Friday, February 18, 2022

How Many Realize the term "Mental" refers to the MIND... which is invisible to the brain?

Well, this is true.   So, when you hear the words "mental illness"... do you imagine the MIND (which is invisible to the brain) can suffer an "illness" ?

Well, the MIND can never be "ill'.  And the  principal reason for this is simply because the I-MIND... or the Invisible MIND is not physical.  That is,  the I-MIND is entirely Invisible to the brain and to the physical senses of  Man because it consists of two different dimensions of the Creation:  The Lower MIND represents the Astral Region of Creation, and the Higher MIND represents the Causal Region of Creation and both exist as "part of Man," however neither  is visible to the brain or one's physical senses.

And that is quite strange, is it not?  That is, parts of oneself that operate and conduct one's life, and yet neither of these can be seen by Man?

Therefore,  I prefer to refer to the MIND as the "I-MIND"... because using the "I" before the MIND helps  to remind us that the MIND is entirely Invisible to the brain,  and one's physical senses.   The I-MIND is composed of two subtle energy bodies existing "Within" the Whole of oneself... even though neither of these are actually part of the physical structure of Man.  Read this last part a couple times to set this idea firmly in your brain.  See sketch:

In this sketch, #1 is your physical body, with its physical brain. #2, and #3 comprise the I-MIND, and these two parts, along with your Soul, or Spiritual Dimension, are all invisible to one's brain and physical senses.

Were you aware that there are people who are routinely identified as having died [there is no pulse and the heart has stopped], and yet a number of these people awaken after having been pronounced dead... and those who speak of their experiences  tell us of having experiences that are very similar. 

And in no case was death due to the illness of the I-MIND "Within" a person.

Why do I mention all of this?  To try and provide the correct information to people who may have been mislead by modern mental health that routinely mistakes the brain for the I-MIND of Man.

Your brain is physical, and your I-MIND is neither physical, nor is it ever ill.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Monday, February 14, 2022

IS ANGER an aspect OF REALITY...? Or, is anger possible, and yet... not Real?


ANGER seems quite real to us, and it is a real part of the emotional energy of one's I-MIND... however, Anger is an emotional "reaction" of one's I-MIND, and one's I-MIND is operated entirely by a script that is based on one's Fate Karma for this lifetime.   And note please that I am differentiating between lower case "real," and another kind of Reality that is the same as Truth [capital "T" Truth].

In other words... who one "thinks" one is in this lifetime... [one's sense of self in this lifetime] is a belief fed to the Left-Hemisphere of one's brain by one's I-MIND... based on a psychological structure designed by one's I-MIND to "fit" the role one is playing in this lifetime only... and this is reinforced by both Christianity and what people in the West have been taught regarding a number of Spiritual elements.   √   

That is, in the West, we [many people] avoid taking Eastern Mysticism seriously because it is substantially different than how the Bible has been interpreted in the West... beginning in the Fifth Century A.D.  The primary difference between East and West in this regard can be boiled down to a number of words... and a clear understanding of the term "immortal," and the Purpose of Life? 

The words Christianity  ignores [or avoids] are Karma, Reincarnation, Transmigration, and the difference between the Soul of a person, and the physical body of a person?  In terms of the Soul, death, and the Purpose of Life, the West has missed the Reality of Life substantially.

One's Soul has as many lifetimes as it requires to complete its curiosity and need to "learn" about the Creation?  The Roles we play in life are all dedicated to fulfilling our desires for experiencing  the roles we play;  as Shakespeare noted in saying that we are all actors playing roles we have scripted for ourselves by our own interaction with the Law of Karma.

Therefore, what is stimulated in us that results in our getting angry is what we refer to as Ego, or one's false sense of self [which is a sense created by the I-MIND that is attached to one's Soul when we Souls initially entered the Creation.  Who and what we are, in Reality, is a Soul, which is composed of what I believe is Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy.  And NSgy is the Energy of God, which is a state of Pure Neutral Energy.  That is, Truth, Reality, and never other than Neutral.  

The concepts of good and evil are merely impulses that deviate from NSgy, and thus fall into an Illusion of existence comprised of a duality... which falls under the rule of the Law of Karma, or Yang and Yin.  Yang being male action energy  taken by one's I-MIND (which was attached to one's Soul upon its entering the Creation) and Yin being that same energy being returned to oneself so as to Complete the Yang and Yin of that particular bit of Karma.

Any bit of Karma that has not been neutralized is a bit of one's NSgy that is missing from one's Whole Soul, thus one is an incomplete Soul.  And thus, one is "unfit" to return HOME to God.

The Law of Karma is the primary Law of Creation, and it applies to all actions in the Creation.  But all such actions are not Real in an absolute sense because they only apply to the Illusion of the Creation.  Therefore, the operation of the Law of Karma is the duality required to sustain the Illusion of Creation.  And to leave the Creation, a Soul must be absolutely certain that it is "finished" with its exploration of the Creation.  And this is the primary role of the Law of Karma.

So, can one "be" angry?  No, because it is one's I-MIND that is experiencing the anger, and one's I-MIND is part of the Creation.  One's Soul is never not NSgy.  But, when the I-MIND that is attached to one's Soul believes itself to be angry, then one's Soul is still "controlled" by the I-MIND that is attached to one's Soul.

And the Purpose of Life is for a Soul to fully satiate its curiosity and its various attachments to the Illusion... before it can be considered "ready" to return Home to God.  Unfortunately, most Souls are so attached to the I-MIND that they do not realize who or what they are any more?  This then is the Real challenge in life.  And each Soul is, as mentioned yesterday with the Ladder of Life, unknowingly engaged in working through its various bits of Karma, as it tries to complete its Karmic obligations.

But not to worry... every Soul is being cared for completely.  That is the one thing every Soul can count on... even if one's Soul is unaware of this fact?

The Energy of your Soul is NSgy, which means the same Energy as that of God, and thus your Soul is immortal, Real, and ultimately intended to return Home to its Source. 

I-MIND?  The "I" stands for Invisible, which means one's I-MIND is entirely invisible to one's brain and physical senses.

Peace, 1 Brother James


 something that "exposes" one's Ego, or one's mistaken belief that one is on Earth playing a part, and what triggers one's anger is a mistaken belief that one is not

Sunday, February 13, 2022

WHAT DID CHRIST MEAN WHEN HE SAID: "Before Abraham was born, I am!"

 What Christ meant was explained when he is also quoted as saying:  "My Father and I are one."  And what Christ meant by saying that he was one with his Father is what all great Mystics mean when they say that God is "Within" every human being.

What actually causes death?  What we identify as "death," naturally occurs when a person's Soul leaves the body in which that Soul is existing. And the reason for this is simple enough to explain.  It is the Soul that provides "life" to the body in which it is present.  But to be precise... death is the natural result of a  Soul "cutting the silver cord" that is the attachment of that Soul to that body.  This action takes place at a level that is entirely mystical [Spiritual], which means this event is unseen by people, and thus... rarely discussed.

John 8:58
“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

Or, put another way... what does exist in the Creation that is not directly sustained by God?  If you are tempted to say "nothing," even nothing in the Creation is sustained by God.  When you look at the night sky, particularly in a big city, what you quite often see is darkness, which is strangely the lights of the city being reflected by atmospheric moisture, which obscures the stars one can see in the night sky in the countryside beyond the lights of the city.  So, when one wants to see the stars at night in the city, one is quite often unable to do so.

The way Man views life is relative to the education of a person, which is one reason we all seem to be so different... at least as far as our physical senses can perceive. 

When a Saint or Mystic says that God is "Within" every Soul, he or she is saying that it is God that sustains the existence of the Soul.  And this is true for every Soul in the Creation.  What makes it difficult for us to "see" this connection is that so much of the Reality of Life takes place at levels our physical senses simply cannot perceive.  Again, some people can accept this concept, and some people cannot accept this concept.  Of course, the more enlightened the Soul of a person is... the more likely that Soul will possess a level of Consciousness that enables a Soul to Intuit bits of Truth... which are always Spiritual in essence.

Think of one's Consciousness as being like a ladder.  And each of us is slowly climbing the ladder of Consciousness [Mystically located "Within" oneself], and each rung of that ladder requires one's Soul to acquire  bits of Truth.  And each  bit of Truth is the result of  Completing a bit of Karma.  The actual difference between people is the level of Consciousness of the Soul of a person.  All of we Souls are located somewhere on the Ladder of Life... slowly acquiring bits of Truth.

This is, of course an illustration of a most complex and important mechanism we call "Life". In fact everyone you know is somewhere on this ladder.  And each and every Soul is sustained by God.  And we all are struggling to reach the top, and step into Reality.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, February 10, 2022


 The reason I ask this question about loving oneself is that I can't help but notice how much anger, hostility, and even hatred people are exhibiting toward one another in the world today.  Do people not realize that hatred is generated "Within" oneself?  That is, to have hatred for another, one must have hatred "Within" oneself...which one then projects upon others almost as a "learned behavioral response"?  Or like we have been taught to do by parents and others.  I always thought that hate was due to fear of something.  Something unknown or unfamiliar to us, in other words.

A second question I am prompted to ask is how many people realize that the Soul is immortal?  That is, it does not die, along with one's physical body... at least this is what we are told by a great many people.   So, what happens to one's Soul...  if it does not die along with the physical body?  In the East, they say that the Soul is reincarnated into a new life form, based on a person's Karma?  Which brings up the question of what is Karma, or the Law of Karma?  How is it so many in the East seem to know about Karma, but in the West, we know almost nothing?

Finally, one last question is this:  I've been asking people since I was a little boy what the "Purpose of Life" is?  And, I have yet to receive a good answer to this question? And... based on my previous question... if one is born again based on one's previous lifetime, how come we don't remember this taking place, and what are we supposed to do in this new lifetime?

All these questions, it seems to me, are answered by the term "Reincarnation," if one accepts the premise of Reincarnation,  and the Law of Karma, which is, naturally based on the Law of Karma... which is largely ignored or discounted in the West, and yet, the rest of the world lives their lives based on the Law of Karma.

I hesitate to suggest a certain level of ignorance on the part of people in the West, but that seems to be present. In watching and listening to preachers, ministers, and others on television speak about religion, or the Bible, one cannot help but notice that the terms Karma, Reincarnation, and the Purpose of Life seem to be missing in what they are saying?  And, if a person only needs to act nice, and ask for forgiveness just before one dies, then that person will go to heaven and live there forever seems to be the gist of what people are saying on television.

Somehow, this message has always seemed a bit simplistic to me; that is, the idea that what one needs to say is:  "Jesus, forgive me my sins!", and one is fully forgiven by simply saying these words?  And then what, one goes to Heaven instead of Hell?  And one then stays there forever?  If this is the case, how is it that we don't know a great deal more about what Heaven is?  That is, as many people as have died in just my lifetime of 86 years, Heaven must be getting really crowded?  And the same goes for Hell as well.

I personally tend to believe in what people from the East are saying, and that the Law of Karma applies to every Soul on Earth.  And that the Law of Karma also controls who goes to heaven or to hell, and neither of these places are forever.  In other words, I do not believe that God went to the trouble of creating "Life," and then  would simply give Souls one choice for experiencing the entire Creation.   That is, a Soul that became a  criminal  then spends eternity in some lake of fire at the time of death.  With no chance for redemption?  Seems most unlikely to me, given that Mystics tell us continually that God is a God of Peace, Forgiveness, Tolerance, and Love.  One mistake equals eternity in Hell... sorry, don't buy it.

So, if you know someone who is filled with hate... have you noticed that he or she is a miserable person?  Hate is an emotion "Within" oneself.  It is not like a wrapper of a candy bar, and one gives that wrapper to someone... and in the wrapper you have put a substance called Hate.  If you hate, the emotion of hate is coming from you, and that bit of hate is from "Within" your own I-MIND [your own emotional content], that you are projecting it at some person, place or thing outside of yourself.  The origin of the Hate is from "Within" you, in other words.  This is no doubt a difficult reality to accept... but it is the only reality that applies.

Otherwise, you are investing some person with the ability to mysteriously place a body of Hateful emotion inside of you.  Sorry, that is not possible.  If you hate someone or some thing, that "Hateful emotion" is entirely "Within" you.  To be an honest person, a person really needs to "own" one's own emotions.

To blame one's own emotion on some other person... is to give that person an ability to mysteriously place that bit of Hate inside of you... and this is simply a denial of one's own emotions. It's a basic  bit of dishonesty.

Therefore, if you want God to forgive you, you must ask God for forgiveness.  And do not be a hypocrite about it.   Honestly ask for forgiveness, from your heart, and be willing to "pay" a "price" for that forgiveness.  The "price" is a bit of Karma, wherein you receive something of what you caused another to experience yourself. And that "price" is your "lesson" so that you resist doing the same thing again.  And this is not only "fair," it is also just. It is also "educational" and also serves the Purpose of Life.

That is what I have learned from "Within" myself over the last 86 years.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Thursday, February 3, 2022

In my writing, what does the symbol "Within" mean?

  A number of years ago, I realized what the phrase "God is within Man" means, and when I  realized what this phrase means, it occurred to me that I needed a way to explain a very important element regarding the phrase "God is within Man".

Saying that God is within Man is like saying that Man has a Soul.  Yes, Man does have a Soul, however... if you cut Man open and search for the Soul that is said to exist within Man, you will not find a Soul.  How come?  Because the  Soul does exist in Man,  however the Soul consists of an Energy that is entirely separate from the physical body of Man. 

In other words, God does exist inside of Man, but the Energy of God is entirely Invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man!  So, although God exists "Within" Man [or more specifically,  God exists "simultaneously with" Man].  Look at the sketch, and it is an attempt to visually suggest what I am saying:

#1 is the physical body with a brain, and it is quite physical.  However, #4 is Pure Spiritual Energy (or what I refer to as Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy) and NSgy is Invisible to everything except one's Soul, or an aspect of one's Soul, like Intuition. So, yes God is hidden "Within" Man, and is Invisible.

 And a strange aspect of this is that although elements of the Spiritual Realm can and do exist "Within" Man, these elements are not part of the Creation. Let's look at another sketch:  

The Creation exists "Within" Existence, however the whole of existence is much greater than Creation, which consists of the Causal Region, the Astral Region, and the Physical Universe... which includes the Earth.  But the Creation is but a small part of the Whole of Existence... which we  refer to as God.

Therefore, when I designate something as being "Within" Man, I am always referring to the fact that what is designated as "Within" Man does exists inside of Man, but if it is  designated by the symbol "Within"... this means that what I am referring to is in Man, but it is also part of the Pure Spiritual Realm.  This refers to elements like Truth, Consciousness, Reality, Spirituality, Soul, Spirit, Intuition, Conscious Awareness, and of course God.  Elements of Reality or Spirituality can exist wherever they want to exist... and wherever they exist, they are Invisible to the physical dimension of Man.

The Energy of God is entirely Invisible to the brain and physical senses of Man, and therefore... I needed a way to simply and readily indicate this absolute separation between that which is Spiritual [Reality], and that which is physical [Illusion].

"Within" refers to that which is Spiritual or Invisible to all of Man except the Soul. As one awakens one's Soul, one also awakens one's faculty of Intuition, which can see all dimensions of existence.

Peace, 1 Brother James

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


 If this title does not catch your attention, then nothing I will write is likely to do so!

In the East, the Title I have just written refers to a phenomenon called "Awagawan," which means "coming and going"; and refers to the age-long cycles of births and deaths; transmigration and reincarnation that every Soul [regardless of the life-form a Soul may currently be inhabiting] continues to experience, lifetime after lifetime.

Another name for Awagawan  is "Chaurasi," which is defined as "Eighty-four," which refers to the "wheel of eight-four" [which refers to 8,400,000 different species into which the Soul may have to incarnate].  And this is common knowledge in most Eastern nations.  Well, about half the world is taught this as children as a part of the Reality of Life.  We in the West are not taught the whole Truth about the Esoteric nature of Spirituality due, I believe, to the influence of Christianity... which I believe substantially changed what the original scriptures of the Bible contained around the Fifth Century.   And this was done by several Catholic Popes, who were part of the church for fame, glory, and power... and not due to the Spiritual nature of their Souls.

The Reality of Life... is really quite different than what we in the West have been told, have been taught., or would guess... based on an intellectual interpretation of the Bible... which omits about three-quarters of the Reality of Life.

Who in the West would imagine, for instance,  that the Souls on the Earth today are the same Souls that first entered the Creation when it was first Created...  an estimate of which suggests a time  about 4.3 million years ago.  That's a very long time to be "visiting" the Creation, is it not?

Just in passing, so to speak... were you aware that a carrot has a Soul, just like your Soul... except less evolved?  Most people in the West are not aware of this fact of Life.

As regarding the topic of how one "escapes the Creation"...  That is a truly fascinating story, but not the story that Christians have been taught.  So, when the title of this blog suggests an explanation of how we can "escape" the Creation, I am speaking of material that is virtually unknown to most people in the West.

And when the Truth is Invisible to the brain, how does one think one's way to the Truth?

Requiring the loss of virtually all of oneself that the world holds as important, retaining only the most important element "Within" oneself, which is what one has   been seeking since entering the Creation.  Within Man lies Truth, which is also known as Reality... by Mystics.

The mystery rests in discovering that which is hidden in everything one can't imagine... since Man's Search is always in the wrong direction using a brain that is confined to the Physical Universe... the lowest level of Creation.

Peace, 1 Brother James  2, 2, 22  Isn't that interesting?  I should probably wait until 2:22 pm to publish... ha, ha, ha

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Difference Between Information and Knowledge...

Anyone can possess information as an abstract reference to something one's brain is exposed to.  And the person need not possess any actual experience of the thing one possesses information about, but can imagine one knows something because one's brain possesses the label, or name of something.  So, information is what one's brain can think about... even if one has never actually experienced what one thinks one knows.  So, information is quite often incorrect.

Knowledge, on the other hand, is what one KNOWS to be true because one has actually experienced what one Knows. 

Another difference between  information about something verses  Knowledge of something is that Knowledge of something means one actually experienced the reality of what one Knows to be true.   Whereas information about something need not be true at all.  

A bit of information that is True is when people say that Truth does not exist on the physical plane of existence.  This statement is True, although it cannot be proven to be True, simply because over a great expanse of time,  no one has demonstrated that Truth cannot be found on the Physical plane of existence.   But let us take a moment and define the term truth, using a [capital "T"] for "Truth"... as opposed to just true.

Truth is an absolute, which means that it never changes, and it is therefore always the same.  Death of the physical body is thought to be true.  However, is the physical body itself an example of Truth, since it both changes over time, and it dies?  So to say that the human body is an example of Truth of existence would not be True, because the human body dies... whereas Truth is permanent, and never changes. 

Therefore, what is True about a human being is that while that human being remains alive...  it is the Soul "Within" that human being  that gives that human being life.  Although this bit of Truth has not been proven... it is nonetheless True.

Do give some thought to this issue, because when one can accept the principle of the Soul being a bit of Truth, a number of other possibilities begin to manifest themselves to oneself.  And one begins to actively search for Truth by means other than one's brain and thinking. 

Peace, 1 Brother James