Thursday, January 27, 2022

CAN AN OLD DOG "LEARN" NEW TRICKS ? This old dog did...

 Let us begin this new blog with a new direction as we consider what I believe is a most interesting question?  Can Truth be taught?  

And, the reason I ask this question is that  Mystics tell us that the Truth does not exist on the physical plane.  My question is therefore this... how can all the teachers in all the colleges and universities be "teaching" Truth... [capital "T" Truth]?  If Truth does not exist on the physical plane of existence?  The answer therefore would seem to be that no, instructors, teachers and professors are not teaching Truth, but  are in fact teaching "opinion- based information regarding "relative-truth"... and relative-truth  is continually changing... but somehow it never seems to  morph into Truth?

So, my question remains:  "Can Truth be taught" ?  And, if it cannot be taught, then how does one acquire it?  We will address that question soon.

What we have been told over many ages is that  "The Truth shall set you free".  And my next question is ...  "free" from what ?  Free from life?  Is that desirable, or even possible, other than by death?  My next question would  be what happens when one dies?  If one pursues every "silly" question posed by many children... one is faced with a number of questions for which most adults have no answers.

Is it not reasonable to ask the reason education does not address some of the unanswered questions we have as children?  Why has this not been done?

If my child asked me what happens at the time of death, I can answer my child... how about you? 

If Truth does not exist on the physical plane, where then does it exist?  And the answer is... Truth exists "Within" each human being.  Just like many religions say that God exists "Within" every Soul.  This Invisible existence is referred to in Christianity as "Spirit," and in Hindi it is called "Shabd,' which means "Sound current," which is similar to the term "Word" in the Bible.  All these terms refer to the Spiritual Core existing "Within" every living thing, and this Consciousness is also referred to as "Truth" by many Mystics.

So, can Truth be taught?  No, but it can be awakened to from "Within" oneself by use of one's faculty of Intuition... if, one's Soul has acquired a particular bit of Truth by Completing a particular bit of Karma.  But this will be a discussion for a future blog.

To the question:  Can an old dog learn new tricks... the answer is yes.  Just like little children can receive proper answers to their questions... from parents who possess the answers hidden as bits of Truth from "Within" themselves.  The key is to unlock those bits of Truth... and that is the topic of the next blog.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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