Tuesday, January 18, 2022

WHAT IS PREJUDICE, RACISM AND HATE... and where do these conditions COME FROM?

 These grossly negative emotions are elements that make a person's life a most painful and discouraging trip throughout one's lifetime... although what causes these ugly conditions are hidden "Within" one's MIND as deeply repressed emotional traumata [plural of trauma].   But where do these elements come from is the question of this blog... if, as I say, they are repressed deep "Within" one's MIND [which is quite invisible to oneself]?

And since what causes these 'conditions' are repressed emotions hidden "Within" one's MIND [or what I refer to as one's "I-MIND"(... and the Capital "I" stands for Invisible). That is, your I-MIND  consists of two subtle bodies of energy, one is referred to as the "Astral" realm - Lower MIND,  and the other is called the "Causal" realm - Higher MIND,  and neither of these subtle energy realms is physical.  Note the sketch:

#2 and #3 are both invisible to the brain and one's physical senses, represented by #1.



 But let me begin this blog by sharing a strange thing I remembered this morning during my meditation.  In High School, my two best friends were both named Sam.  One was a Jew, Sam S., whose Father was a psychologist [divorced from Sam's mother, a lovely lady named Sally], and the other Sam, Sam T., was a combination of half American Indian [ his mother], and half German, [his father] who was in Construction.  And each Sam was as different from the other as you can imagine.  And each Sam was a friend for different reasons.  Sam S. was a friend because he didn't have many friends, and Sam T. was a friend because he took pity on how naive I was regarding football.  Sam T. was a tackle on the football team, which I joined a week late, in my bathing suit... while all the other players all had their uniforms.  Sam T. stepped forward and volunteered to work with me on the  "warm up exercise scheduled for that day":   A player would run at another player and be tackled. Sam T. saved my butt by going through the motion... 

And Sam S. was a photographer, and didn't have many friends, so he kind of befriended me as a way of relating to the people I knew.  But back to the negative emotions of Prejudice, Racism and Hate.  What is an emotion and where does it come from?

An emotion is a repressed bit of trauma, hidden

"Within" one's MIND [which means invisible to] one's brain or conscious memory.  When stimulated, the energy of that repressed emotion is "vented" by the MIND in some habitual  physical behavior that is designed to not reveal the repressed trauma. And the behavior tends to become "habituated".  And the trauma [ or actual source of the behavior] remains unknown to a person... until it is time to be discovered via Gestalt Psychotherapy or by natural means.

The "trauma" (singular), or traumata (plural), is virtually always a [misperception], which is my label for a mistaken belief by one's I-MIND taken-on in early childhood.  And it is almost always negative in nature.  A gifted Gestalt therapist can help a person discover a bit of trauma when that trauma is "ready" to be revealed.  This means when the negative Karma associated with that bit of trauma is completed. [As you sow, so shall you reap].

Alas, there is a diminishing number of Gestalt therapists today who are capable of facilitating this process due to the denial of the MIND by modern psychology since the early 1900s.  Soon, it is likely that the practice of actual Psychology will soon be entirely lost.  Yet another reason for Armageddon...  and the start of a new series of Ages, beginning with a new Golden Age.

My point is this... those people who are prejudiced, racist, or hateful are like this because the I-MIND "Within" them holds some traumatic memories picked-up in early childhood.  The I-MIND "Within" them must run its course, so to speak, before the Souls "Within" them are "ready" to rise above the I-MIND with its repressed misperceptions ... to embrace a level of Forgiveness of themselves based on a higher level of Consciousness [Spirituality]. 

I have mentioned in previous blogs that the Soul is immortal, and thus, when we die, we find ourselves in our Astral body, and we are taken to the Astral realm, where we spend some time before being "incarnated" into the physical plane once again.  In the Bible, this process is referred to as "a new Heaven and a new Earth".

I hope this blog will help clarify what "causes" these painful actions by people who are suffering from deeply repressed Misperceptions taken-on by the I-MIND "Within" them in early childhood.  The entire thing is simply part of the Law of Karma, or that which is helping we human beings slowly rise up the latter of maturation as Souls... as we experience what we have done to others in the past, and will hopefully "learn" to avoid doing in the future?

Peace, 1 Brother James   ...seeking God's Forgiveness, and Love.

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