Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Tendency of the I-MIND to develop the attributes or qualities of that which we focus upon.

 The I-MIND and its operations are invisible for the most part... or rather, we are unable to differentiate, isolate, or identify what is taking place "Within" the I-MIND that results in our acting out certain patterns of behavior... until we find ourselves acting out such behaviors... even when we do not wish to be doing so!

In other words, in certain instances, we experience ourselves engaging  in behaviors and various actions that we wish we could refrain from doing... although we seem somehow compelled to do what we  experience ourselves doing... even when such things would be damaging to us if they were to be discovered.  In fact, the person who is  caught "shop-lifting" or stealing small objects from a store, even after being punished for doing so... will repeat the same action over and over again.

The question is... how come?

Why do people risk doing such things?  Even after having been caught and punished for engaging in behaviors the person would prefer not doing?  Well, I'm going to explain a primary reason for this behavior,  although most readers may find my explanation hard to believe?

The operations, making decisions, and "reasons" for doing what the I-MIND does are all taking place on a level of existence no part of one's brain can perceive nor interact with.  And the reason for this "invisibility"  is because the brain is physical  and measurable by one's physical senses, whereas the energy of the I-MIND is comprised of a range of  vibrations ONLY discernible by the I-MIND itself, and a part of one's Soul I refer to as "Intuition".  Again, the I-MIND is invisible to Man... with one exception... which is Intuition, as far as I know.

This is how modern mental health views the I-MIND of Man today. Less than 1 % of those licensed in mental health today can tell you what the I-MIND is, where it is located, or how it works.  What kind of psychology is that?

The only part of Man  that can perceive or sense the involvement of the I-MIND in some thought or action  is one's faculty of "Intuition"... if one's faculty of Intuition is active "Within" oneself?  When I use the symbol "Within"... I do so to emphasize the fact that the origin of something is normally invisible to we human beings, and its operation is confined to a dimension of Man that is normally Invisible to the physical realm.

Most subtle motivations by one's I -MIND are only noticed when they are picked up by one's brain as thoughts.  I refer to such 'thoughts' as Delusional Thinking, or "D-Think," and this is the method by which one's I-MIND directs the brain and thinking.  But most people, most of the time, are unable to differentiate their regular thinking from thoughts fed to the Left-Hemisphere of the brain by the I-MIND.

And the only part of Man that can get a sense of the involvement of the I-MIND in one's thoughts is one's faculty of Intuition... which is a faculty of one's Soul that is pretty much limited to people who are "Enlightened".  And "Enlightened" is the term we use to identify people whose level of Consciousness [possession of bits of Knowledge] is more advanced than the normal person.  And  this involves the Law of Karma,  which is yet another layer of invisible operation taking place "Within" Man all the time.   And we will discuss the Law of Karma and its operations in the next blog.  THE LAW OF KARMA, AND HOW IT WORKS...

A portion of the above "SHOULD" be common instruction in graduate education of people in the field of Psychology who are studying for advanced degrees.  But "SHOULD be" is not what is taking place today.  In the early 1900s, the field of psychology allowed itself to be manipulated by an intellectual named B.F.  Skinner, who challenged the field of Psychology to either  "Prove" the existence of the MIND of Man... or allow he and his colleagues to be called 'behavioral psychologists' in recognition of [their watching the behavior of animals react to things they were doing to those animals], which they called "behavioral psychology".

Skinner was quite bright, however, he was quite ignorant of the I-MIND of Man. And his ignorance was [is still] wide spread across the Western world.

Well, no one can physically "prove" the existence of the I-MIND [this can only take place via one's own faculty of intuition... which has to be "awakened" as a consequence of a person undergoing a special form of Gestalt Psychotherapy... and the number of people capable of  facilitating this is rapidly declining!  In early 1900, the field of Psychology allowed behavioral scientist intellectuals to refer to themselves as "behavioral psychologists" and to be part of the field of "intellectual psychology".  They called this "behavioral psychology," which was an oxymoron.  

No part of what the Greeks gave the world as Psychology focused on the behavior of Man.  Psychology came from "Psyche," which is Greek, and is defined as "Self, Soul, and Mind".   All of which are Esoteric [non tangible].  Skinner, and his denial of the I-MIND of Man, was the beginning of the end of the Psychology given to the world by the ancient Greeks, and the Esoteric study of Psychology.

Since the early 1900s, the field of psychology has been aggressively removing all reference to the Esoteric [non-physical] elements of Man] to the point where today, no one in a thousand people in psychology even knows what the MIND is?

As a result of what happened in the early 1900s, mental illness and the practice of suicide have increased dramatically over the last century.  Today, a large number of mentally ill sexual perverts are being licensed each year to practice psychotherapy on people who seriously need the proper help for mental illness.  The movie called the Coo-Coo Nest has become a reality.   Sad, but I'm afraid it is also true.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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