Intuition"...which has nothing to do with one's brain and thinking.    But then, why am I writing this for people to read, using their brains?  Because not everyone who uses his or her brain is limited to use of the brain only!  Many people would have substantial access to their faculty of Intuition... if they knew they had the ability of accessing their Intuition?

*   The Energy of that which we call "Intuition" is part of one's Soul, and thus Spiritual Energy.  And that which perceives a bit of Intuition is a part of what I refer to as Conscious Awareness, or "C-Awar," which is another part of one's Soul [which is Pure Spiritual Energy, and technically not a  part of the Creation in which we exist]. Again my little sketch: 

Note that #1 is the physical body with the brain. #2,3 and 4 are all invisible to #1.  Although #2 and 3 are quite active and directs the operations of #1.  Intuition is a part of #4, and can experience bits of Truth.

But where are people exposed to data that would awaken them to their faculties of Intuition?  Anyone who awakens to a bit of Truth all of a sudden, does so via his or her faculty of Intuition.  It is referred to as a hunch, a guess, insight, or God speaking to a person.  Very rarely is it referred to as "Intuition".  In the West the reason for this is that most teachers are chosen because of their thinking... or the ability to quote things they have read.  Not because they are Intuitive, or interested in the pursuit of Spirituality.

How much one's I-MIND dictates what one likes, reads, or is interested in depends upon the force of one's Soul in this lifetime?  And thus, how much Intuition one has available to oneself  depends upon what level of Consciousness one's Soul has acquired?  If you are Intuitive then the chances are good that your level of Consciousness is also elevated.  So, make use of your faculty of Intuition as much as you can.  It tends to be the Truth, by the way.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 While reading "Spiritual Gems" this morning, a book written by Maharaj Sawan Singh, published in 1965, I was apparently ready to awaken to a new bit of Truth from "Within" myself.

The "whole" of how a person's MIND works, or operates, is a most difficult thing to explain.  And it is difficult because there are so many levels or dimensions in which it operates [most of which are quite invisible to one's ordinary awareness].  Therefore, it simply takes a very long time for anyone to comprehend [or put cognitive words to] these subtle operations taking place at normally invisible levels.  Which is the reason I refer to the MIND as the I-MIND, with the "I" referring to the fact that the MIND and its operations are invisible to us.

I quote the passage that triggered a bit of awareness "Within" me this morning:  

Man and the world are so constituted that there is always one thing or the other cropping up and demanding our attention.  Such things should be attended to,, but one should find time daily for the spiritual work. It should not be ignored.  If full time cannot be given, give as much as you can. Even five minutes would do. The spiritual work alone goes with us o our credit after death.  All other will be left behind.  The day that is gone will not come back again.  So with love and faith and perseverance, go ahead.

Where does "one thing or the other" come from?  These seemingly random thoughts are fed to one's brain by one's I-MIND.  I refer to such thoughts as "Delusional Thinking," or "D-Think".   And quite often one's I-MIND feeds a thought to one's brain that is entirely specious, or a thought that is entirely false.  And surprisingly... the only justification for the thought is based on some fear [hidden "Within" one's MIND], or a desire of one's I-MIND to cause one to experience confusion and conflict. The I-MIND strangely seems to enjoy causing a person pain.

Does this seem implausible to you?  I know it seems too bizarre to be true, but the Reality of Life is quite often very strange.  And the author of this book also said this:  "It is characteristic of the mind that it does not take the blame on itself but throws it on someone else and, if need be, on the Master, as well."  By "Master" the author is speaking of a person's Spiritual Master, or teacher.

The point of this blog is to try and explain a part of the I-MIND that most people do not know.  Including some subtle aspects of the I-MIND and how it works... that were stimulated "Within" me this morning by what I read.  The fact is, the I-MIND [although it is entirely invisible to us] is a major contributor to what one thinks, believes, and how one relates to life [both what we know of life, and what we do not know of life].

My primary career in this life has been that of a Gestalt Psychotherapist. As a consequence of this, and my own need to study the Esoteric elements in life,  I have closely studied the operations of the I-MIND, and how it plays a major role in the operations of the Law of Karma. But that is not what this blog is about.  The author of the book I was reading said this:  "Under all circumstances, the fight against the mind should be continued. Mind is our enemy. It tries to throw us off by all sorts of things, on one pretense or another."

But... most people correctly ask... how does one fight something that is invisible to oneself?

And the only reasonable answer can only attempt to do so.

Let us take a short trip into the I-MIND... despite the fact it is invisible.

One's I-MIND is not tangible, physical, nor even a part of one's physical body.  And yet it exists and it is attached to one's Soul, which is also quite invisible to oneself. One's I-MIND stores everything one experiences.  The good things and the bad things... and especially the bad things.  How come?  Bad involves punishment and requires the I-MIND to develop creative ways to punish us within the confines of the Law of Karma.  Returning good is boring... in comparison.

At the very core of Reality, we find this:  Every bit of Karma one's Soul can force the I-MIND to take responsibility for, and to forgive all involved in that bit of Karma... is converted back into Spiritual Energy that the Soul loaned the I-MIND to create the action in the first place.

This means that a good deed is simply returned to oneself as a bit of good.  But the return of some negative action involves the I-MIND and the I-MIND seeks to involve one's Soul in some negative action while preventing one's Soul from Acceptance or Forgiveness... by preventing one from realizing that the present negative action is simply some past action being "returned" to oneself.  That is, a past negative action taken by one's I-MIND at some time in the past.  This part of the Karma is withheld by one's I-MIND.  Not very helpful to one's Soul, is it?

In this way, one's I-MIND keeps adding negative actions, and responses to one's store of Karma.  The net result is... in each life we live, we create more negative Karma than we can convert in that lifetime.  And what is responsible for this?  Why, it's one's I-MIND.  Why would one's I-MIND do this?

What keeps every Soul trapped in the Illusion of Life is... the Karmic debt one's Soul owes.  And the I-MIND is responsible for preventing one from "seeing" that each bit of Karma one faces, is simply the Yin and Yang of the Law of Karma... which one's I-MIND prevents one from realizing that every bit of Yang Karma [the action part] is... being returned to oneself as Yin Karma  [the reaction part].

The net result is... our pile of Karma continues to increase... as we are encouraged by our I-MIND to resist our Karmic debts, and to blame others for what is taking place.

Each of us can accept the above, or deny it, along with the Law of Karma.  My role is simply to try and point out the fact that this is taking place.

Peace, 1 Brother James


Friday, February 18, 2022


 Much of the following is prompted by what Dr. Johnson is saying in his book, The Path of the Masters, which can be found in many libraries.  Dr. Johnson is writing about the MIND, and a person reading what Dr. Johnson is saying... might casually conclude that Dr. Johnson is writing about a diseased MIND.  Or a MIND that is ill. But let us look closely at what Dr. Johnson is saying, and hopefully differentiate his speaking of the actions of the MIND... separate from the idea that the MIND is "ill". He specifically uses the word "Perversions" of MIND" at the beginning of his section on the "Five Perversions" of MIND.

"Any outline of the psychology of the Masters would not be complete without particular mention of the five modes of destructive mental action called the passions. We have said that these are perversions of the normal faculties.  They are so."

He says "there are five different modes of destructive mental activity.  They are modes of obsession. They are deadly diseases..."  But he then quickly adds:

"But we must insist that Nature, or the Negative Power, shall not be blamed for these mental carcinomata.  These evil passions cannot take root in man unless they are invited.  This fact must not be forgotten."

He is, in other words, making an important, and subtle point that "the five modes of destructive action" are perversions of the MIND.  Not an illness, but "an obsession" ...   

And this is an important point because one's I-MIND is not physical, but is a subtle entity that is composed of two different energy bodies, neither of which can be seen by the physical brain of Man.   In other words, the I-MIND of Man is invisible to the brain.  The physical brain can become diseased, and can thus become "ill".  But the I-MIND is not physical, and thus, not subject to "illness".  So the phrase "mental illness" is, in actuality, an oxymoron.

The point being... the term "illness" applies to the physical body, and not to a habit pattern developed by a person's I-MIND that is based entirely on a habit pattern of action... that the I-MIND directs the brain to engage in... because you [your brain] wanted to engage in that action to experience the results of that action.  The I-MIND is very quick to develop an action into a habitual activity that your brain and physical body find enjoyable, or one that provides something you [knowingly or unknowingly] desire. When one is unable to intellectually cease or eliminate that habitual behavior... then it is considered a "mental illness," but the I--MIND is not ill... any more than your computer is ill when you hit a remove key.

Because we do not realize how the I-MIND works, or that the I-MIND is quite separate from the brain and thinking.

 The computer is a perfect example.  The computer offers you the option of removing something the computer  has done by hitting a certain key.  If you do not want that something removed, then do not hit the removal key.  The problem is...     quite often that part of you that "desires" a certain habitual behavior is not part of your Conscious Awareness (current thinking), but is a non-conscious desire to "punish" yourself.  And again, your I-MIND listens to negative desires just as often as it listens to desires that are not harmful to you.  And such "negative" desires are subtle (non-conscious) emotions that trigger your I-MIND to engage in some habitual behavior, even if consciously you do not want to do so.

This is not an "illness" of your I-MIND.  It is a pattern of behavior that your I-MIND has "learned" satisfies some repressed desire of your I-MIND  that is active "Within" you that you are not aware of as being present at all.

In other words, it is you that is responsible for your I-MIND creating a strong anxiety "Within" you until you engage in a certain behavior, that always makes you feel bad.  And this then is you [unknowingly punishing yourself]... without even knowing you are doing so!  And you go to a doctor, or a modern mental health "expert" for help... and the expert writes a prescription for a drug that impacts your physical brain, causing it to shut-down.  Problem is, this shutting down is often worse than the negative behavior you are seeking to get rid of!

 What is the solution?  Well, unfortunately, there are precious few "natural" psychotherapists who realize that what passes today for therapy is intellectual clap-trap, and mainly psychology today is a major drug industry... leading to a terrible drug dependence, and a growing conflict between your need for drugs, and your I-MIND doing its best to help you fulfill some deeply repressed habit patterns your I-MIND cannot eliminate by use of drugs.

What is missing is the TRUTH regarding the I-MIND and how it works, in other words.  Oh, and the fact that the field of psychology today is entirely unaware of what people are dying for.  Want to end tens of thousands of young people and Veterans committing suicide?  Then demand that the field of psychology admit to its failure, and cease licensing mentally ill people as drug dealers.

Oh... what are the five perversions?  They are:  Lust, Anger, Greed, Vanity, Egotism. And each of these uses the I-MIND as an agent to punish oneself.

Peace, 1 Brother James


Thursday, February 10, 2022


 The reason I ask this question about loving oneself is that I can't help but notice how much anger, hostility, and even hatred people are exhibiting toward one another in the world today.  Do people not realize that hatred is generated "Within" oneself?  That is, to have hatred for another, one must have hatred "Within" oneself...which one then projects upon others almost as a "learned behavioral response"?  Or like we have been taught to do by parents and others.  I always thought that hate was due to fear of something.  Something unknown or unfamiliar to us, in other words.

A second question I am prompted to ask is how many people realize that the Soul is immortal?  That is, it does not die, along with one's physical body... at least this is what we are told by a great many people.   So, what happens to one's Soul...  if it does not die along with the physical body?  In the East, they say that the Soul is reincarnated into a new life form, based on a person's Karma?  Which brings up the question of what is Karma, or the Law of Karma?  How is it so many in the East seem to know about Karma, but in the West, we know almost nothing?

Finally, one last question is this:  I've been asking people since I was a little boy what the "Purpose of Life" is?  And, I have yet to receive a good answer to this question? And... based on my previous question... if one is born again based on one's previous lifetime, how come we don't remember this taking place, and what are we supposed to do in this new lifetime?

All these questions, it seems to me, are answered by the term "Reincarnation," if one accepts the premise of Reincarnation,  and the Law of Karma, which is, naturally based on the Law of Karma... which is largely ignored or discounted in the West, and yet, the rest of the world lives their lives based on the Law of Karma.

I hesitate to suggest a certain level of ignorance on the part of people in the West, but that seems to be present. In watching and listening to preachers, ministers, and others on television speak about religion, or the Bible, one cannot help but notice that the terms Karma, Reincarnation, and the Purpose of Life seem to be missing in what they are saying?  And, if a person only needs to act nice, and ask for forgiveness just before one dies, then that person will go to heaven and live there forever seems to be the gist of what people are saying on television.

Somehow, this message has always seemed a bit simplistic to me; that is, the idea that what one needs to say is:  "Jesus, forgive me my sins!", and one is fully forgiven by simply saying these words?  And then what, one goes to Heaven instead of Hell?  And one then stays there forever?  If this is the case, how is it that we don't know a great deal more about what Heaven is?  That is, as many people as have died in just my lifetime of 86 years, Heaven must be getting really crowded?  And the same goes for Hell as well.

I personally tend to believe in what people from the East are saying, and that the Law of Karma applies to every Soul on Earth.  And that the Law of Karma also controls who goes to heaven or to hell, and neither of these places are forever.  In other words, I do not believe that God went to the trouble of creating "Life," and then  would simply give Souls one choice for experiencing the entire Creation.   That is, a Soul that became a  criminal  then spends eternity in some lake of fire at the time of death.  With no chance for redemption?  Seems most unlikely to me, given that Mystics tell us continually that God is a God of Peace, Forgiveness, Tolerance, and Love.  One mistake equals eternity in Hell... sorry, don't buy it.

So, if you know someone who is filled with hate... have you noticed that he or she is a miserable person?  Hate is an emotion "Within" oneself.  It is not like a wrapper of a candy bar, and one gives that wrapper to someone... and in the wrapper you have put a substance called Hate.  If you hate, the emotion of hate is coming from you, and that bit of hate is from "Within" your own I-MIND [your own emotional content], that you are projecting it at some person, place or thing outside of yourself.  The origin of the Hate is from "Within" you, in other words.  This is no doubt a difficult reality to accept... but it is the only reality that applies.

Otherwise, you are investing some person with the ability to mysteriously place a body of Hateful emotion inside of you.  Sorry, that is not possible.  If you hate someone or some thing, that "Hateful emotion" is entirely "Within" you.  To be an honest person, a person really needs to "own" one's own emotions.

To blame one's own emotion on some other person... is to give that person an ability to mysteriously place that bit of Hate inside of you... and this is simply a denial of one's own emotions. It's a basic  bit of dishonesty.

Therefore, if you want God to forgive you, you must ask God for forgiveness.  And do not be a hypocrite about it.   Honestly ask for forgiveness, from your heart, and be willing to "pay" a "price" for that forgiveness.  The "price" is a bit of Karma, wherein you receive something of what you caused another to experience yourself. And that "price" is your "lesson" so that you resist doing the same thing again.  And this is not only "fair," it is also just. It is also "educational" and also serves the Purpose of Life.

That is what I have learned from "Within" myself over the last 86 years.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, January 31, 2022

The LAW OF KARMA...What is it, and why is it?

One thing you will not hear most people who believe themselves to be spiritual, or inclined toward Spirituality say... is that God is Invisible to Man.

And the reason they do not say this is... they do not actually realize what Spiritual Energy is?   Although Man is unable to find the Soul, Truth, Reality, or Spirituality, it seems beyond most people to imagine that in the Illusion of Creation, that which is Spiritual, or composed of Spiritual Energy, does not actually exist in the Creation!

Let us picture this phenomenon, or at least try to do so:

The Creation is... first of all, Created.  It exists, but it exists as an Illusion that we "think" is real, because our physical bodies relate to the phenomena of the physical Universe, and specifically the Earth plane.  And of course I am speaking of the physical brain and our physical senses.

The Causal Region is the Higher MIND.  The Astral Region is the Lower MIND. And together, these two form what we refer to as the MIND of Man.  Both are Invisible to the brain and one's physical senses.  Our eyes can "see" the Physical Universe, and we can also see everything that is part of the physical plane.  But, the Soul, and the MIND of Man are both non-physical, thus they are Invisible to the brain of Man.

So, three-quarters of the Whole of Man are Invisible to the physical structure of Man. Therefore, to experience the Invisible, one must use that which is itself Invisible, and the only part of Man that can do this is one's faculty of Intuition, which is a faculty of one's Soul, which is Pure Spiritual Energy, thus Invisible to one's physical senses.

The above is little known in the West.  It is widely known in the East, but the influence of Christianity in the West has all but eliminated study or research into the Invisible dimensions of Man.  Therefore, those who rely entirely on the Bible tend to ignore "Spiritual Truth"... which cannot be perceived by one's brain, or one's thinking.  Spiritual Truth is spoken of in the Bible as either Spirit, or the Word.  And both of these are accepted as "unknown"... although, Man tends to "think" that somehow the Spiritual unknown can be known... if one prays hard enough.

If, by "hard enough" one means slowly withdrawing of one's Attention out of the body and into what Mystics refer to as the "eye center" [a Mystical spot in the center of the forehead which is a "doorway" into one's faculty of Intuition, which is a means by which one can awaken to bits of Truth, stored "Within" one's Conscious Awareness [which is, I believe, what Philosophy refers to as the "Self"].  That is, one can by spending a long time [years] slowly withdrawing one's Attention [an aspect of one's Soul] from focusing outside of oneself, to begin to actually  focus one's Attention "Within" oneself and tap into one's Astral body, where one can begin to pick up bits of Truth, which are also bits of Reality that one's Soul has acquired by Completing bits of Karma.  And this requires some explanation, does it not?

But first... let us play catch-up with the concept of the Law of Karma, as a concept.

The Pure Spiritual Dimension [the square of the earlier sketch] is the Whole of Existence.  This Existence is Pure Spiritual Energy, or what we refer to as God.  And what we think of as Creation is that part of Existence we can see and think about, which is the Physical Universe.  A small speck of which is the Earth.

The entire Creation is based on a duality the ancient mystics referred to as the symbol of Yin and Yang:  The definition of Karma is:  As you sow, so shall you reap.

Let us view the dark area as the Yang part, and the While area as the Yin part.  Yang refers to Male energy in the sense of it being an action, or out-going energy.  And the Yin part would then be the female energy, which is the emotional experience of receiving one's own Yang energy being returned to oneself.

The problem is... one's MIND tends to cause one to "think" that all Karma being returned to oneself are accidents taking place, and we view ourselves as "victims".

So, when Christ advised Man to "turn the other cheek" in the Bible, Christ was speaking of the Law of Karma in action, where the person seeking to strike one on the cheek... is merely returning the blow you gave the person now seeking to return the exact same experience for your own education!  Truly is it stated:  As you sow, so shall you reap.  This is the Law of Karma, and it is an absolute Law devised by God, and it is the principal Law of Creation.  In physics it is expressed in this way:  For every action there is an  opposite and equal reaction.  And this is Newton's third law.

At least it is not applied to the Law of Karma very often.

The Creation is based on a duality of good and evil, so to speak.  As we have just discussed, it involves an absolute law that Newton discovered, and it applies to everything in the Creation.  But for some reason, intellectuals are resistant to making a connection between Newton and the Law of Karma.  Perhaps because the Law of Karma takes the thinking about part and renders it moot?

In other words, most people do not realize that although Mystics tell us that God exists in every person... I have only heard one Mystic say that the Creation is an Illusion that seems real.  I view the Energy of God as "NSgy" or "Neutral Spiritual Energy".   And what do you know that is "Neutral"?

Over a number of years, or several decades, I have searched for something that is Neutral?  The only thing I have found  that is Neutral Spiritual Energy, or the Energy of God, and we Souls,  is Pure Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.

The Law of Karma is the primary Law of Creation, and with it, all of us can rest assured that every Soul will receive precisely the same treatment that Soul has given to others.  And fortunately, we cannot remember our Karma.  That's the reason we are always surprised when we experience events in our lives... which we always "think" are either accidents, or it's the other person's fault.

We Souls began our exploration of the Creation as NSgy, which means we were lacking the experience we possess today.  We had to "learn" good and evil by experiencing good and evil.  And only one's own Soul can determine when it has had enough... of the "good" life?

Peace, 1 Brother James 

The LAW OF KARMA... or What is Wrong With American Education Today ???

 Many years ago, I was teaching Art at Lincoln High School, in San Diego, California. I noted that several students were very talented artists, and they were producing some marvelous pieces of Art  But I also noticed that none of these students were taking what they had produced home.

My curiosity get the  best of me, and I finally asked one of the students, when the opportunity arose that only he could hear my question:  Why do you not take your art work home?  And, because his answer could not be heard by other students, he answered me.  He said that "none of the students could take their art work home with them because it would be taken and destroyed by young people in their neighborhood".  He said that a large number of young people in his neighborhood believed that art was something what "White people did," and those young people hated anyone who did things that white people cared about".

I was shocked to hear this, and I was surprised, but mainly I was too much into my own life [involved in my own patterns of thinking, believing, and ways of relating to life] to be sufficiently conscious of the lives of my students.  What their lives were like, in other words.  What did I do with this information?  Well, I went to the district official responsible for Art Education in the district, and I suggested that I would like to hold a District-wide Art Exhibition at Lincoln High School.  Open  to all High Schools in the District, and that the work would be judged, and prizes would be presented for the best work in various categories.

Being a bright and helpful individual, he agreed that my idea was a good one, and he said the District would help in whatever way  possible.  So, I invited a number of my students to help in this endeavor, and they were very pleased to have an opportunity to participate.  So, we took on the challenge, and we spent the next two months putting together a System-wide Art Exhibition for all High Schools in the City of San Diego, California.

And we opened on a Thursday evening, and we were amazed at the number of people that attended.  We also arranged for District High School Art classes  to be bused to Lincoln High School to view the exhibition.  Art at Lincoln High School would never be the same again.  And I would never be quite as narrow, or closed to the needs of young people as I had been prior to this event.  That event took place in 1966, I believe.  Sadly, my own Fate Karma had a great many different avenues in store for me that I was meant to follow.  My point of this blog is to try and point out the fact that too few people do too little to help education actually expand how much it can do to help young people move beyond the barriers of prejudice, poverty, and harmful and habitual beliefs of human beings stuck in patterns of psychological stagnation.  Their fear is non-conscious, by the way!

There is a great deal wrong with education in America today.  The greatest flaw in education lies in the strangle-hold the "Malady of Intellectualism' has imposed upon education at all levels.  There is nothing worse that an adult who thinks that he knows more than he does... and is too fearful to admit otherwise!  As long as teaching is controlled by Union bosses who care ONLY for the money, education will reflect the illness of greed.  Wonder, the excitement of seeking Truth, and the discovery of the unknown... while abandoning oneself to developing one's faculty of Intuition has nothing in common with greed, or Intellectualism.

I have not forgotten about the Law of Karma... and the importance of Karma will be addressed in my next blog!

Peace, 1 Brother James

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

WHAT IS PREJUDICE, RACISM AND HATE... and where do these conditions COME FROM?

 These grossly negative emotions are elements that make a person's life a most painful and discouraging trip throughout one's lifetime... although what causes these ugly conditions are hidden "Within" one's MIND as deeply repressed emotional traumata [plural of trauma].   But where do these elements come from is the question of this blog... if, as I say, they are repressed deep "Within" one's MIND [which is quite invisible to oneself]?

And since what causes these 'conditions' are repressed emotions hidden "Within" one's MIND [or what I refer to as one's "I-MIND"(... and the Capital "I" stands for Invisible). That is, your I-MIND  consists of two subtle bodies of energy, one is referred to as the "Astral" realm - Lower MIND,  and the other is called the "Causal" realm - Higher MIND,  and neither of these subtle energy realms is physical.  Note the sketch:

#2 and #3 are both invisible to the brain and one's physical senses, represented by #1.



 But let me begin this blog by sharing a strange thing I remembered this morning during my meditation.  In High School, my two best friends were both named Sam.  One was a Jew, Sam S., whose Father was a psychologist [divorced from Sam's mother, a lovely lady named Sally], and the other Sam, Sam T., was a combination of half American Indian [ his mother], and half German, [his father] who was in Construction.  And each Sam was as different from the other as you can imagine.  And each Sam was a friend for different reasons.  Sam S. was a friend because he didn't have many friends, and Sam T. was a friend because he took pity on how naive I was regarding football.  Sam T. was a tackle on the football team, which I joined a week late, in my bathing suit... while all the other players all had their uniforms.  Sam T. stepped forward and volunteered to work with me on the  "warm up exercise scheduled for that day":   A player would run at another player and be tackled. Sam T. saved my butt by going through the motion... 

And Sam S. was a photographer, and didn't have many friends, so he kind of befriended me as a way of relating to the people I knew.  But back to the negative emotions of Prejudice, Racism and Hate.  What is an emotion and where does it come from?

An emotion is a repressed bit of trauma, hidden

"Within" one's MIND [which means invisible to] one's brain or conscious memory.  When stimulated, the energy of that repressed emotion is "vented" by the MIND in some habitual  physical behavior that is designed to not reveal the repressed trauma. And the behavior tends to become "habituated".  And the trauma [ or actual source of the behavior] remains unknown to a person... until it is time to be discovered via Gestalt Psychotherapy or by natural means.

The "trauma" (singular), or traumata (plural), is virtually always a [misperception], which is my label for a mistaken belief by one's I-MIND taken-on in early childhood.  And it is almost always negative in nature.  A gifted Gestalt therapist can help a person discover a bit of trauma when that trauma is "ready" to be revealed.  This means when the negative Karma associated with that bit of trauma is completed. [As you sow, so shall you reap].

Alas, there is a diminishing number of Gestalt therapists today who are capable of facilitating this process due to the denial of the MIND by modern psychology since the early 1900s.  Soon, it is likely that the practice of actual Psychology will soon be entirely lost.  Yet another reason for Armageddon...  and the start of a new series of Ages, beginning with a new Golden Age.

My point is this... those people who are prejudiced, racist, or hateful are like this because the I-MIND "Within" them holds some traumatic memories picked-up in early childhood.  The I-MIND "Within" them must run its course, so to speak, before the Souls "Within" them are "ready" to rise above the I-MIND with its repressed misperceptions ... to embrace a level of Forgiveness of themselves based on a higher level of Consciousness [Spirituality]. 

I have mentioned in previous blogs that the Soul is immortal, and thus, when we die, we find ourselves in our Astral body, and we are taken to the Astral realm, where we spend some time before being "incarnated" into the physical plane once again.  In the Bible, this process is referred to as "a new Heaven and a new Earth".

I hope this blog will help clarify what "causes" these painful actions by people who are suffering from deeply repressed Misperceptions taken-on by the I-MIND "Within" them in early childhood.  The entire thing is simply part of the Law of Karma, or that which is helping we human beings slowly rise up the latter of maturation as Souls... as we experience what we have done to others in the past, and will hopefully "learn" to avoid doing in the future?

Peace, 1 Brother James   ...seeking God's Forgiveness, and Love.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

There appears to be two types of people in the world...

 TWO TYPES ?  1.  Those who desire to be wealthy so that they can "control people" by use of their wealth as a means to do so.   And the second type are  those people  who love God and thank God for whatever "gifts" he has bestowed upon them... the use of which enables them to help others.

In the "East" [as opposed to the "West"], there are a great many people who are raised to believe in God, and to believe that it is God who is in charge of everything Man can do and know.   In the West, people who live in the East are often thought of as uneducated,  backward, and not as "advanced" as people in the West.  And part of what causes people in the West to believe this is a term called "Ego".  The common characteristics of  Ego are pride, ignorance, and vanity (and vanity is a natural  result of a person whose only belief in God is "intellectual"),  that is, someone who "thinks" that there is a God because others have told this person that  God does exist, and that God has a Son, called Jesus.  So the intellectual in the West,  who is religious, "thinks" that the religion of Christianity is true... because so many people believe it is true.

What "proof" do they give for this belief?  Well, the shear fact that so many people believe in the religion of Christianity is certainly sufficient to demonstrate the validity of the religion, and thus they are convinced.  The problem of "proof"  still remains for those who are 'hard core' realists, however.  And they tend to be "fence sitters," or people who are no "sure" one way or the other? 

The great benefit of an intellectual belief in God is that a "belief" held "Within" one's brain is "relative".  That is, it can be strongly held, as long as it does not interfere in one's enjoyment of life?  If one's belief interferes with what one desires to do, then one's I-MIND can feed Delusional Thinking to the Left-Hemisphere of one's brain which causes one's brain  to "Think" that what one desires to do is an exception to what one intellectually believes to be true.  Rationalization and justification is a common way of life in the West, and it is based on the "malady of Intellectualism," which refers to the natural overriding of one's brain by one's I-MIND.

 So, the more intellectual a person is [quite commonly], the more that person is like a weather-vane.  That is, capable of shifting his or her beliefs depending upon which way the wind blows?  And being able to shift one's beliefs to accommodate what is beneficial to oneself is thought of as a good thing in the West.  This is, of course a subtle form of lying [at least to oneself]  but then... when no one actually Knows what the Truth is, who is going to call one on one's lies?

so, which type person are you?  One who refuses to alter one's Truths, because to do so is dishonest.  Or are you someone who chooses the truth that is popular at the moment?  It is quite difficult to live an honest life, unless one is "bright" enough to deftly sidestep direct answers that support dishonest statements.  But to do this one must Know the Truth... which is the basic problem, isn't it?

Peace, 1 Brother James