Saturday, January 22, 2022


You might think this is a trick question?

And it is... in a way.

Let us begin with the end of the Title of this blog, which is the term Soul!

Do you know anyone who knows what the Soul is?  I mean,  seriously!  Who do you know who KNOWS what the Soul is?

Could this lack of knowledge be due to the fact that no one has experienced his or her own Soul?

Fact #1:  Your Soul is an aspect of the Primordial Energy of Existence, which we refer to as God.  Mystics tell us that every living thing has a Soul.  And that it is the Soul of a living entity that provides that entity life.

But, does the phrase "a living entity that provides that entity life" tell us very much about the Soul?   In the previous blog, I suggested that the Soul is an Invisible part of oneself.  Does the term Invisible mean non-existing, or does it mean existing at a level or vibration that our physical senses cannot perceive?  If Invisible means existing, but at a level our physical senses cannot perceive, what else about oneself is existing at a level or vibration that one cannot perceive using one's physical senses?  How about one's MIND, or Truth, or one's "Self"?

Final question:   If one's Soul is Invisible to oneself, and one's Soul has a Home... However one has no idea what one's Soul is... what is it one is lookout for by way of where one's Soul came from?  Or is this question more involved that what the brain can figure out?   It just seems like we keep running into the same problems over and over again.  Which comes first, discovering one's own Soul, or finding the Home of the Soul?  Or is the answer to either question the same answer?

Almost seems like one must begin with a belief in God, before we begin a search for the Home of the Soul?  Both seem to be Invisible to one's brain.

Is this where Intuition comes into play?

Peace, 1 Brother James 

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