Saturday, January 29, 2022


In addressing the Invisible MIND of Man, or the "I-MIND"... which is my designation for the Invisible MIND of Man,  we must consider a number of important things.  Perhaps the most important thing to consider is the fact that the MIND is Invisible to the brain, and thus, it cannot be controlled by what one thinks! This also means the I-MIND operates independent of one's brain, and thus, independent of the "control" of one's thinking.  Take a moment to reflect upon this situation!  The I-MIND is almost an independent operation of oneself, and this means that once a habit is established by one's I-MIND, there is nothing one's brain can do to interfere in this habit.  Remember that the brain is on the lowest rung of the four parts of Man.

The brain and thinking is limited to #1, which is the strictly physical part of Man.  So, the brain cannot "order" the I-MIND to do anything.  And this makes the situation regarding a negative habit much more difficult to deal with.  But we are just beginning to consider the problem of the I-MIND and how it has such power at its disposal.  There is hope ahead... hang on.

In his book, The Path of the Masters, Julian Johnson speaks of the MIND, which he emphasizes as making use of the five "passions" of Man in this way: 

Dr. Johnson lists the five passions as Kam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, and Ahankar: Kam refers to "lust," Krodh refers to to "anger," Lobh refers to "greed,' Moh refers to "attachment," and Ahankar refers to "vanity".  We will discuss these as we move through this exploration of the I-MIND of Man.

Another point Dr. Johnson, along with virtually all Mystics  speak to is that the I-MIND  loves excitement, chaos, and enjoyment...  in other words, the I-MIND enjoys experiencing the physical and tangible aspects of the human body...  And I quote from Dr. Johnson: "Kam pulls men and women down to the common animal level and keeps them there." And I must add... this is irrespective of whether a habit is detrimental to oneself or not?  Once some habit is established that provides the I-MIND what it enjoys, it is then very difficult to change the habit the I-MIND has established.  And remember... the I-MIND is invisible to us, how does one deal with an enemy that is Invisible to oneself?  And too... your I-MIND is not concerned with whether or not one dies, since your I-MIND is attached to your Soul for as long as your Soul remains in the Creation.  This means that your I-MIND just as immortal as your Soul is.  And when your Soul reincarnates, your I-MIND incarnates with your Soul.

What justification does the I-MIND use to engage one is some negative behavior? Let me quote Dr. Johnson once again:  " Kam, or 'lust', is a normal function, but when allowed to run into an abnormal demand, it becomes destructive, degrading. In its broader meaning kam includes all desires.  It may include drug, alcohol, drinks, tobacco, or even tasty foods which are eaten simply for the sake of enjoying their tastes - any sort of appetite which seeks indulgence for the sake of enjoying a pleasant sensation." 

The point here is clear, is it not?  Temptation is virtually found in almost every thing in life.  Is the only "choice" one has dependent upon experience?

For the first blog of this series, perhaps this blog is more negative than positive ?  But my point is that it is much more difficult to avoid being "used" by one's I-MIND than most of us would or could imagine.  In the next blog, I will try and weave the Law of Karma into how the I-MIND operates... as an aspect of how it justifies its actions.

Peace, 1 Brother James 

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