Friday, January 28, 2022

THINKING...[the brain] it's PROBLEMS, limitations, and it is not your INVISIBLE MIND...

 In your experience with education, how many teachers STRESSED the fact that your brain is NOT YOUR MIND?  For that matter, how many teachers  realized that your brain  is not the MIND? ...

Your brain is a physical muscle located in your physical skull, while your "I-MIND" is composed of two invisible energy bodies... one of which is the Lower MIND, and the other is the Higher MIND.  Note sketch:

#1 is your physical body, which includes your brain.  #2, and #3 are both Invisible to your brain.  And this is true, whether you can find your I-MIND or not. My use of "I" in "I-MIND" is to emphasize the fact that your MIND is Invisible to your brain.


That is, the "I" stands for the fact that your I-MIND is Invisible to your brain.  Why would teachers not tell us that our I-MIND is Invisible to us?  The reason is most likely due to a combination of  ignorance, embarrassment,  and pride [which is a combination of ego and fear of the unknown].  That is, your I-MIND is quite aware of the fact that should you become aware that your I-MIND is fully independent of your brain... that you would want to know what your I-MIND is, and why it controls your brain, and the reason it seeks to control your thinking? 

That "why" is simply part of the over-all plan of Creation, by the way.

The bottom-line reason is that your I-MIND is in charge of all your Karma [there are three types of Karma]...1. Pralabdh, or fate karma, 2.   Sinchit, or reserve karma, and 3. Kriyaman, or 'daily karma'... which is what we are creating from day to day in this life.    And this is from the book:  The Path of the Masters, noted below. What we bring into this life is our Fate Karma for this lifetime.  By the way, your I-MIND is the same I-MIND you have had since first entering the Creation.  Eons ago.

 ___If the reader has an interest in the MIND [or what I refer to as I-MIND], I highly recommend the book:  The Path of the Masters, by Julian Johnson, and this book can be found in many libraries.  This is perhaps the most complete book in English regarding Eastern Mysticism... written expressly for the West by a an American doctor.

So, your I-MIND has a vested interest in you remaining unaware of both your I-MIND and the fact that it subtly 'controls' your thinking by feeding what I refer to as "Delusional Thinking" [or "D-Think"] to the Left-Hemisphere of your brain.  Have you ever asked yourself where your thoughts come from?  Well, they come from your I-MIND which is in charge of your Fate Karma for this lifetime.

"This lifetime"?  Yes, your Soul has as many lifetimes in the physical plane as it needs to fulfill the "Purpose of Life,"  which is determined by God, and is operated by your I-MIND in cooperation with the Law of Karma, designed by God.  This concept, based on the principal of Reincarnation, is a concept  many people have difficulty with, primarily because Western thought is largely based on the teaching of the Bible, written by Man, and heavily contributed to [altered?] by the Popes of the Fifth Century.  Why does it matter if the Bible was written by Man, and not Christ?  Because Christ was Enlightened...  and not all of his disciples were fully  God-Realized.  That is, to "see" the unknown, one's Soul must become Enlightened to the Truth hidden "Within" one's Soul.

However... whatever beliefs a person has are those he or she must deal with today... regardless how near or far from the Truth they may be?  The one thing most of us can hopefully agree on is that Life is strange, and quite difficult for all of us to deal with at various times.

Peace, 1 Brother James



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