Wednesday, January 12, 2022

There appears to be two types of people in the world...

 TWO TYPES ?  1.  Those who desire to be wealthy so that they can "control people" by use of their wealth as a means to do so.   And the second type are  those people  who love God and thank God for whatever "gifts" he has bestowed upon them... the use of which enables them to help others.

In the "East" [as opposed to the "West"], there are a great many people who are raised to believe in God, and to believe that it is God who is in charge of everything Man can do and know.   In the West, people who live in the East are often thought of as uneducated,  backward, and not as "advanced" as people in the West.  And part of what causes people in the West to believe this is a term called "Ego".  The common characteristics of  Ego are pride, ignorance, and vanity (and vanity is a natural  result of a person whose only belief in God is "intellectual"),  that is, someone who "thinks" that there is a God because others have told this person that  God does exist, and that God has a Son, called Jesus.  So the intellectual in the West,  who is religious, "thinks" that the religion of Christianity is true... because so many people believe it is true.

What "proof" do they give for this belief?  Well, the shear fact that so many people believe in the religion of Christianity is certainly sufficient to demonstrate the validity of the religion, and thus they are convinced.  The problem of "proof"  still remains for those who are 'hard core' realists, however.  And they tend to be "fence sitters," or people who are no "sure" one way or the other? 

The great benefit of an intellectual belief in God is that a "belief" held "Within" one's brain is "relative".  That is, it can be strongly held, as long as it does not interfere in one's enjoyment of life?  If one's belief interferes with what one desires to do, then one's I-MIND can feed Delusional Thinking to the Left-Hemisphere of one's brain which causes one's brain  to "Think" that what one desires to do is an exception to what one intellectually believes to be true.  Rationalization and justification is a common way of life in the West, and it is based on the "malady of Intellectualism," which refers to the natural overriding of one's brain by one's I-MIND.

 So, the more intellectual a person is [quite commonly], the more that person is like a weather-vane.  That is, capable of shifting his or her beliefs depending upon which way the wind blows?  And being able to shift one's beliefs to accommodate what is beneficial to oneself is thought of as a good thing in the West.  This is, of course a subtle form of lying [at least to oneself]  but then... when no one actually Knows what the Truth is, who is going to call one on one's lies?

so, which type person are you?  One who refuses to alter one's Truths, because to do so is dishonest.  Or are you someone who chooses the truth that is popular at the moment?  It is quite difficult to live an honest life, unless one is "bright" enough to deftly sidestep direct answers that support dishonest statements.  But to do this one must Know the Truth... which is the basic problem, isn't it?

Peace, 1 Brother James


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