Thursday, January 20, 2022

RELIGION VS SPIRITUALIY...What's the difference?

 The difference between Spirituality and religion is the same exact difference as between Reality and Illusion.  That is, Spirituality deals with Reality, while religion deals with the Illusion.  But, you may ask... how does one know what is Real, as opposed to that which is part of an illusion?   Well, that which is Real is permanent, and it does not change... ever.

We have relative truth, and we have Absolute Truth.  What's the difference?

Relative truth changes, and Absolute Truth is an absolute and never changes... and we don't have to worry about Truth... since Mystics tell us that Truth does not exist on the physical plane of existence.  If Truth does not exist on the physical plane, how then does anyone "Know" if Truth actually exists?  How does one know if what one believes to be true is true or not?  Again, if what you believe to be  True does not apply to every situation to which you apply it... then it is  either not the Truth, or... your understanding of Reality is lacking in some respects?

A simple test for Truth is this:  If what you think is Truth is not always applicable to  every situation,  then what you think is true is either not the Truth, or your lacking in your understanding of Reality?  Because the essential definition of Truth is that is is an absolute and it is always True in every situation.

Finally, at least to put an end to the question of Reality or Truth...  If what you believe to be the Truth is always True, then it is the Truth. On the other hand, if what you believe to be Truth does not "fit" certain things, then what you have is relative truth, which is part of the Illusion of life.

The person who believes in God is not necessarily a person who KNOWS that God is Real, and  may simply be someone who believes in God ... since we cannot prove that God does not exist.   Such a belief is an "intellectual" belief.  It is the really rare person who believes in God because God is Real, and that person has access to Truth from "Within" him or herself which convinces him or her of his or her Truth. 

I use the "Within" label to indicate that the only source for something that is TRUE can only be found  "Within" a person... via his or her faculty of "Intuition".   In other words, Truth Only exists "Within" a person... and  is Invisible to one's brain and physical senses.  And one's faculty of Intuition is a part of one's Soul, or what the term Consciousness refers to. Check out the sketch...

 The brain is directed by the MIND, and is unaware of the Spiritual dimension of oneself, and is confined to the physical dimension.  Intuition is unique in that it can perceive all dimensions of Man, and it is an aspect of one's Soul.  Attention is an aspect of one's Soul, and out of habit... tends to operation from one's brain.

The difference between religion and Spirituality?  Religion is of the brain, orchestrated by the MIND, and is purely intellectual [the brain].  On the other hand, Spirituality is an aspect of one's Consciousness, operating as an aspect of one's Soul, based on the level of one's Consciousness, and is KNOWN by one's faculty of Intuition.  Intuition might be thought of as one's level of Enlightenment.  As one's Soul acquires Consciousness [by Completing bits of Karma], this is converted into Knowledge, and this Knowledge is available to one via one's 'Conscious Awareness' or what Philosophy refers to as the "Self".  And one's level of Knowledge is known as Enlightenment... which enables one's faculty of Intuition.

So, does Truth actually exist on this physical plane? Well, it more resides "Within" a person whose level of Enlightenment is sufficient to provide that person with an active faculty of Intuition.  Enlightenment is a great deal more important than what we in the West imagine it to be.

Peace, 1 Brother James

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